
Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

This is a plant with huge foliage which is perennial to zone 7. I am in 6b. I would like to grow some in the ground or in a container. Do you think I could dig it up and allow it to go dormant over the winter?

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Boy, it's been awhile since I've posted but I couldn't resist when I saw this! What type of Rodgersia are you considering? Curious because most of them are hardy to at least Zone 4! I had R. pinnata in my Maine gardens and planted some in Michigan and they did just fine. They would love a spot where the soil is moist although they do grow in our gardens in regular soil. They are a beautiful plant but you have to be patient with them because it takes a couple of years before they get huge.


Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Debbie, I will grow that from seed. Last year I grew hibiscus, joe pye weed, and here's the rest. I have most of these already from seed or buying: I posted this on the water garden forum also.

I have seeds of rodgersia, iron weed, joe pye, rhubarb, red rooster carex, annual tri-colored ornamental corn, and a couple of other things. I need to winter sow them right away. I have a good number of Siberian iris, Louisiana, and Japanese iris,. I think I can raise iris pseudacorus from seed (I still have some seed from SIGNA iris.) I thought I would plant pink and red castor bean plants, asparagus for their fern, sun hardy ferns, tall and shorter seed grown hibiscus,and a few kinds of primulas grown from seed last year. Probably there will be other plants too. I also have a dwarf Japanese Maple. I don't have to do all of this in one year. Living in 6b restricts me to a smaller group of plants than 7a where I used to live. My five kinds of water lilies should provide good shade and cover for the fish. I have one large area of white in addition to four in various shades of pink from last year's planting.
I would be happy to have other plant suggestions. The "front" of the pond borders along a high way. A steep bank (part of the dam) separates it from the road. The bank and ditch are filled with wild plants: raspberry, blackberry, dewberry, lots of milkweed, poke, and plenty of strong weeds.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sounds lovely . . . .

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, I like that Ornamental Tri-colored corn. Might add that to my Veggie Garden. Does that come in a full size and a smaller size? Bet you have tons of Butterflies.
Are you Virginia ladies coming up to the Spring Swap? We would love to have you.

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