Chickens and Oxalis

Clarkson, KY

Let's not mention the checkout lines. How much raw tonnage of grocery do you intend to purchase? It is nice to know how many similarly 'maladjusted souls' are here on DG with me...who'd'a thunk it?!

You know (heh...) different to is one of my 'nails down the chalkboard' things. Seems like differ should be away and similar should be towards. Verb and preposition are antithetical to one another...

I say eyether when with family or someone who won't blink too much at it, eether otherwise...

Now dangling prepositions is a whole nother story. There are many verb modifying wordlets out there masquerading as prepositions. "Things are looking up" "The economy is picking up" --One notices a general trend toward improvement [in the economy]--is one way around the dangler. It is also inane and yuppers -pretentious...I will dangle verbal modifiers.(digging in heels and sticking out chin)

"Where're you at" grates. To be at a place one needs to be specific as to where.

Smiling at the pink JD onesie and {sorry!} poor Patch'i's aspirations...

Clarkson, KY

It happened in the late 80s, Sewin'...those of us who suffer have been suffering for years...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catscan, your input is required in the Jacob lambs thread regarding the matter of triploids and the miniature Siberian reindeer gene.

Hutto, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm sorry, but the verbal brilliance has obfuscated my normally staid temperament. Has anyone mentioned the horrific usage of "that" when "which" should be used?


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh no! Not another one! hehehe

Foley, MO

Pretentiousness may lead to contemptuousness.

Lodi, United States

Please continue, David:0) The "that/which" issue has interested me for years.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

hehehe Not to be confussed with that witch. ;)

Clarkson, KY

David --The floor is yours! (I misuse those two constantly so...)

{{who you talkin' about Sewin -n- Patch'i?!}}

This message was edited Mar 13, 2009 7:39 AM

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

:0 Noooooooooo!

Clarkson, KY


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well I will comment on that and which, because David has probably passed out from the sheer joy of finding a forum full of grammar geeks.

The rule that I learned, and which I continue to use, requires me to describe restrictive and non-restrictive clauses.

A restrictive clause is a clause that further defines the subject, singling it out from other potential subjects. Use "that" with restrictive clauses.
A non-restrictive clause tells extra information about the subject that is merely incidental, or interesting, but not a requirement to limit the subject. Use "which" with non-restrictive clauses.

So, for example...

The rooster that was crowing at 3 am was sent to freezer camp on Tuesday.
- here "that was crowing at 3 am" is the restrictive clause. It tells us which rooster precisely we are speaking about.

The egg, which was a lovely shade of blue, rolled off the counter and onto the floor.
- here "which was a lovely shade a blue" is a non-restrictive clause just telling us something extra about the egg that is incidental information.

Clarkson, KY

{{{there oughtta be a song about grammar geeks --all I can think of, though, is the "Bog Down in the Valley, Oh"}}}

Lodi, United States

Wonderful! The information, which was supplied by Moxon, was extremely helpful. Or, the information that was supplied by Moxon is extremely helpful.

No, wait--am I still confused?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

That information which was supplied by Claire is very useful. Did I do it right??? hehehe
Grammer Geeks! Reminds me of Geek Squad (computer geeks) who use the mission impossible theme. LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well Catscan, you sneaky Vocabularian you, both of your sentences are correct.

Of course, it depends what you want to emphasize.

The information, which was supplied by Moxon, was extremely helpful.
- this is just saying that I happened to supply the info. It's not differentiating it from the info supplied by anyone else.

The information that was supplied by Moxon is extremely helpful.
- this is saying that the information I provided, as opposed to anyone else's information, was helpful. It could easily be followed up with another point to demonstrate this fact:
The information that was supplied by Moxon is extremely helpful, whereas the information that was supplied by the Barnyard Fairy was questionable in its accuracy.

Lodi, United States

I knewed they were both it sort of a parenthetical thing?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think you could say that! Oh, you just did!

I have 2 hatched muscovy ducklings!

Lodi, United States

Did you have to sprinkle the duck eggs with water (or keep the RH high) in the incubator? Or were they Mama's babies?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I did the incubation the same as chickens.....wasn't I supposed to? They were online eggs.

