Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #32

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

"Not enough shade for shade lovers and not enough sun for sun lovers lol"

I hear you Meredith! They say I ,that if the plants get 6 hrs. of afternoon sun then you can plant full sun plants there but I don't think it works. Is that what it is I think so.

I haven't planted the daylilies there yet but I have the Stellas by the walk already.

I had those black gnats in the kitchen so bad last year and I had some white vinegar sitting on the counter for a couple of days soaking a water ring and all the gnats drowned in there before I knew it I wondered where they went lol

I planted some catmint walker's low in my middle bed last year but it didn't flop, it's coming up now too :) That's going to be a nice plant.

Neal, you've done better than me with WS, I've gotten four jugs done :(

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow, I got a lot of catching up to do. I am so far behind. Went to my first mini RU this weekend, and brought home about as many plants as I took. LOL! Got to get them planted while weather is warm.
I'll take photos. Got to get more seed started too.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Thanks LeBug for the Datura seeds. They arrived today.
I did a stupid thing yesterday. I W/S about 10 containers yesterday, and sprayed them with what I thought was my mixture of Superthrive and water. Well.....DH had put a spray bottle on my potting bench and when I used it, I thought it smelled different, but used it anyway.. It was a degreaser solution. Hope the little seeds didn't mind getting bathed.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Your welcome Lynn, now what was your DH thinking putting something that didn't go on your potting bench, must have been the closest place :) I hope you figured it out pretty quick!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Here are a few shots of my newest project....

in this one... the photos are before and after.... i worked for about 2.5 hrs....
when i first saw the huge mess/pile... i never imagined that i'd get it all done in one day.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here's another ....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

ok so what are you going to do with it now that you cleaned it out
is there a plan or is it a wing it kinda thing

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH -- with me... its always winging it. Lemme find one image that is sort of "in front" of that mess.... I did the wild flower thing last year.... but most of it will get planted with something....

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

this shot is a bit farther to the south... and the next shot, is just to the right of it....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

with that cleaned out area, which would be the upper right corner of this image.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here is much of that area, but in the end of May -- when not much was in bloom.... except for the Siberian Wallflowers

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

in the above photo... those small green shrub looking plants on the left.... here it is in mid-July

Bee Balm, Cone Flowers, Hoary Vervain and a lot of weeds... that hopefully this year, i've got all pulled.

and that tree in the back ground... i've trimmed some branches.... it's about 5 Black Locusts all twisted together.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Those three shots of the blooming plants... that pretty much covers the area of the one image that is by itself.

That area has been a work in progress for while... think this will be my 3rd summer working on it... and it's getting there.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

tcs - looking good!

Happy St Patrick's Day Everyone : )

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

now that looks great, its funny that it looked empty when you cleamed it out all those grow back from the roots, silly me thought you cleaned it as an empty slate


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

mona -- originally, it was an empty slate. It started as grass and weeds... i've literally been working on it for 8 yrs. [this is my 8th... i started in 02]

here is the only real image i can find of the area..... this was about 06. you can see i was mowing that center area, but that was it... then i started clearing more and more every year.

between myself and my neighbor, we have about 150+ feet. her portion is only the width of her yard, being 63'

mine portion is much larger....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

its a great area you have come a long way from weeks and grass.
have you thought of planting clematis again the fence or a trumpet vine or something to hide the fence or is this the look you are looking for to see it in the middle

I have an aversion to fences I know they are usefull but I try to hide mine as much as possible

that is why I collect clematis and morning glories all every kind also wisteria and trumpet vines

I had beautifull ones but when I moved last year I had to leave them all behind and start over, it almost killed me I cryed for weeks everytime I would look at them knowing I couldnt take them since I had been growing that garden for over 10 years and had it just the way I wanted it

but then hubbie kept telling me with the bigger property you can do so much more but I am getting older and do not have as much energie to do things anymore

