OK OK...I went berserk at the BIAN Sale

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Every year in March....and recently again in the fall, the Big Island Assn. of Nurserymen have their BIG sale...and fund raising for scholarship funds. I have been helping out a friend of mine, Phil Lanager (AlohaTrading on Ebay) tend to his booth...with the advantage that I get in early, have scoped out the good stuff and have coveted them under tables like everyone else who is there!!!!

By the way...anyone seeing Phil's auctions...Phil is a great grower and a super guy. I can totally recommend him!

Anyhoo...David Shigi, a Bromiliad grower/hybridizer sells at the BIAN and he is one of my reasons for being there!!! Here are some of my prizes... it has been raining so hard I haven't taken any labels to copy because I just don't want to go out there!!!!! later when the rains stop (13" in 5 days) I will edit them with labels.

This one was described by another woman as reminding her of a bad acid trip. I woulnd't know.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

This one popped out of the pot....starting the bloom

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

one of the many neoregelia crosses he sells....LOVE them!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

This is an Agave pup I don't have...note the pink around the margins.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Two together.... The neo on the left is beautiful, with greenstriping in the pink... The thin leafed red one is spectacular....

Can you tell I am pleased?

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

This is an Alocasia...spectacular because the backside of the leaf is purple, so when the light shines thru the leaf looks pink splotched. It is in a 10" pot = $15.00!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I hate it when I do that!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

And one of the big prizes...this is an Anthurium. Yes...that leaf is over one foot long!!!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya

COOL stuff!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

What a fabulous collection of plants followed you home Carol ^_^

Keaau, HI

Hi Carol, was there a tag on your Agave?

It looks like Furcraea selloa. If so, it will lose its pink margins as it gets larger, but will have nicely variegated leaf margins. They get huge!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Great finds Carol!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Darn...Dave...no tag on the agave!!! Actually, a friend brought it to me and said "OH, I found an agave you don't have...." Swell, with what I was doing I paid not much attention and simply paid for it. Hope you are wrong.... It does have 'spines'.


el arish, FNQ, Australia

You lucky dog!! I love plant sales. Ann

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Here are some of the other brommies I got to replace the other now in the land of the eternal bromiliads. This brommie and the next one are actually over 2' in diameter.

This message was edited Mar 11, 2009 7:56 PM

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

and.... They are getting bigger and more beautiful!!!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

And...the light thru this one is wonderful!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I know...mosquitos love to breed in the water in the bracts...but I don't care....I love them!!!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

and.... This is one I 'almost' lost during the 'slaughter'...luckily it is throwing some pups.

This message was edited Mar 11, 2009 7:51 PM

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

This one is only about 2/3 of it's full size...it is '?' odorissima...beautiful!!!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

....and.... I love this one too.

There are some bromiliad growers here: David Shigi, David Fels to name a few who are bold and daring in their crosses....and we get to benefit from their playing....

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
el arish, FNQ, Australia

Just GORGEOUS Carol. I prefer the larger broms and those are definitely making me green!!! They also look so lush while still getting enough bright light to color up. Hats off cause sometimes it's hard to find the right spot. Ann


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thanks!!! Much money and work later I am living by the Mantra "Do not fertilize bromiliads"....and it seems to be working. Getting some great flowers on a couple and will post photos.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Those are drool worthy.

Are those one of the guys I met at the market?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

NAH, Randy. Next BIAN sale you and Wayne have to come over with fat wallets!!! I get in an hour early and scope out the good stuff and jam it under tables (like everyone else in there early).... I work those days for a friend of mine who is a grower...I volunteer for the joys of working the show!!!!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Wonderful additions for your garden, Carol! So colorful, the shapes and patterns! WOW!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

No wonder you couldn't help yourself - they are all gorgeous!

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Wow. I am drooling. Very nice!

