What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today? #15

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

You are a dog angle to help this senior woof citizen with this recovery. Thank you!
I'm pleased to hear that he has a home when well enough.
Weather man is calling for heavy snow on Sunday, yikes! I guess this is spring for us.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ann I am still trying to get the lake at the back gate cleared and now they are saying rain/snow again!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Here's a bit of levity that a friend just passed on to me. Enjoy.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Here i sit at the kitchen table in AWE of the accomplishment of the 'BAAS' .. what amazing footage ..thanks so much for sharing Ann ..

I am excited to let everyone know of the birth of my VERY best friends first Grandchild, Friday evening at 6:15pm. Kingston James . Jo-Anne and I have been TIGHT buds for .. are ya ready .. 48 years !!! We met in elementary school and have maintained an active and vibrant friendship, replete with smiles, tears and laughter. I am SO happy for her and can hardly wait to meet her grandson ^_^

Weather here is downright TROPICAL, even though it does include SNOW. It's sticky, bulky snow that will languish atop the mud until Ma Nature does her thang and turns it into more MUD and puddles .. but .. right now the temp is 31F ..

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone,

What good news to start the day with. A new baby on the first day of spring! I hope you get to see the baby soon.

I slept well last night and until after the alarm came on this morning. The last two mornings I had been awakened by an aching knee and hip - battle scars from my fall. The swelling is gone from my jaw, but the bruise remains. I look real pretty, but I can't hide today. Have a rehearsal at 1 and a concert this evening.

Hope you all have a day that is as nice as the one we have in Ottawa.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yesterday much of the snow had melted off many of the flower beds and I almost had the back gate lake under control. This morning this is what I can see out the back door!

It is not particularly cold and the snow seems to be light /fluffy ( I hope since I have to clear it) but the dogs were up to their bellys and I am going to have a hard time cleaning up after them!

And it is still snowing!

March in Calgary!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning.

I hope the snow in Calgary goes as fast as it came. We are still waiting for our March snowfall in Ottawa and a large amount of our snow cover has disappeared in the last couple weeks.

The concert last night with the Ottawa Chamber Orchestra went well. The venue was new to me and quite a nice one - a recently deconsecrated Catholic church which is being made into a centre for the "Arts and Humanities". It needs much renovation, but they have a temporary stage which can seat quite a large orchestra. The acoustics are very good - I could hear everything. I expect that we will become more and more familiar with the venue.

Today is two rehearsals with the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra which has a concert tomorrow evening.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The snow is deep and heavy ( wet on the bottom) But a short while ago an ex neighbor came by with his snowblower and cleared the front sidewalks of half the block- both sides ! Then he will go down the back lane and clear around my car and my neighbors garage.This guy owns a house down the street although they moved a few years ago and he uses the garage as his workshop ( carpenter) .
When they lived here I started to hire his son to clear snow for me once he was old enough but they are too far away now. Sure glad he bought himself a toy!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

It's a beautiful Sunny Spring day here!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

DH & I take turns shoveling 3 neighbor's walks. In return we get fresh baked goodies. His thought is that it is great exercise & weight control doesn't really work when after, he has a bunch of treats to eat.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Oh boy Carol that is a lot of snow. I just talked to my Mom in Springbank and they have had a foot and a half so far and it was only 2 pm.
We don't have quite that much but it is heavy too so shoveling will be a workout.
It's snowing but very bright like a white out as you can't see the definition of the bumps and hight changes, makes your eyes funny.
This is definitely spring in the making.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Now it will warm up and we will have another meltdown!
Good thing this did not happen on Monday morning!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

UGggggggggggggg .. from what I see on the Weather Channel and radar .. Thunder Bay is in for the storms from the west starting Monday around noon, AND, it will last 3 days !!!!

The weekend has been tolerable here .. cool temps .. but a nice MELT DOWN .. OH how I am going to HATE to see the snow/rain/ice pellets, specially since I am gonna be driving in it ..

Still watchi for our first ROBIN ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Miss you all..Stacey (Fairy) will be leaving in the a.m. - back to normal and I'll post all we've accomplished..omg did we work hard..did everything on her list plus more..lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)


Well .. we certainly do have ICE .. can't get out of the house to walk to the garage .. be way too risky .. I did, however, get out and take a few pics whish I will post later.

Am feeling SO BAD !!! The deer are herded up at their feeding station waiting for me to 'come hither' with their corn .. ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

Poor Lilly slid over the patio on her way to do her thing .. turned and looked at me as if to say .."MOM .. FIX THIS' !!

Hope all are well

Take good care


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well .. technology strikes yet again :-( had probs with the digital camera wouldn't download the pics to the computer .. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
So .. I slid along outside with my cell .. yoikes .. these pics will be cloudy (ish)

First one is the little bird feeder ... sad lookin ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

This one of the BBQ probably won't even show up too well .. but .. if you look towards ground .. you can see how icy it is ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Be careful Marilyn!

