Egg Production

(Zone 7b)

Hey i got 57 eggs collected and waiting for me to put them in the bater but i'm waiting till the end of the week so i will have more black rose comb eggs to hatch LOL

Been getting between 5 and 6 eggs a day

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

WOW Harm! That sounds like a fine hatch!

Clarkson, KY

Gah! from 4 eggs a few weeks back to 23 today!!!

Humansville, MO

hj all
3 here today

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Cindy, you should go to a business school before you try ruining other peoples business.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

Excuse me Country!! i'm not gonna get into a spitting contest here..but suffice to say i have owned a business for 12 yrs, and it is quite successful. so i cant see where you get off trying to tell me about ruining someones business. you dont live in this area and have no clue as to what goes on..
this is a friendly forum, and i'm not gonna get into an arguement about something as stupid as egg prices..i know what the consumer here can afford, and i like making it possible for people that dont have alot of money to be able to afford good eggs. sorry if you dont agree with that.
i'm not ruining anyones business, they are managing to do that on their own.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Went to the grocery store yesterday, priced eggs. "Organic" store bought eggs were 3.07 a doz and reg ole white eggs were 1 72 doz. Went to meet up with some friends at the local watering hole after and announced I had 2 doz fresh eggs for sale. This one gal about killed everyone in her way, she asked how fresh, I said just laid yesterday. She gave me 5 bucks for both. Then I told her she brings back the cartons it will be 25 cent off each doz she has cartons for.

Anyone use brown or green eggs for Easter coloring?

Newton, AL

well, I almost hate to throw my hat into this one........but, I charge $2.50 a dozen and can't meet my feed prices. I am hoping with the upped production with spring and all, that I will at least be able to cover the cost of the feed.The lady who lives across the road sells her's for $2.50 a doz. I don't have any trouble selling all of mine. The local health food stores keep me cleaned out and if I do have a couple extra dozen, the folks at work take care of those. I try to size them and only sell large and jumbos to the health food stores and I give the smalls and mediums to my friends and we eat those. Not too eggciting, but true. I just had a rumpless araucana hatch! That's eggciting!

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

yes Inn i dont meet my feed prices either..feed here is $11.99 for 50# but like i said i would rather have people that really want the eggs have good ones, than charge too much and not sell them..this area is strange..small area and a depressed area..i'm sure silkiechick would tell you that..there arent anything like health food stores here..
congrats on the hatchling!! cant wait for pics..

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

A rumpless araucana , very nice. Right now any money these girls can make is fine by me. I have only made about 200 bucks from them and that was selling them off. I am just looking for a little bit, I do know I am not going to be rich from selling the eggs or chicks, but the little bit they do bring will help.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Around here if people can pay for eggs cheaper in the store that's where they buy their eggs. I think it's just a matter of economy(currently RI has 10% unemployment). I think the only ones hiring people in the state is the unemployment office(seriously). I guess it really depends on where you live. I can only think of one farm that sells eggs in our area and they started out because their son was in 4H. Due to not wanting to interfer w/ his business I've never sold anything in the neighborhood so he can charge what he wants.

We have a couple Farmer's Markets about 20 miles from here and it's alot of tourists that attend. Since my DH sells eggs at his work place and these people don't attend the farmer's markets, I don't think we'd be hurting those who sell there. I've thought about bringing extras down to the local senior center to help those folks out.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Tia, that's one market that we do have around here: selling chicks, pullets or cornish cross(dressed). I think more people want to just have two or three in the backyard.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Yea last year when I posted an add for chickens for sale that is what I got asked alot. they are wanting pullets. That is why my incubator will be running 24 -7 until late fall.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Are people looking for a specific breed? My neighbor has a small incubator and he's been hatching for buyers. He's been keeping to the dual purpose breeds and keeps the roosters for meat sales.

Clarkson, KY

What are pullets going for? Still about $10 per?

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

The pullets are going for $8-$10 apiece while the roos are going for $5 in our area.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Yea about 8-15 bucks around here.

Clarkson, KY


(Zone 7b)

$10 to $15 here also

Newton, AL

Thanks all good info!! I think with the way the economy is going, in the not so far future, people will pay any price you ask for the eggs because food and goods are going to be hard to come by. I am glad we will have eggs (and some of these roos if they don't behave!)

(Zone 7b)

I truly believe with our food supply becoming more processed and toxic that there will be more family's than ever this year and in years to come wanting to raise their own food both animal and vegetable.
I have watched in the past 8 years chickens go from not hardly selling to now i have seen it double in the past year of people wanting laying hens and meat birds.
When i use to go to the auction it was mainly dealers but as of this past year i see actual family's coming and paying good prices for the chickens.

