I KNOW some of you can use this coupon!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Printable coupons to save $6.50 on Woodbridge wines.

Urbanna, VA

Thanks, Hart!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You're welcome. Where's the rest of the MAG winos? LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL - ahhh Southern Comfort is still my drink of choice - on those rare occasions I get to partake any more.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Who is it who likes the wine? Critter? Wrightie? I know Gita drinks that killer homebrew from Latvia that puts hair on your chest after one sip. LOL

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I do! I do!!!!!!

Gotta go look at that coupon now. Thanks! =)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Got in the site but still searching for coupon~~~~

Shenandoah Valley, VA

May have been taken down. Often they're only there for a few days.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Diane - OT sent you an email

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Ahem--a few corrections, if you don't mind.....I have NO hair on my chest!!!! AND---
Just because I brought that "moonshine" that the LITHUANIANS brew (Viryta)--NOT the Latvians---does nor mean I drink it.....MY GOD! It is sinfully good--but it is also 80 or 90 proof!!!! If I could sip a shot of it--it would take me about 20 minutes to do so!
The Lithuanians just do "shots" of this stuff! I don't know how they stand up after a day of this???? Must be a genetic thing!

I have "connections" and can get it for a steep price from the Guy who mixes it.....
I say "Mixes it"--as he has these Lithuanian ladies cooking up the syrup part that makes this drink so special. All the herbs and spices and the honey and whatever else goes int it-----Then he pays them for it--and "mixes" it with that pure, 99% alcohol you can buy at liquor stores (Everclear).....
Yummm! It is sinful--but you take a sip of it and you will be aware of the anatomy of your innards----as the "HEAT" descends.....down your Esophagus----into your Stomach---and then just ooozes all around in there--and you get this warm feeling....................and then you want some more! NO pain! Just gain!

In my mundane, daily life--I do enjoy Franzia (cheap) Box Wine (White Grenache) and partake of it over piles of ice cubes.....I cannot drink any wine unless it is over ice cubes!
So much for the fancy-schmancy wines!!!! I will still say---"OH! Can I have some ice cubes, please?".....and then have to deal with all the dirty looks from the servers!!!

BTW, hart--I could not find anywhere that there was a coupon to print out in the link you provided........I sure would love to have that one!!!! HELP!!!!!

Chhers--to you all!!! hic.....Gita

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think they took the coupon down, Gita. I'll keep an eye out for any others.

BTW, likker (that's likker, not liquor LOL) putting hair on your chest is a southern expression meaning it has a real kick. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita - personally I loved that stuff you brought...and I'm sure it did put "hair on my chest." (harts right that's an old saying not to be taken literally) LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, you guys!!! I KNOW that!.....The "hair on the chest" saying.....and hundreds more!
I did not grow up in the closet, somewhere.....

I think I had more that the average exposure to "life"......ahem.......with all it's ups and downs and trials and tribulations.....as I assimilated the "American Culture" and ways....So much to learn and accept....SO much to sort out and to know what to keep--and what to let go.....
I believe one gets a much "deeper" understanding of a culture if one comes here from another culture and has to learn all about the new one.....It can be EXTREMELY difficult!

Everyone has to be a bit more accepting of those that are still in the "learning process" and not judge them so harshly....It can take years!!!! This spells "prejudice"...

Those that just have grown up with it--really do not have anything else to compare it to....right? It is--what it is! NOT like--hey! Mine is THIS--but I can learn all about this other one..and it can become MINE too--BUT...deep down, I still "belong" to my original one....and I will save and cherish all that is dear to me from my Homeland....

I truly dislike the attitude Americans have towards all the immigrants nowadays, because--I was one of them long, long ago......and when I hear criticism of it--it reminds me of all the "stuff" I had to put up with in my early years in America as I muddled through learning the language and all the customs and life-styles....It was quite hurtful--sometimes...
Like being in High School and not having a grasp on the language yet--being poor and wearing nothing but hand-me-downs....OH! All those glances ans whispers.....

AND--PLEASE!!!! Nobody start apologizing about saying this or that!!!! I am NOT that thin-skinned! NO offense taken--honestly! Believe me!!!!


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Methinks that this silly written venue can make it difficult to read a person's intent in their words. It's hard to tell when someone is speaking tongue-in-cheek. Those silly smiley faces can go a long way, eh? =) :>o

Gita, while I grew up in the US, I lived in a few countries with drastically different cultures and languages, where I did not arrive there knowing the language. I completely understand your frustration with common attitudes in the US and you are not alone in feeling that way, I assure you.

Now, how can I get some hair on my chest?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Take huge doses of Testosterone? ...;)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

drat ... I was hoping for a swig of homebrew!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I just have this to say - prejudice involves making sweeping assumptions about whole groups of people. Implying that all or most Americans, nearly all of whom are descendants of immigrants, are prejudiced, even if you experienced what you thought was prejudice from some Americans, is a form of prejudice.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I stand corrected in my "sweeping assumption" of what i said about Americans.
It is the years of hurt coming through.....having been on the receiving end.....


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