Egg Production

Newton, AL

How is everyone's egg production going??

This is 6 days eggs.

Thumbnail by InnBetween
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

OMG how many hens do you have?

Mine is not to bad getting about a doz a day right now.

Newton, AL

HI luvs, glad your egg production is good. I have about 200. I sell to the local health food stores. I usually get about 23-26 doz large eggs a week and about 6 dozen small for give aways and us to eat.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

wow that is awesome. I still have some not laying yet, but they are looking at the nest boxes and thinking about it.

Newton, AL

mine too. out of 200 hens I should get more than I do, but there are some old girls who don't lay but a couple times a week and some young girls that aren't quite sure what they are supposed to do. I need to cull my flock, but I just can't do it. A friend asked me what I do with the ones who stop laying? I told him they go into retirement until they die. He thinks I am crazy, but I look at it this way. Just because my hunting dog gets too old to point a bird does not mean I "cull" it. So why should I do any different for the old faithful girls who laid eggs for me for years?

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

so very true. Most of mine are 1st time layers. I do have a couple girls that are a bit older.

Richmond, MI(Zone 5a)

i found out a new use for shreaded paper makes a good nest filler helps keep eggs clean, not to bad.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Now that's a haul! How cool.. I'm so glad to hear you let your girls retire.. after all that they give you, I agree.. they deserve it!

Beautiful eggs.. great picture!

Newton, AL

thanks! I can use the stuff from my shreader! Good way to recycle!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Great idea Cooksterann!!!
Well....I get about 2 eggs a day!!!! :( out of 12 chickens. humph!!!
I am sure happy to see someone is getting eggs!!!! ;) three of my girls went broody and the rest are on strike I guess. hehehe

Clarkson, KY

My 30 have gone from producing 4-6 to producing 14-18. I'm wondering what I'll do when and if it gets up to 20-25! They're mostly young ones so it's not much of a stretch....

Newton, AL

you go grow!! I give the small and medium eggs to the people at work. everybody likes free eggs!

Clarkson, KY

Thus far we have buyers for all. I try to mix in the occasional pullet egg -everyone seems to like getting to know their producers-LOL!!

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Wow. I am so impressed. I reached out and got my first customer today now that my hens are old enough for a steady supply. I just enjoy having chickens and my best hope is to sell an occasional dozen, but I am really impressed with your market InnBetween. I am equally impressed with the fact you are letting your older girls live out their days. I've heard it's "18 months and then what do you do with them?" Is that right? That can't be a steady 18 months can it? Anyway, my problem right now is what to do with the eggs I get, not what to do with old chickens! Sewin- hope you get more eggs soon, and wish I had one of your broody ones. They kind of go to rest when it's cold out, no? Also interesting to hear what you do with your pullet far all size eggs have gone to DH and my coworkers, too, but that's not because I don't value each egg any less!

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

my 16 girls are laying between 12-16 eggs a day and i cant keep up with the peopel that are buying them..i may have to invest in another 15!!. i have a private stock for myself..these are the eggs that look like duck eggs!! they are huge. somebody had a sore bum!! i get about 2 of those a week..owie!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Thats great everyone!!! Way to go!!! Its great when you can make some money along the way to pay for food and stuff!!! :D

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

No money being made here, between family and Hubbys friends. Maybe soon I can get to where I am selling some.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

WOW I am amazed. I am still buying my eggs from the store the girls are less than 1 month, so it will be awhile for me... I love the colored eggs.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Wow, that's great production, InnBetween, especially for this time of year. I'm getting a daily duck egg(have only one duck) and I have four B.O.'s that are of laying age, only about 3 a week. I have 11 juvenilles that hopefully will be laying in the next couple months. Then I'll be making DH bring the extra's to work to sell.

Newton, AL

I will do the egg dance for you all to speed up production! You have to remember, Alabama is a good month ahead of you folks for Spring, so it's coming. My older girls 8-10 yrs old still lay every 3 or 4 days. They still contribute. I have a couple who have weathered a couple bad cases of broncitis that don't lay but maybe once a week, but, they earned the retirement. I have 3 fenced acres and they can do as they please. There are enough young girls to take up the slack.
I give the pullet eggs away and my DH and I eat those. I also put some in the doggie stew I make for my dogs. I don't buy canned dog food. Too much yuckie stuff in it.

Clarkson, KY

Found two ameraucana eggs in my guestchickens hoard! May they lay many more for me to hatch!!

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

What is a guestchickens hoard? Is there such a thing as boarded chickens or would that be guessed chickens? Boarded horses are relatively common here..... not in my neighborhood, though. So happy for you! I am at least 3rd of my generation to have's just the way life should be as far as I see it.