Lodi, United States

I really don't know--I've just heard that you keep them moister...whatever you did, worked!

ZZ gave me 2 duck eggs--but we weren't sure how old they were--neither developed.:0(

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I have one more, it's pipped but not zipped.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Congrats on the baby ducks!! Awesome! wittle ducky babies!! Go little pip GO!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

One thing I noticed that I thought was interesting was that the duck egg surface felt waxy and strange, compared to the chicken egg surface. Anyone else notice that?

Clarkson, KY

Haven't done ducks yet. Came home to 3 cheepers and a pip. Due tomorrow evening. A brown, a pink, and a blue-green. The pip is a blue-green egg. That's 2 out of 4.

Hutto, TX(Zone 8b)

"that you thought was interesting" or which was interesting?

: )

Lodi, United States

Evil man:0)

One thing, which I thought was interesting, was...

One thing that I thought was interesting was....

I think I would go for the latter since it is the interesting aspect of the thing that is paramount.

I mean you might say "One thing he said, which I thought was interesting, was that he hated his wife." "One thing" perhaps being independently significant because it revealed his hatred of his wife, whether or not the hearer personally thought it was interesting. For example, you might say it that way if you were reporting the man's words following the unexpected death of his wife.

Or you might say "One thing he said that I thought was interesting was that he hated his wife." In that case, you might have been asked by the police if you remembered anything interesting that he had said concerning his now deceased wife.

I don't know.... I am a fan of Chomsky, if only for his freeing us from sentence diagramming.

Clarkson, KY

One thing which I found interesting...

As a Chomsky fan you ought to dangle the occasional preposition...

Lodi, United States

I do have a lovely matching set of dangling prepositions-- a parure of turquoise and silver froms set with carbouchon tos.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I have never felt a duck egg before. I have held a goose egg. Why are they so hard to hatch? The goose egg was not waxy at all. Or at least not that I noticed. :/ Congrats to you both on the knew peeps and ducks!!! Yeah!!! I am having blue/green envy!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I didn't notice the feeling.. but I did notice the texture? It seemed to be a weird kind of a clear/opaque kind of shell?
How fun to hatch ducks! I wish I had a place for them..:)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

OMG, I just won 5 goose eggs on eggbid. Seb crosses. I am soooo eggcited!

One thing that I thought was interesting is that Catscan appears to be focused upon death today.

I got my Dutch bantam eggs from Teresa and she sent 24!!! I only bought 12! I was completely stunned! So not a moment too soon, because yesterday my only Dutch Bantam roo, Sparky, drowned in the goat water bucket. I was very upset.

Lodi, United States

I think, if you are attentive, Moxon, that you will see that I was focused on death yesterday. By 7am I had lost my only remaining Dutch Bantam pullet, Poppet, (well I have hatched more) to my beastly dogs and one of my Serama chicks--the only pullet--died. Poor Bijou, Poppet's mate, was on the neighbor's roof, he was so terrified.

On a brighter note--I took Biff, my blue splash Silkie roo, to work with me today. He only crowed a few times there, but now that he is back in the yard he is crowing up a storm and chasing all the Nankin pullets. What is it about males and blondes?:0)

Teresa is a gem. Better prepare for at least 20 to hatch.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

How strange, that we both lost Dutch Bantams yesterday. Very sad. :-(

Lodi, United States

Friday the 13th. Bad mojo.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I am so sorry about both of your losses!!! That is terrible.
I am eggcited to see the launch on gooses eggs though! That is eggciting. Are those the ones with the curly feathers??? What a find!!! And 24 Dutch Bantum eggs to hatch as well. wow.
Catscan, I so want a job where I can bring my roo with me! :0)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Exactly Sewincircle! They ARE the ones with the curly feathers! I am so pysched! Wooooohooooo!

And they are crosses, so they will not be pure white, but spotted!!!

Here is one of my Dutch bantam hens on my shoulder. She is adorable.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh the curly feather with colors will be beautiful!!! I can wait.
Oh, she is beautiful. (Dutch Bantum) and so are you Claire!!!
I think my father may have a Dutch Bantum or a mix of that type of chicken. We did not know what Daisey was. She does look like that, but her head is a bit lighter. Cool!!

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