Think Spring! Have/Want lists for Feb. 21 seed party

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah Quantico too - but sadly they're closer in age to my oldest...LOL

Kilmarnock, VA(Zone 7a)

I don't have much in the way to swap but do have sees for Canna "Red Stripe". Would anyone want some of these? I'll bring them if you do.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

OK, now i AM laughing--chantell!
betty- coming for the conversation is fine!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think only one person so far has spoken up for wanting to get some seed starting inserts... I'll bring a few extras, but please let me know if you want some so I can have them available.

I also have COW POTS, 4 inch size, from a case I purchased last year. Off the top of my head, I think they came to 40-some cents apiece. I also have plastic bags from the co-op I helped Chantell with... they're gusseted and a perfect fit for using as humidity covers on the cow pots. $5 will cover 12 cow pots plus bags.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'll trade you my rice hulls for one set of your cow pots and bags.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

!! Cow Pots !! I could use some more Jill...ummm, have plenty of bags already though...LOL

Sally - what conversation - we're a boring bunch....ROTFLOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey now...don't give away my rice hulls

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I agree with the 1:30 plant swapping. Where should we park that we can park beside one another so we can lift our trunks & do a "car boot" swap in the parking lot? If anybody is looking for my car, it's a 2004 metallic tan Ford Freestar Van, license # WB3GRT. Got some more ziploc baggies so I can package up the Tradescantia Maidens Blush cutting (with roots!!!!!!!). I stopped in a thrift shop this morning and spent all of $ 7.00 on two aquariums and a bunch of cross stitch & craft books. Not bad, huh? Jill are there any thrift shops near where we will be tomorrow? Thanks. Judy

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Buttoneer, what color is the Tradescantia Maidens Blush? I love these plants and have several, but I don't do pink in my garden.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

They are a green-leaved plant but when they get lots of sun, the leaves get a pink flush, actually very attractive.

This particular picture shows the color best. If you don't like pink, don't take any but they are supposed to be hardy, so I'm gonna plant some out this summer & see what happens.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

They sure are pretty, almost makes me tempted to break my rule :)

Oh yeah, meant to mention something else. You're friend's name "Bertie" is also my nickname. I even spell it the same. Not widely known (in fact no one here knows it) because it's a family name. I think I've only ever met 2 other people who had that name. Is that her given name do you know? My given name is Roberta, but I go by Bobbie.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hull people- I plan to be there before 12 so if you see my dark blue Toyota Sienna van, I 'll give you rice hulls then. Maybe a few others can swap if we get there a bit early as well. Probably can print a little DG logo and stick it on my tailgate window. If I can, I'll make a few.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The parking lot there is usually pretty full (except in the "outer Mongolia" area), so I don't know if it'll be possible to designate a parking area other than "near the restaurant." I think we can probably just go from one car to the next... when you get to your car, you'll be able to put your new plants in & then make another run to your car to put away the rest of your new plants before heading back to the restaurant.

Alternately, we can have a parking lot swap at Dutch Plant Farm -- say, at 4 pm. Since I think a lot of us will be heading over there in the afternoon anyway to pick up plants or to do some shopping, that should work.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm not going to DPF (famous last words, along with ' I don't need/ want any more plants ' )
I just ran off a few DG logos. I'll put one with my DG name in my back tailgate window in case anybody wants to approach me and ask for stuff? or just park near me?

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll probably do my swap at Chef Lins parking lot cause 4 pm I want to be on the road heading home. See you all tomorrow.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, then we'll go with the 1:30 plan.

I just called DPF and was told that the Florida truck didn't come in and probably won't until mid-March. ?! Grrr. I'd be more understanding if there'd been a weather delay; this sounds like I just got bad info from the folks who were supposed to know.

I am working on clarifying their discount offer. I emailed Jodi the day after I talked to her & Mike but didn't get a response; nobody there knows anything about a DG group discount for tomorrow, and of course the two I talked to won't be back until Sunday/Monday. I talked the person answering the phone into trying to contact Jodi for me to find out what the deal is (and/or ask her to read her email).

