Eastern Redbud seed available

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

I have 13 packets of 10 seeds. Washed, no floaters.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Wormfood, the foliage and flowers on this tree are so pretty. I'm interested in some seeds just one packet. I can send postage to you. Just in case there's isn't anything on my tradelist that you want or that works in your climate.


Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

You got it, but I'll just send them, it's no big deal to me. You still at the same address?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Just of interest how do you have seeds for that now??? The ones around here are just putting out flowers and I think last year I collected some seeds around July.

Just wondering?

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Wormfood, yes, same address. Thanks

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

wormfood, Thanks so much for the offer. I would love a pack of seed. Are you interested in a trade or just postage. Thanks so much!


Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

CoreHHI, I collected the pods as I found them, usually on the ground, and just stuck them in my box to stay dry. In January I opened the pods, washed the seeds, disposed of the floaters,dried them again and stuck them in little packets and labeled them and put in my veggy bin in frig, where they sit today. I planted a handful and they are coming up. I had to apply bottom heat.

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

American Persimmon
Diospyros virginiana
You have seeds now? I'd like to try that again. The persimmon I bought from the store didn't have any seeds. Is there a special way to plant the seeds?
And if you're in the exchange, I'll get the seeds out today.

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

Nancy, so sorry! I just traded the last of them to a nice lady in the Netherlands. The store bought persimmons are graft I believe of the American persimmon and the Japenese. I don't believe the japanese can survive here without beaing grafted due to the nematoids. (Don't quote me!!) lol I have some other tree seed if you are looking for trees and lots of veggie and flower seed also. Just Dmail me and let me know what you would like most and I will let you know what I have, none of them are listed. Thanks


Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Sedum lineare 'Variegatum' ?

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

Works for me!

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

great, that's a nice little plant, had one but the spider mites got it.
Now I got the mites. DEAD

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL, they can be very pesky!! Are you in the exchange?

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

yes, but I'll check again,

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

if you end up having some extra seed do you think you could send a little extra. I was to line my driveway with them and could always use some backup. lol If not I totally understand. Thanks again

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

yes, I have too many.

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

Well thanks alot, I appreciate it!

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Any time, how long is your driveway?

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL, to long. HAHA. This will just be a start. It is about 400 Feet. How and when did you collect the seeds. I have seen them in the woods in certain areas, I should got collect some more.

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Ya, I was thinking of throwing some seeds here and there. Our forests of pine/oak/palm needs some color. Once in a while I see a Carolina Plum all bloomed out in white.
So if I send 5 packs of 10 seeds, that will be 40 trees at 10ft apart, plus extra in case of unknown disaster. Do you want that many or am I going overboard?
I'm growing some for bonsai. And I'll have 7 packs left for other people or myself. It's getting that time around here to plant or wait 'til next spring.

And the seeds are good. I've got some growing now. the thread above states how I did it. Maybe I should have put them in the frig sooner. trust me, the seeds are beautiful.

This message was edited Mar 15, 2009 10:28 AM

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh that would be great. If you can spare it I would love them!!! Shall we call it a trade?

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Yep, done deal

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

Good deal, have that out tomorrow!!

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

After I receive and plant a few Redbud seeds, I'll be able to forward extras to someone that hasn't received any.

Let me know,

Carrollton, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi wormfood! Do you have any redbud seeds left? I would love some color and screening and I think they would do the trick! Thanks for letting me know-


Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Ok, up above, go to HOME, then go to EXTRAS, then it's the 3rd or 4th line down, ADDRESS EXCHANGE. I'll get it in the mail tomorrow.

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

6 packets left...

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Kristin4smiley, you were in my outbox. I mean your envelope was in my outbox and no one took it to the mailbox. It got sent today. and I put in some seed that I know will grow good up there, that will be less that I kill here in the heat of florida. It's a suprise.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'd love to try growing these from seed. I have one in the backyard, but I've never seen pods on it. Of course, it's pretty young. Let me know if I have anything you'd like to trade for!

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)


Yarrow would be cool. Yes?

When I was up in S. Carolina there was a small bush growing wild mostly in sandy areas, it was march or april last year, and they were full of little flowers like a blueberry bush would have. I tried to get a couple of pieces with roots but they didn't survive. Do you know what that plant is? I wasn't very tall, maybe a very slow grower too.

This message was edited Mar 27, 2009 6:05 PM

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

We're on the western side of the state, with wonderful, brick-like clay. Sorry, not familiar with your little shrub.

I can definitely spare some yarrow though :) You have a dmail.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

If you have any of the seeds left I would love to try some, just let me know what I need to do. Thanks Susan

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

hi Susan,

When I clicked on your name I noticed you don't have any trades. I'm assuming you are new to all this.

When you have a file open, on one of the plants that you have in your yard, find out how to save the seeds from it or clippings or babies of it that you'd like to share with other people. In that file (ex: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/217 ) way, way down on the bottom of the page are trading tools. Make a list of plants you want and a list of plants you have by clicking on the line in the Trading tools area.

Then when you are ready to trade, you put your address in the address exchange, which is up above, click on 'HOME', then click on 'extras', then about 4 lines down is address exchange. You can put it in there, where the general, non-member public, can not see it. Or I noticed with some people, they don't want to put their address in there so they just write it out with each trade and D-mail that individual with the info. Which is when you click on their name it will take you to their member page, and then click on 'send D-mail'

If you're confused, it took me about a year to figure it out. Now I'm sending you a D-mail, only you can see your page that you are on, up above click on 'mail'

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Thanks, I'm in the address exchange. I just don't have much of anything I can trade. My yard is in the very young stages. I could go out in the pasture and get some yucca seeds after they bloom and go to seed and I have golden rod seeds that I would glady send if anyone wanted them, they are considered a noxious weed in this part of the country. I some times have iris when the iris club digs. I take all the ones the ladies think are to small or don't have names I cant stand by when they are wanting to throw them away. Thats what most of my iris are and this is the first year they are coming up. I have bad ground and bad water so its a long hard haul getting anything to grow here I've found that getting seeds and starting them in pots for a year gets the best results of having anything that comes back year after year. Susan

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

4 packs left

Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

How bout some cuttings from my golden weeping willow for a trade?

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

sure! Are you in the address exchange?

How many do you want? Do you consider yourself zone 7 being on the water? Check if it will survive up there.

This message was edited Apr 4, 2009 8:14 PM

This message was edited Apr 4, 2009 8:25 PM

Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes, I should be in the address exchange. How about a pk. of redbud seeds and some cuttings of beefsteak plant. How many cuttings do you want?

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Margaret,
3 strands should be good, cut off the tips of what you send me because they die anyway. I'll root them in my little waterfall. Wrap their bottoms in wet paper towel and then a baggy so it stays wet. I've got plenty of Beefsteak Magilla perilla. I'm gonna have to write all this down, I can't figure out the trade tracker and I'm screwing up. Forgetting things.
It will be in the mail tomorrow.

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

sent off the package today Margaret

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