Lots of ice here too but mostly it is frozen clumps of snow and equally difficult to walk on but not slippery!

My sidewalk was totally clean yesterday - this morning it is covered with rough ice because some idiot drove too fast down the street before everything froze up last night and splashed water a good 6 feet over onto my walk!
I was cleaning it off and putting icemelt on it when a lady driving by stopped and thanked me! Said friends were walking their 15 yr old Dalmation last week and somebody had not cleared sidewalk, dog slipped, broke leg and had to be put down!

A bit cooler today so probably not much melt if any and more snow predicted for tomorrow. Really it is best if it does not warm up to fast so we dont then have floods!

My cold which started last Tuesday is much better but still hanging in so I am staying home mostly except for walking the dogs.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Carol, I so thought I'd have flooding but it melted slowly..no signs of snow in my yard but am sure we'll get one more storm out of Mother Nature..

It's been 4 days of beautiful sunshine BUT cold..brrrrr...deceiving..you'd not want to go out without a coat..

I so enjoyed my weekend with Stacey..would imagine she's almost home..both left shortly about the same time..

Couldn't believe the amount of gifts she brought me...a lot of the girls got her to shop for me for my birthday seeing as she would be visiting..such pretty garden art she brought..will have to post a photo..

Here's how our 'craft weekend' went..
She arrived late Friday afternoon, we went to the Garden Gallery, the Sew and Knit shop, another pretty garden art store (bought a butterfly stake) imagine that, by Saturday night there were 7...I got carried away with my scroll saw...lol.
Friday night we did some basecoating ready for a day of crafts..

Saturday more cutting of wood projects..left the house at 11am and went sightseeing..Wasaga Beach, Collingwood, Meaford..stopping from time to time in boutiques...Sat. night more wood cutting while Stacey painted...included was a few lessons in rag quilt making..have to say by the time her vehicle was packed up there wasn't much room..

What did we accomplish...

4 Victorian Santa sleighs
2 decorative candle trio's
4 butterfly stakes
1 baby rag quilt
2 blackboards
1 wooden blackboard notepad...

Don't know who kept who busy..
Just know I'm awfully tired today..lol
came to work for a rest!

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" I can see the icicles in both those photo's...don't you fret about the deer, I'm sure one say without you feeding them won't hurt them..you'd not want to fall and break a bone..

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi folks,

Have been to aquafit, taught a student and then took my viola for repair. Stopped at the other string shop in the same building and have on loan, a small viola for a few days. It’s a decent student instrument which I might consider buying as a back-up instrument.

Then I stopped by the FC for about an hour. I’m working on a project there, little by little - a comparison of the clients files we have in each of two data base tables and then compared against the paper files we actually have. It’s a little exercise that’s worth doing from time to time to clean up our files.

Marilynne - I hope the ice is gone soon.

Betty - sounds like the craft weekend was worth doing.

Now, I need to do all those things that were put on hold while I was preparing for two concerts in one weekend.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann did you have to leave your viola? perhaps you should rest awhile before taking on projects..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty .. it sure sounds as though you and Stacey had a productive and fun weekend .. You both got so much accomplished .. great memories ^_^

Glad to hear your cold is leaving you Carol .. but BOO to the driver who splashed throught the puddle and caused the ice. Sad news re the Dalmation as well ...

Hope you got all your 'stuff' done Ann .. I finally accomplished that feat about 10 minutes ago !!! AND .. I have had ALL day !!

Re the ICE .. well .. nobody moved from the house today .. it's about 300ft from the house to the garage .. and it is GLARE ice .. what is going to happen over the next while is anyones best guess .. but .. broken bones are NOT on that list ..
We have lost a lot of branches that were weighted down with ice .. mega clean up when we are able to.

Best get supper on the make ..

Take care all


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Yes, Betty. Had to leave the viola. Will pick it up on Friday or Saturday. There is a sizeable dent in the back which will be steamed out and then the varnish repaired. Any varnish work needs time to dry. I don't plan to practice a lot this week, but I should look at some music before a rehearsal next Sunday. And I'll try out the student instrument. Seems quite nice and not very expensive.


Victoria Harbour, ON

It's starting to get gloomy outside, extremely cold, calling for rain but would imagine it could develop into a few flurries, better flurries than rain..I've escaped flooding and have no wish to experience it..

Got a good nights rest last night, already thinking of my weekend 'to do' list..Aline and her DH will visit tonight, Tom will measure for a 1" dressed plywood door for the little linen closet in the washroom..I so want to do a trompe l'oeil design on it..sooo, if he has it made by then, I'll have a project...

Keep looking at those beds and want to rake but know I must not..slap my hands if I even make a hint of doing so..

I imagine Ann you'll be pleased to get it back and looking like new..when next are you off travelling ???

