Not MY Garden...inspiring photos from others gardens

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I have many photos of other peoples gardens that inspire me to better my own garden.
Just wanted to share some .
Please add your photos and inspirations

This is from an annual garden stroll in my town held every summer.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

It was raining so this photo is from the back patio where they were serving cookies and tea.
A first year garden with a very nice fence

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

A quiet corner for the birds

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I like the way the garden is brought right onto the porch

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I want to try a planting on a pole .

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I just hope it turns out this beautiful.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Gus - Gorgeous pics! I really like the planting on a pole - is there just a big pot up on the top? Is it secured to keep it from blowing over in the wind? Thanks, Samantha

Crestview, FL(Zone 8a)

I love the second photo - just exactly how I picture my plan for my front yard. but hubby said no to the fence :( maybe i should show him this picture and he will get an idea about my plans

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Finese, ladies. Make him think it is his idea.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

graceful -I think there was a bracket that held a wire basket . Wish I had taken notes along with the photos.

If i ever learn to paint I would like to decorate some pots like this one

Thumbnail by gardengus
Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

These pics are marvelous! I tried to stimulate a similar thread in a regional forum :). Love it!

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Wow! That pot is beautiful!! Thanks for the tip on the poletop arrangement - I may have to experiment! Samantha

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I likey! That first one looks just like my patio out back minus all the plantings. I'll have to show my DH! Been looking for something to do around it. Thanks a bunch for sharing.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

here is a better shot of the pond if you are thinking water?

Thumbnail by gardengus
(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks! I printed out the pictures and showed them to my DH announcing that I had found our next project. He really liked them. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've always wanted a water feature but just wasn't sure where to work it into the landscaping. This would be perfect.

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Your town is certainly aptly named - Flora! What lovely gardens.

The Kinsman Company makes those garden columns. The planting basket is secured to the top of the post by a metal plate with "grabbers" which hold on to the bottom of a basket. I have "lusted in my heart" for several years now for one or three of those. They are beautiful in the catalog - but it is wonderful to see how a real gardener uses one in a border.
I would think that most parts needed for construction are available locally to you except for the top mounting bracket and possibly the basket. If you do contruct one, I hope you'll share the how-to on this forum


Kannapolis, NC

Gardengus: I liked all the photos, but I'm intrigued by the corner for the birds. That pole wouldn't be so hard to replicate here and I have a couple of corners in mind!

Thanks for the tour of your flower-friendly town.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I thought it was the perfect spot for a feeder too windows on two sides give great vantage points.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I liked this simple fountain and pool , but I think it would take a rather large yard to look right.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

This little mill and stream I think fit a cottage style well.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Front view
The stream even had goldfish.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Kannapolis, NC

I like the simple pool and fountain best. Lovely.


Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

I am really enjoying the photos you're sharing! I have cut out /scanned and saved sooooooo many yard photos over the years!

Here's one of my MOST favorite garden sheds EVER!

This message was edited Mar 8, 2009 6:09 AM

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

This is a photo I took on a garden tour several years ago! The people had made little 2"x8" frames ...painted them and tucked flowers in them. The wood stack was very close to their house so they decided to make it a bit artistic!

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Another view

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

I have a true LOVE for charming potting sheds. I'll post the other views of this...

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

View 2

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

OMG..........THIS ONE IS UPSIDE DOWN..........LOLOLOL I spit coffee out my nose when I viewed i! HOW DO I DELETE THIS?..............rotf!!!

This message was edited Mar 8, 2009 6:23 AM

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Yippie...found some more.

This is my sister's potting shed / garden shed. Her husband is a cabinet maker and this was completely built with leftover wood from his projects.
He did SUCH nice job!

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

View #2

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Grrrrrrrrrr..........they are stuck small. I'll have to see if I can find the larger images. It's really gorgeous!

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Last try... I hope this works. I'll be ill to think that when I saved this photo to my Photobucket area that it is PERMANENTLY SHRUNK!

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Ah! Much better... here's view #2...then I have to get going. I attend any and EVERY garden show that's near my home. I have many many garden tour photos...just have to locate them.

Thumbnail by Highmtn
(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Those garden sheds are gorgeous. Way too pretty to be called shed's!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Such gorgeous pics Highmtn! I've been consumed with the image in this post:

I've looked at it over and over, made lists of paints to get, containers to use, plants to use, and which furniture pieces to paint! Yep, ya really got me with that one, LOL. My deck is about to get a grand face lift!

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I am getting more ideas all the time , The bright shed made of all windows is very visually stunning.
The ''Sweet Retreat'' from Country Gardens is a page I have saved also , I knew it looked familiar. I have a couple of folders of magazine articles and pictures. I must admit they don't get looked at much any more DG has so much I always find new ideas here.
And of course people are always posting links , a person could get lost on the net and forget the sun is shining.

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

I tell you... if a person has access to a bunch of old window frames what magic they could create!!!

YEARS ago I saw a green house made totally out of old sliding glass doors with the frames and stationary door sections too. Think about it... you could pick up a breeze from anyyyyyyy direction you wanted because you could just open the sliders. It was very clever!

There is a little green house down the road that they were thinking of tearing down and I even offered HELP them give it a funky fun face lift. It had SOOOO MUCH POTENTIAL! It was an old shed...with just a glassed in lean-to wall on the south side. They had raised beds inside and they were growing tomatoes in mass! It had screen doors on both ends for ventilation. was very very neat...and I was so bummed that when they sold the home...the new owners tore it down. I love old buildings ....they just have so much character!

Glad you enjoyed the links...I do take a lot of photos of "garden sheds" when I'm out and about. I'll try to locate more. My home burned up a few years back so I have to access very old computer files that were salvaged to find anything from way back then.

It's a pain, but once I'm in there I have so much fun looking around.

Back to work..


Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Fun fun... do a Google search on "Funky Garden Sheds"...and any variation of that... garden sheds.... fun garden sheds... then switch to funky potting sheds etc.
Lots of great ideas there too.

SOMEWHERE I have a photo of a garden shed from a garden tour that had a garden shed made of log round slices! It was so amazing! The guy filled in between the log slices with what appeared to be stucco. was super neat!


This message was edited Mar 9, 2009 11:12 AM

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh...for those who asked?

I talked to my sister last night and her husband MADE those arched DOORS on the front of her potting shed! He made the windows too. He's amazing!!! He works at a water treatment plant for his main job, but he has a side job working for a custom cabinet business. He loves to work with wood and do custom things! He's magic!

I actually call that building her "Plant Pagoda"...and it has sort of an Asian flare to it.

Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

This is my favorite garden, one of many!

Is it cottage style? Maybe, you be the judge.


Thumbnail by mrs_colla

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