Not MY Garden...inspiring photos from others gardens

Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

and another view

Thumbnail by mrs_colla
Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

and maybe one last one?

Thumbnail by mrs_colla
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh... I do like that yard! That may be a Nancy Reagan rose in the first photo. I have one and it's the most DELISH peach color ever! I attached a photo at the bottom of this. That bench looks like a snap to make too! I reallly love photos...THANKS for posting those.

I'm an old CA kid myself, and I felt Bolinas was the most beautiful place on earth. I was raised in SF/Danville area, but for play time (back in the early 70's) I used to head to Bolinas and run my dogs on the beaches there. I LOVED IT. Someone told me it's not the little sleepy place it used to I grow a lot of stuff in pots, but it takes much more tending unless you have a good drip system set up which I don't.

For's a great way to keep close track of the plants. Watering by hand and looking for cootie damage. One thing my partner in crime do here annually is attend at least ONE garden tour. We pop our brains with ideas and thennnnnnnnnnn rush home and make our husbands nuts trying to recreate the things we took photos

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b) answer your question. Yes... just because it's not all in the ground it still has that country garden LOOK.

Excuse the BROWN lawn in the That was just when we got back into the new house. Everything looked like CRAP but by golly my tubed roses were the highlight of the place.

The "Nancy Reagan" rose again.... I lost half of it in a bitter winter we had a couple years ago, but I am thinking or putting in a whole row of them. They do lack fragrance which is a drawback.

This message was edited Mar 19, 2009 5:36 AM

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I found this pic on the web and I use it as inspiration for my own. I just looove this photo adn can so see myself living in a charming little place like this

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Kannapolis, NC

Cue_chik: Oh, my goodness, what a charming cottage! How lovely and quaint. Yes; I could live there! Love those fairy tale cottages. There's a thread here somewhere about the cottage in the banner on this page and one of the messages has a link to some cottages in CA that are just to die for. I'll try to find it and put a link here to that thread. BRB.

Here it is:

This message was edited Mar 27, 2009 7:49 AM

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh yesssssssssss........... that's MY KIND OF LITTLE CASTLE TOO! Soooooooooo neat.

Thanks for the GREAT LINK! I love stuff like this!

Kannapolis, NC

Highmtn: You might also like this site:

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Hemophobic...(LOL ...what a sign on!)
I was a Phlebotomist for years... so your sign on makes me wonder if you have worked in a lab too (unless you really phobic?) My kids made a license plate frame for my car that read "The Queen Ma-Skito"


Thanks for the link... it's great!!!

Kannapolis, NC

Highmtn: No; I'm just squeamish with blood! Don't like to see it. Now in my job as a Superior Court reporter, mind you, I hear some gruesome things and have to look at some horrible photos, but as long as it's not real blood, I'm okay, although there are some times I turn the photos over so I don't have to see them at all.

Glad you like the link. Aren't those cottages great? I so want one. Wah-hah.


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