(Zone 1)

Oh my goodness Carol, what beauties you piled under the tables! They are all gorgeous but a few are really outstanding! Oh how I'd love to volunteer at a sale like that - I'd be there two hours early cause it would probably take that much time for me to do my shopping! ^_^

There's a Bromeliad Society here in town that I've thought about attending one of the meetings. Haven't done it yet ... kinda afraid of getting hooked on another plant, it's so easy to get carried away! I have three small Brom's that I've had for a few years. Last month when I was visiting my sister & brother in law in South Florida they told me they are going to be changing out some beds in their front yard and digging out these big guys ... I told them I want to adopt them so I hope they don't throw them in the trash like they have a tendency to do with some great plants! There was a really huge Fiddle Leaf Ficus in the backyard that they cut down and threw out ... grrrr, I would have loved a cutting of that monster!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Stick to the Broms....Fiddle Leaf Ficus (just about any Ficus) are messy, suck everything out of the neighborhood and are beautiful! Can't say I like them!!! Their big leaves fall, fill with rain and harbour mosquitos!

I know...bromiliads do too...but I just keep some BTI in them and try to keep the mozzie population in control!!!

plantladylin - it's how I ended up with a lot of my plants: because others threw them out!
Those broms are beautiful and be sure to tell them to keep them for you.

(Zone 1)

Carol: Yeah, Ficus are messy, aren't they! I had four really tall potted ficus benjamina trees in the pool area for years. I gave them to neighbors because I got tired of them dropping their leaves whenever I moved them even twelve inches! I do still have one variegated ficus out there. It doesn't have a great shape because it's been up against the house so the back of it is bare from no sun ... but I keep it for sentimental reasons, I got it from a friend many years ago, and she passed away at a young age. I'd like to have a small Fiddle Leaf Ficus to keep in a container but if it's really messy I'd probably not want to keep it for long! I have one tree out there that's called Ficus 'Ali' that doesn't lose it's leaves like the benjamina.

As for "Skeeters" ... we have our share of those critters here in the south during the summer time too! They will hang out and lay eggs anywhere there's even a little big of standing water!

Dutchlady1:I always try to rescue/adopt plants when I go to visit my sister. About six years ago we happened to go down to visit and they had all these huge black lawn and leaf trash bags full of every color of impatiens, laying in the driveway, getting ready to put them in the garbage! I said "Why in the world did you pull those beautiful impatiens up, and why are you throwing them away?" They said it was getting too hot for impatiens! I asked them if I could take them and they laughed and said "Sure, but do you think they will live?" My entire side yard was a beautiful cacophony of color for many months! I took pictures and sent them to my sister. I love impatiens but don't grow them much any more because they are water hogs and we have been having drought conditions for awhile now. I always tell my sister to never throw perfectly good plants away but they still do. When we were there last month I noticed all the knock out roses were gone from under the back windows of their house ... they had dug them up and thrown them out. They didn't like that the roses got so tall they blocked the view out the windows. I told her they could keep them pruned as a small hedge, but they didn't want the work of having to keep trimming! Things do seem to grow a foot or more over night in the southern part of the state! But, you probably know that since you are on the SW side of the state.

Yeah - it does get too hot for impatiens here in the summer; they are typically planted around October and ripped out in April or May. They get no place in my yard, anything that goes in the ground here is there to stay!
I've never heard of people throwing away plants because they were getting too tall... what are pruners for???

(Zone 1)

My sister used to work in the garden for hours on end but the past few years she has had some health issues that don't allow her to do much anymore. They both still work full time jobs so aren't up to coming home and working. My brother law would rather just plant - rip - trash. I've told them they should donate their unwanted plants to Habitat for Humanity or something ... I'm sure someone would love to have perfectly great plants! They did hire a company to remove a very large, beautiful palm tree a couple of years ago, when they were putting in a circular driveway, and they gave that tree to a neighbor.

Kealakekua, HI

Carol, great plants. Sounds like me with a seed catalog....lol

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

You gotta come over next time!!!!!

Kealakekua, HI

Definately! I wish I had known about it...though my hubby is probably glad I didnt!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I'll let you know when the next one is...The big one is in the spring...but now they are putting one on in August...still time to plant and get good growth. Anyone else...tune in and come at that time too. It is a wonderful show...good cheer, lots of fun and tons of great buys!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Funny you should mention that. Wayne and I have discussed a little visit

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