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs, great job, that must have been a lot of hard work! I like your flowers, what is the yellow one is that foliage that looks like palm foliage to the taller yellow flower in your picture? What is that? You know the palm that people get in arrangements :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Tsc... Great job ya did. : )More room to plant.. mroe room to plant.. alway sneed mroe roon to plant. LOL

Lea the seeds you sent arrive d today. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. They gave me somethign to smile abotu today. : )

neat Singign Wolf. Gotta show the goodies ya got. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Glad you got them ok, nice to make you smile :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

mona -- I too dislike fences. that is one of those huge highway fences, and in that area... it's probably 15-20feet tall. It would take a lot of something to get it covered... BUT i did think of the Trumpet Vine years ago... in the one photo, where you see the ROse of Sharon in bloom -- a smidgen to the right of there... you can see a 12" blob of green... well, that is my 5yr old Trumpet. Has to be the slowest growing thing i have ever seen. In 07 and `08, i grew more trumpet by seed... they are planted out there somewhere... but at the rate the grow... i'll be long dead before they fill in that wall.

and since the fence is wooden, i don't see how a clematis or MG's could climb it... there's nothing to 'grab' on to. I've considered tacking 'something' to the top of hte fence [i'd have to have my kid go up there, as i wont do it] either like that bird netting or fishing line... to give the plants something to grab... but i've just never gotten around to it.

Lea -- lets see... Yellow flowers.... Gotta tell ya... that area was a wild flower mix and i have no idea what was in there. I can tell that some of the Yellow blooms are Early Sunrise Coreopsis, as i have that in other areas of the yard. There was one that I never noticed until the blooms were spent, and the 'head' looked round like a ball, sorta like the Gaillardia does... but different. i wish i knew what it was.

other than that... i honestly can't tell ya what was out there. I think i still have the seed 'box' in the garage, to where i could look them all up and do process of elimination. [thats always a fun game]

Spent about another 2 hrs out there again today.... gotta get it while you can... supposed to be rain and 50F tomorrow... but while crawling around on my hands and knees, i can see all sorts of stuff beginning to grew.... quite exciting...meaning -- Spring is right around the corner.

and THANK YOU all for your kind words... yea it was a lot of hard work, but i enjoy it. During the summer i can sit back and just enjoy the beauty.... plus it keeps me out of the kitchen... eating, my other favorite past time.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I know how slow trumpet vines are mine is now 4 years old and still only three feet tall I wish I would wake up and do something lol

wisteria is worse takes 15 to 20 years for it to even bloom
I m getting one this year it will cost me 100 dollars but it will have blooms on it so worth every penny

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

:) Nice work on the garden tcs!

If you had something for it to climb, I think Sweet Autumn Clematis could turn that wall green in about 2 years! Not very showy flowers, except for a few weeks in the early fall, but nicely fragrant at that time also, and attractive foliage. I haven't had any self seeding, (and mine was covering the playground, instead of growing on the fence, I hadn't anything for it to climb that big) though others have mentioned they have.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

if you want flowers like crazy get jackmanii deep purple flowers and just so many of them

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Yes -- i already have a jackmanii.... my mother planted it in the early 80's i think.... it's been moved many times, and i brought it here when we moved here 8.5 yrs ago. it is awesome.... maybe if i get something back there for it to climb... i'll move a part of it.

Ugggggg -- gimme a few and i'll start a new thread... this is even bogging down for me.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

New thread == >

Come on over......

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey Neal - was at my sis's for a few days so haven't been on. As for how many different seeds I start in a flat, it kinda depends on what's going in the flat (6-cell, 8-cell, or some of those itty-bitty 288 cell things, or peat pods). Sometimes I'll have up to 15 different kinds of plants in one tray - I do try to make sure that they're all of the same preference in light and moisture, but sometimes mess up on that (get a bit carried away sometimes). I think the issue I had with three flats was the soil I bought - it wasn't the kind I usually use and very few things sprouted in it. So....I'm going to dig through all the things and see if I can find the seeds to figure out what happened, and then start up a couple more flats of peat pods this week.

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