Lingernot/Staynot Gladomeer ۞in Arizona! (#11)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL my neighbors came over all the time to make sure I was ok...

The rancher that lives down the way sent his cow hands to finish fixing the chicken pen, and do the other odd jobs that were left. They say I was clumsy, and that I need a man around to do the (Quote) Man chores around the ranch.... Shoot, I do admit the hay hook was totally my fault, I pulled it towards me instead of pushing away, but well the others were just a twist of fate... It sure is strange that I was on this earth for 47 years with out incident, and the last two months made up for it.

Life is already better for me, I am back to work, Billy is home, and well I am happy as well...

Eugene, OR

My goodness, what a time you've had. Glad it's all turned out o.k. Congratulations of quitting (ex smoker talking), it is tough, but well worth it. How lucky you are to have wonderful neighbors, even if they do think you need a man. LOL Every now and then I need some muscle and since my DH has a bad heart, I run get one of the neighbors to help. No big deal.

Nice to hear you in such good spirits. Take care.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Oh my gosh MissJestr, I'm glad to hear you are doing so well now. What a plate full you have had, and such great neighbors. Please stay safe and healthy and let us hear from you from time to time.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Wish we had known all of that was happening so we could have prayed for a quicker recovery at the least. That sounds like a "worst week" if I ever heard one. Thank God for neighbors and friends, they do more for us sometimes than our familes do or can. Glad you are better, take care of yourself from here on out!!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

When I went in the hospital for the first time, the rancher who lives down the road, delivered 40 bales of hay to my ranch, before telling me. He did not want my horses to go hungry, and said I only owed him 200 bucks when I could pay it.. That worked out to 5 bucks a bale for some good alfalfa. Then he got 100 pds of egg layer delivered, along with 4 huge bags of dog food. He helped Billy do his chores morning and night that first time, and kept him as well.

He sent the boys to till my garden the 2nd time, he just wanted to help... I thank god for him and his wife, and his ranch hands. They still stop over every night, just to make sure I am ok... Its nice.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Yikes, it certainly sounds like you had a pretty bad time! I'm so glad you're recovering now, and that you have such helpful neighbors :-).

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow, that was certainly a God sent blessing to have them help like that. Makes you wonder how will you ever repay their kindness.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I am truly blessed by my friends, useally I am the one rounding up the help for someone else, never figured it would have to come back for me... I thank god. I hope that I will be able to teach Billy the same, jump in to help someone, you will never know when it will be needed...

Eugene, OR

What goes around, comes around.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Good Karma.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

My my you certainly have had a run of bad things happen. I hope you are better. It is nice to hear that you have good friends.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Lingernot has made it HOME!!!!!
thanks MissJestr, it is so good to have him back!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hoooorayyyyyy! I'm so pleased to hear that he is home. What a fabulous adventure he has had. Too bad he never found Staynot.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Glad you are home and had so many great travels!

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

YIPPEE! Lingernot must be so joyful to be home! I'm sure he will have many, many storys to tell forever about all his wonderful adventures. ps I'm still thinking of disguising myself as a gnome so I can have adventures! I wonder how much it would cost to ship me? (probably alot snort)

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Excellent! :-)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sunnyg you are way too much fun. Good thing I don't live close to you or we would get into trouble I'm sure ^_^

Eugene, OR

Hooooray!!! He's home!! Now he's going to be telling his mama all about his travels. Wish I could hear that!! So glad he's safe and sound. MissJestr, hope you are doing well. Please stay safe.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

BB....Glad your guy has finally returned. Take a picture of the bottom so we can see where all he went once again.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Thinking about Lingernot today and wondered if he made it back home. Glad to hear he is safe and sound home with his mama. Still thinking about writing a book on his adventures? Would make one interesting book.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

NO KIDDIN samigal!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh yeah, his adventures are certainly book-worthy!

Dahlia...I don't know about you, but I never get into trouble. LOL ;-).

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I was thinking of making a picture book of his travels. I still might work on that. Will take pix soon!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Has he made it home??

Poland, ME

Do you think Lingernot would like to visit Maine this summer?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

About 15 posts back...see BundleweedBeths post....LOL!! Guess we are all excited to welcome him back home.
Mainiac....not likely she will want to send him out again, sorry.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for asking Mainiac, but I think Lingernot is very tired after 26 visits!! I missed him and we need some time to catch up on his travels.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Duhhh hit me with a stick... Glad to know BB that he made it home safe and sound...

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a) don't need another medical issue!!! LOL!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Aint that the truth, maybe some eye glasses???

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Here he is back home safe and sound!!

Thumbnail by ByndeweedBeth
scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Here is his base with towns he visited!

Thumbnail by ByndeweedBeth
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm all misty. Sorry but the flip showing all the the TLC for Lingernot in hiis travels just made me misty.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

All right!! They all fit!! Looks like he is happy to be home too!

Eugene, OR

I see mine!!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a) too. LOL!

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Holding it just right as I can see Norwalk. Back on home soil again, and he does look happy to be back. What a story he could tell us.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Great I am so glad he finally made it home.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Here he is posing with the clematis.

Thumbnail by ByndeweedBeth
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Beautiful Beth! Hi Lingernot! (((waving!)))

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