Klamath River, CA

Frank Frog had some visitors today..............Steller's Jay

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

same bird

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

Scrub Jay

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

Last but not least a Spotted Towhee

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Marlton, NJ

Very nice adel! Love the Spotted Towhee.

Thanks for starting the new thread!

Marlton, NJ

Nice Crow in the last thread burn!

Marlton, NJ

adel, Do you still have the bird houses up?

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I had wondered what Frank Frog has been up to lately! lol

My "blonde" House Sparrow appeared again today. It has been quite awhile since I saw her last.

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

We had lots of American Robins in the front yard today despite the cold bustery winds we had.

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Your welcome Nanny, love blondie.
Thanks Pelle.
Frank the frog is a real nice host to the Jays and Towhee.

Common Redpoll.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Klamath River, CA

pelle............I took down last years houses and put up three new ones in a different area. Might be rushing the season but I would rather be early instead of late.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

We still have lots of snow and I guess the birds are smart enough to know that. Not many have showed up yet. Usually see Phoebes by the 25 of Feb. but not this year

Adel, the Jays haven't found my place yet. The are in town four miles away but not up here in the hills.


Klamath River, CA

rutholive''''''''''''''''We have Jays here year round.

Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Folks! Just wanted to share these pics of the Sharp Shinned Hawk that came to visit this morning.

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

He caught sight of me...

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Port Washington, NY(Zone 7a)

And left after coming up empty at my feeders to find a tasty treat elsewhere.

Thumbnail by DyanesGarden
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

A cygnet from the local lake yesterday.

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Renton, WA

Not sure if this guy is Corvus brachyrhynchos or C.caurinus,
American crow or Northwestern (2/24)

Thumbnail by dirt_in_ozone7b
Renton, WA

Kniphofia, now how did you get her? to pose so pretty.
great snap.

my buddy scoping out its territory-- the light marks on its beak
is the dead giveaway, besides its thievery.

Thumbnail by dirt_in_ozone7b
Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Great pics everyone! My Pine Siskins are still with me.

Thumbnail by Grandmaggie
Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

They are so tame!

Thumbnail by Grandmaggie
Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

And cute

Thumbnail by Grandmaggie
Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Not a very good pic of Red-Bellied Woodpecker. He has been coming around a bit more recently, for peanuts!

Thumbnail by Grandmaggie
Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

Got another visit by a hawk. This time I happened to see it out of the corner of my eye while it tried to catch something at the feeders. It almost landed on the feeders, but recovered and swooped to a nearby tree to rest.

Thumbnail by evie_beevie
Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

another shot

Thumbnail by evie_beevie
Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

Here's a pair of mourning doves sitting on the birdbath before they fly off for the night. There were many more under the deck.

Thumbnail by evie_beevie
Marlton, NJ

Great pics everyone!

Nice Sharpie Dyanes!

Knip, That's a gorgeous cygnet!

Handsome Crow dirt!

Maggie, I love your Siskins!

evie, Glad he didn't get anything!

Marlton, NJ

We're supposed to get 8-14 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow. :-(

This is unusual for us in March.

Bella Vista, AR(Zone 6b)

An unusual snowy morning in Alabama. This little female Northern Cardinal appreciated the extra seed I put out the night before.

Thumbnail by JulieQ
Marlton, NJ

Beautiful shot Julie!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)


Gorgeous cardinal julie

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

That storm will be affecting us as well tomorrow Pelle. they're announcing just as much for us also. joy joy NOT:((. DH is getting very paranoid, got the weather channel on, morning noon, evening and night, and in between .;)
evie hawks are visiting your yard too huh? Had another one shopping in the bushes. here today.
Julie your female Cardinal looks really good, with that snowy background.

Common Redpoll.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Male Pine Grosbeak

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

This is the Hawk that came today.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Marlton, NJ

Wonderful pics burn!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

The storm is here already. I am NOT a happy camper right now!!

A Gold Finch from the nature center this morning.

Thumbnail by luvsgrtdanes
(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I really like the Pine Siskins

Thumbnail by luvsgrtdanes
Marlton, NJ

Hopefully this will be the last bang of bad winter for our area luvs. Fingers Crossed!

Very nice pics! I love the Siskin too.

Renton, WA

So what does the last sheet of toilet paper and a happy bird have in common?
Answer: The empty tissue roll.

The empty tissue roll filled with peanut butter and birdy food.
Something my ma did after reading about it in Birds and Bloom 10+ years ago.

Thumbnail by dirt_in_ozone7b
Renton, WA

That last one was in the morning and this one is in the afternoon
after our wonderful dreary rain.

Thumbnail by dirt_in_ozone7b

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