Help! It's too soon for buds!

Delaware, OH

adaptability of plants is amazing.......and humans. we are genetically drawn (at least some of us) to plant and harvest. even if we are harvesting enjoyment and photos vs grain and tubers......kind of lik egetting back to our roots ,wouldn't you agree???????

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

yes I am so at peace when I am in the garden my ancestors must of been farmers lol
big time hahahahha if I am sad, or unhappy, angry or just bla I want to garden and grow things it make me relaxed and happy changes my mood pretty quick

Delaware, OH

it makes us happy because it made out ancestors happy..just different reasons. all good

(Zone 4a)

I agree - gardening always seems to do the trick for me if I am tense, upset, angry or even just calms me and I always feel better....could be the fresh air outside too!

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I go outside every day, even when the weather is crummy, just to be in touch with the vitality my garden communicates to me, even when it looks dead in the winter. I'd be lost without my plants. Life can be so grim, we need some relief somewhere.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I skip the cold days the fibro wont let me out since I will just hurt all over
but as soon as the sun is out im out if it chilly I work on the south side of the home to find the warmest spot and the north side always gets done last this year we have to get rid of a lot of underbrush and clear out a million years of leaves in a new garden area that we will work on this summer, but the leaves have to go so the mosquitoes wont eat my DH alive me they dont like my blood so Im ok with them

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