It makes me happy to see parents wanting their kids to eat good food and teaching them the ways of our ancestors on how to feed themselves and be self sufficient.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

here, here! I totally agree, Harmony. I do my best to talk people who say " I don't want to dig up my lawn for a garden because the kids won't have anywhere to play". I've convinced a few to use containers on the front step for lettuce or a patio tomato; or use the flower bed to grow tomatoes or peppers.

(Zone 7b)

Good for you if we can only convince them to have a little spot I've noticed when they taste it they talk about how good it is and then the next year you see them down at sears looking at a tiller LOL

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

was just in walmart and large eggs are selling for $1.22 a i think i will keep my prices down, at least peopel will be getting good fresh eggs..

(Zone 7b)

Cndydavis i didn't know you and Silkie lived in a small depressed area. Times are hard and for those that don't have much it only makes things worse.
It's and Admiral thing you do keeping your egg prices low so people can afford to have something good and nutritious to eat.
Thank you for careing for others and doing what you do ^_^

Clarksburg, MO

I sell my eggs as follows:
small - i keep for us
medium - $1.50
large - $2.00
extra-large - $2.25
Jumbo - $2.50

I have had good luck putting a sign in the yard.


Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I got chickens last year when I moved out to the ranch, mainly cause Billy can eat his weight in eggs and they were pricey, and cause what ranch would not be complete without chickens. This year I should have some good layers going to keep him fed...
And this year we are going to start a small garden to see if we can do it. Some carrots, tomato's and squash with a few herb plants along the way. Course we will be growing sunflowers for the chickens, and I am sure alot of the carrots will go to the horses... It will be fun. Some will be grown in containers on the front porch, some in garden plots around water in the pasture and some in the back yard. Oh and the tomato's we are going to try and grow them in a straw bale...

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Lol! I know what you mean about the kids eating their weight in eggs! I can't wait for mine to kick in laying. My son has been eating the duck's egg every morning! I've been waiting to get a few to bake a cake with but that doesn't look like it's going to happen for awhile.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I grow multi-color carrots in a large pot last year. they where so good. Billy would probable like the multi-color mix carrots.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Wren, please tell me more about the multi-color carrots, I know he will love them.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

there are a number of places to by the carrots. There are others but I can not find them now. I have bought from the second place

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Thanks Wren

Love the colors I will order some tomorrow...
You grew them in containers? and it worked good?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

yes but I did harvest them when they where still small. They where very good. I had the white, purple, reddish, yellow. We have a very short winter. And they do not grow well in our summer heat. Just make sure your soil is very loose.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I think I could almost pass them off as candy and he would eat them.... LOLOLOL Eggs and carrots for the boy... No Fast Food here.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

I just found this thread...havent been on the P & L forum in a while.

I thought I had alot of eggs! lol! but that first photo really had me thanking the lord that I dont have that many!
lol! my girls (4) lay about 100 eggs per month. I've been begging the neighbors to take some! lol! I was giving them away (and will continue to do this) but neighbors are insisting on paying money to help with feed costs. so one lady gives me $5 for 18 eggs and another just gives me $10 a month and I give her fresh eggs whenever she asks :o) another younger family lives next door...they are really struggling to hang on to their home, so I give them as many eggs as they want. their 7 yo son always wants to come help me feed the chickens :o)

In our stores here, for large brown organic eggs they are $6.99 a dozen!! yikes! reg white eggs are $4.00 for 18 count! I am soooo glad my ladies finally started laying! lolol! and I really cant wait until I can move to another state where inflation is not quite so high! lol!

Clarkson, KY

So glad you're back Anjl!! Again, lol! They're paying more for 18 organic eggs than we'd pay for a pullet!! Good grief Charlie Brown...

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol, I know ^_^ and thanks, its good to back! lol!

Newton, AL

Hi all, great discussion! You know, there are folks that are way smarter than I am saying that we should all plant gardens, that food could become hard to come by in the not so distant future and that those of us who know how to coax a seed from the ground and to raise our own food will be the ones who will survive. I pray this is not so. But isn't it good to know you will be able to feed your families and friends if times get really hard?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

On the carrots. The only way my youngest could eat carrots with out gagging was honey carrots. You cook them with some honey. All little boys love something sweet!!!!!

I think the colored carrots are sweeter anyway

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