Clarkson, KY

Taking care of chickens at our place for someone who had to be out of town for a while. The brown egg hen has been very predictable. The other two girls are saving and hiding their eggs. I'm sure I'll find a treasure nest one day!!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

My pullets that were hatched October 1 are starting to lay. There are 125 of them. I think we got about ½ dozen today. The older gals are kicking out about 3 dozen or more a day. So far all are getting sold. Holding tight at $2.50 dozen.

Clarkson, KY

No reason to even CONSIDER going lower.

Richmond, MI(Zone 5a)

i get 2.00 a doz, and they are xtra large eggs some are double yolks and a lady gives me 4.50 a doz. we have izer reds, we wouldn't have any other lay ever day , we have about 275 girls and we are going to get about 150 to200 more we are not sure if we want chicks or started pullets as the pullets will start laying sooner.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

i get $1.25 a dz. mine are xtra large eggs too..but as long as i can keep selling them i'll keep the price low. and as long as they bring back their cartons then i do keep it low for them..
i priced getting the started pullets, but geez with shipping its not worth it. so i'm going to order more day olds in april..
i have golden comets, or red stars as come call them..they are the best layers i have ever had, and i wont switch..

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Old store eggs are higher than you are charging. Sam's Club was $2.45 for 1½ dozen the other day. One store ran a special., $1.44 per dozen. Why are you selling so cheap ?
I don't think you are covering your feed cost, let alone price of the birds.

Newton, AL

countrygardens, that sounds right to me! I can't cover the cost of my feed and I am charging $2.50 a doz. I still have to kick in some mad money every month to cover the cost.
The only reason I order hatching eggs is I am trying to bring in specific blood lines to my flock. I ordered the hatchery chicks to get started, but now, I would like to start breeding specific breeds and needed some really good blood lines.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We started out just going to have a few hens for ourselves. Right away had extra eggs, then decided if we were going to offer them for sale, we needed enough for everybody. Marketing is complicated!
We get a 17% egg mash for $7 per 50#. A very good feed. We use about a bag a day, so the old hens are covering the feed. When the pullets get going we should have excess $.
I am hoping they will average 8 dozen a day or better.
I need to head out & feed the flock soon & it is only 2º this morning!
Have a Great Day!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

We got 19 eggs yesterday :) My pullets are starting to kick in full force, you should see the line of girls on the roost waiting to get into the nest boxes. We have about 20 or so nest boxes but they fight over a couple. Silly girls. Not sure how many hens/pullets we have, will know in a couple weeks when we get them NPIP tested.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

OK, I give up. What does NPIP stand for.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

heck if I know, it is a test the state does on birds for something or other and then the certification is good for 1 year.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

maybe this will help a little bit

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

We got 17 eggs yesterday well 18 counting the one just laid outside the pen before the chickens were let out so it it either a turkey or duck egg. 10 eggs the day before and and day before that 18. My pullets are coming right along.

I have a couple hens that travel all over the place here and I NEVER see them in a nest box and I know they are laying but we can not find where yet. Had a dream last night that we had an egg hunting party, kinda like easter. Well we found hundreds of eggs and new chicks all over the place.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

yes i know that $1.25 is cheap, but i enjoy having the chickens and it does cover the feed somewhat..and peopel love the i'm not stuck with the prices in the stores are about $2.25, and there are a few others that are selling if i can stay below then i will sell them and have some fun too..

Clarkson, KY

Cindy -I hope I'm not being a grump here, but I would worry a little that MY keeping prices low would affect OTHERs' ability to make ends meet....the ol' "If she can do it, why can't you?" thing...

Humansville, MO

hi all
i have 6 hen
i was getting 5 egg a day
1 hen went broody
now i get 2 to 4 egg a day

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

i see your point grow, but the other one that is selling eggs is a feed and garden store, so they do have other ways to make ends meet..and i have tried to buy feed from them, but 9 times out of 10 they dont have it and dont know when it will be in..they are very really i dont feel sorry for them..they cant run their business very well..i am in business and i know what you have to do for customers. and they dont do it..
and no i'm not mad about how you feel..i just love having my girls and know i have quality eggs and have no hesitation selling them lower..

Clarkson, KY

LOL. Bases covered. That's a whole nother story then. There are quite a few people around here who sell eggs. And they've had to go up, unwillingly, to 1.50/doz. We are completely free range here and DH delivers the eggs so I have no hesitation in charging more, but we also don't usually sell at home. (DH works right near the egg customers so it actually does make sense to deliver, and the egg money covers part of his commute, ha! -the girls don't know what all they're into!!)

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