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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Like they say the beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I have always thought that if it pleased my eye, then it is right! Don't take their comments too much to heart just make them appealing to your taste, nobody likes everything all the time so one of them has to be wrong!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Gwen, Well done on your written exam. Glad you've gotten over feeling miserable about it. LOL!
It is disapointing when you think you've done it right and annoying when the tutors are not consistant!!!

Happy Arranging!!! what are you doing next?

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Right now my life is consumed with getting ready for the farmer's markets to open. We start the first weekend in May. I'll have 2 booths. One for container plants and cut flowers and the other I'm doing with a friend and serving hot food. So we're busy testing recipes, purchasing supplies, etc. We're calling our little business Sassy Tarts. LOL

Today I'm off to a master gardener workshop in Mt Vernon on Growing your Own Garden Inexpensively. While I'm gone, there will be someone here working on my garden. I've already flunked the inexpensively part. Sigh.

I couldn't get it under control and it needed heavy equipment to come in, so I caved and just hired out to get the whole thing done. I've spent hours and hours for a year now planning out the beds. I wanted the potager/parterre look. It's just over 1000 square feet, so quite large.

Today they are weeding all around the perimeter (about a 3.5-4 foot bunny-proof fence) as the tractor couldn't get that close. Then hopefully also today they'll stake and string according to the 'plan' I've given them. Tomorrow I will bring in the dirt and we'll fill in the beds. I'm still deciding between cow manure, chicken manure, and mushroom compost. Also still deciding how high to pile it. One friend who grows for the market said 12 inches. Another friend who is putting in a HUGE CSA garden right now said she did 2 inches and felt 1 inch would be sufficient. She's going to phone me today to discuss so I can make my decision.

So then after the MG workshop, there is a food show in the same town (how fortuitous!) that is being put on by a food distributor. I recently discovered that my son's girlfriend's father is the island rep for this food distributor, so I contacted him (we have never met) to see if I could buy from him for our 'catering' part of the biz and it looks like something good will work out from that. This food show just happened to be going on on the same date and location as the MG workshop, so I grabbed my catering partner and said she needed to attend the MG workshop (she also loves to garden so was happy to do so) so that we could hit both.

So that's my day and then I'll come home and watch American Idol, which I have not seen yet this season due to flower class on Tuesday nights. It was so odd to be home last night! Kinda liked it.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Whew, I got exhausted just reading your post gwen LOL! You are one busy gal. How do you manage and where do you get all that energy? Good for you!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Gwen, What cut flowers will you have on your stall? Sounds like a lot of hard wok but also great fun!
Would Sassy Tarts consider donating goodies to the Flowerpot cafe' from time to time? LOL!
Good luck with all the preparations and keep us updated mate!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I'll be selling whatever is in the garden. I was just out looking to see what would be ready for May 2nd and I'll have tulips, lily of the valley, japonica to use for greens with their little white bell flowers, possibly still some daffodils, and it looks like bleeding heart is almost ready to bloom. I have helebores too. So I'll have to figure out something with those.

I now have 3 prom orders and one small wedding!

We'll be happy to donate goodies...I'm off to the store in a bit for ingredients to practice paella, asparagus risotto, cookies, and also stuff to make a birthday cake for my oldest son's birthday. He'll be 21 and I'm heading down to Portland for Saturday night and Sunday to celebrate with him. All his friends had to go to a retreat this weekend and left him all alone. poor baby

london England, United Kingdom

Ohhhh Gwen the asparagus risotto sounds delicious! I'm vegetarian, don't eat fish or meat so Thank you for catering for us!!! Happy 21st to your baby boy . LOL! Have a lovely weeked.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Congrats to the birthday boy. You must be quite an adventurous cook, not sure I can pronounce those dishes LOL! No fish or meat? Gotta have my meat and taters Terri.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Gwen!!!
How's it going?? What are you up to??? Are you still doing your flower class?
Happy gardening!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I've been just swamped with the market and all. It has not turned out the way I envisioned so some changes will be made this week, I hope More on that later.

I did prom corsages and bout and it was great fun. I'll post pics in another thread soon. They're still all on the camera. This is my first visit to DG in ages and now I have to run out again - getting the tire fixed, then looking at chickens, then library board meetings, back to hopefully work in the yard a bit, if it stops raining, then my shift at the movie theater tonight. I'm so looking forward to seeing Sunshine Cleaning!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You sound swamped, don't forget to take a moment to relax when you can!

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