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Betty, I don't expect it to look like new - I'm antiquing it the hard way. (Some luthiers DO antique their new instruments before selling them). No more travelling planned until I go to Vancouver in late June. No big trips this year. The Viola Congress is in South Africa and it's a direct conflict with the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival. I'm staying home.

We WILL take Bob's antique Porsche (44 yrs old) to West Baden Springs, Indiana in September http://www.eastcoastholiday.org/ We've decided that since he got a new soft top and it no longer leaks, we should drive the car instead of just leaving it sitting in the garage for our kids (both of whom want it) to inherit it.

It's bright and sunny here, but I think, still fairly cold. Doesn't really matter because there's so much more strength to the sun these days. The snow on my front lawn is fast disappearing.

Have a good day.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Snow ing again here!

When is spring coming?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Never. We're trapped in a perpetual ice age. I thought I spotted a primula peeking out on Friday. I must have been hallucinating.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

DN this is under the snow somewhere! Taken last Friday.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I luv your hepatica fancyvan. I gotta get me some.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Rundlewood Gardens is the best place! Mega $$$ though.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

No kiddin about quality. Forget taking a list LOL. I'd like to get some more of their lewesia too and... and....

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

DAWG Carol .. how nice to be able to see a FLOWER .. we have still got a few mountains of snow left here .. a consequence of the first year of having Lilly's compound .. we MOUNDED the snow inside as it's quite the workout trying to toss it over the fence !!! Be re thinking the snow placement next year ..

Have been informed via the news channels here in TBay NOT to run about looking for sand OR salt .. it is GONEZO .. sold out .. bye bye !!! Lucky for us we have some that DH shoveled into bags during a fall hunting trip up in the Boreal forest .. we were able to get out to the garage and drive into the city today .. after all .. SAFEWAY had a SALE on LoL and . .. since Lilly would need to wear a bathing suit to go walking out here .. she LOVED the ride .. specially the FREE Timbit from Horton's Drive thru :-)
Feel bad for her as nobody wants to take her walking .. the ice is now mush and bound to return again to ice overnight.

My hospice client is now hospitalized .. so will be going up to see her tomorrow .. I do believe it is NOT looking good for her :-(

Hope your Viola is looking in great shape when you get it back Ann ..

I can imagine your painting on the linen cupboard door will be awesome Betty :-)

I best boogie here .. need another log on the fire for sure !!!


Calgary, Canada

Hi all, just catching up with the news after three hectic weeks of kiwanis festival. Ann, pretty scary about your fall and your viola! I need to take mine to John Newton to touch up too. I am trying to put away piles of music and was making progress but then I got called to play Calgary Philharmonic this morning at the very last minute......scrambling to reschedule students and off to sight read Schumann's first symphony. I really appreciate the friendly tone of this group, feels like dropping in on friends! Theresa

Victoria Harbour, ON

Been watching the news, prayers for you who are in flooding areas..omg the newscaster said in some counties water flooding is up about 40'..showed a garage and you could only see top of garage door..do hope you are not in this region and you are safe...

"M" you'd best stay in another day or so! Now what would happen if you had another 1 or 2 blizzards, wouldn't the municipality have some salt/sand? sorry to hear about your client..prayers for her and her family..

Violist, sounds as though you've a busy day ahead...

So foggy this am, I'm sure we'll have rain today..much too mild for snow..will try to rake a little this weekend..just take my time, do a bed each day, make things easier when it's time to have the entire yard done...

Drats it's Thursday and I've nothing pressing on my weekend 'to do' list..you see Aline and Tom came last night, he took measurements and said he'd get it done next week, so..waiting to start that project..

Fancyvan, love the photo...imagine it surviving under all that snow ..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Greetings from a 'cool' Thunder Bay .. however .. our ice has somewhat disappeared .. so I can handle cool.

Seems everyone has been busy .. I was going to attempt to move us over as I see we are reaching close to 1000 views .. but ..no one with dial up has mentioned a problem and I am totally NOT sure if I would do it correctly.

My Hospice client fell in her apartment and broke her hip .. geel so bad for her as she coveted her independence .. at 91 I am doubting she will be going home again .. but .. one ever knows .. as she says .. "This has certainly knocked the starch out of me" !!
Parking at our ONE regional Acute care hospital is a NIGHTMARE .. I wrote a letter to the newspaper .. there are 4 lots to park in .. NONE of which are in close proximity to the dang hospital !! I got into one yesterday, only to find out, along with SEVERAL others .. that it was full !!! How exasperating .. by the time I was able to get OUT .. I had had IT !! I ALMOST felt I was becoming claustrophobic in the lot as at least 10 vehicles were jockying to get out at the same time !!!! Do NOT know who the 'mental midget' was who designed these lots .. but .. they sure did not THINK first !!!

Out for lunch with the gurls today .. I best get outside and feed the wildlife



Victoria Harbour, ON

MOVED US OVER to here...

Hope you find us..lol


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