So I'm a little peeved... however, this is just the second weekend of their half-off sale event, so I think it's still well worth stopping by (look for the polka dot tags). They also have a neat selection of pots, fountains, etc... plus, I noticed quite a few supply items sporting discount tags last week.

I know this was just an "extra attraction" in tomorrow's festivities -- but I wanted it to work out! I'll keep you posted.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sally, swapping for the cow pots will work out nicely. Chantell, LMK how many you'd like.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Also meant to mention... if anybody needs bubble envelopes for trades, I bought a case of little ones. My local post office has decided all BE's are "parcels," so the first ounce is $1.17... but at least using the little ones means the BE itself doesn't weigh much, LOL. (Please, I'm not trying to start a debate about postage here... there's a thread about the BE rates in the Seed Trading forum.)

In any event, 8 bubble envelopes can be yours for $1. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, I'm less peeved now. LOL. We knew it was going to take some luck to get the FL truck here on time, so c'est la vie.

DPF just called back... they called Mike, and he said we get 10% off on "everything" so I'm assuming that's 10% off your total purchase -- plants, pots, supplies, fountains, etc. I asked her to please put a note about it at the front desk or on the cash register so there would be no confusion tomorrow.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Your Alocasia "African Mask" plant has a definite dormant period--usually winter--so you need to just let it be. Do not water and let it rest....Yes! It will look "yuk".
I had one once--and it had this "routine".....dry up---drop/yellow out all leaves--go dormant---rest---look like c--p for the rest of the winter----then, as the growing season starts, I put it back outside in part-shade, started watering it and it put out new leaves and looked great.
Then--as Winter approached--it was the same old--same old routine....
Overall--it is not a plant that does well in the house. One of those humidity-seeking Tropicals. SOOOO beautiful, though!


Re the whole Parking Lot "Swap" thing--I will be the "bad guy" and speak my mind and say that some of this is really beyond UNREASONABLE!

We should all have eaten by the 1:30 allotted swap time???--(what's the time-frame allowed for this?) and then have to head out to the cold Parking Lot, find each others cars-- and trade, whatever we have carefully nurtured and grown, from 1:30-2PM???? This is the scheduled time we seem to be restricted to by the rules set forth.
It is freezing weather--you know! Blustery winds of late! SOOO cold!!!

--Because of it--people will have to bring coolers to put their plants and cuttings in so they do not die. It is OK to bring plants inside for the Gift Table, though???....Right???
--How many of us know each others cars? So--people will be running all over the Parking Lot trying to find where everyone else is parked and do their trades of promised plants?
--Besides the plants--there are Cow Pots and the Rice Hulls. I presume these are also restricted to the Parking Lot? Running back now to my car to put all this in the trunk....
--Then--there are the empty pots....whew! glad I don't need any of them!
--And--we have a WHOLE half hour to accomplish this! WOW! Must be back inside by 2PM to play Bingo......Can't wait!!!---That was actually fun last year!
Why do I feel I will be in some kind of "Boot Camp" ????????

Where is all the FUN we are supposed to have and all the comfy mingling and getting to know each other that Swaps are known for??? MUST there be so many rules & Restrictions--about every aspect of this function?

If the level of socialization the people wish to experience is so restricted because of the tight accommodations--then, perhaps, the accommodations, or location, needs to be changed.... No room for this--NO room for that! Can't have this! Cant do that! Is it really all that detrimental?
I bet some of you agree??????????.....

Hey! There HAS TO BE a more "laid back" way we could still accomplish all this in the future. NOT so much control and so many restrictions!.....After all--this is supposed to be a FUN event! But it IS Winter out there......and VERY cold weather! Trading on the Parking lot???? Geez! I DON'T want to spend too much, nor any, time out there!!!!

Since it is an "indoor" kind of event--(Ferbruary/March)--perhaps someone else would like to offer their premises to hold this next year. I will be glad to, if no one else can, but I would like to have the option of picking the date myself. I do not want to have someone else say it is "time" for this or that.....I will decide that!
If it is warmish--it can be outside, with easy access to inside. If it is cold--it can be all inside....
Pot lucks work great! I, actually, much prefer it. Better and healthier food!

I am just expressing my opinion here! Saying what I think....Practicing my "freedom of speech! No one go and try to hang me by sunrise now! Just take note, please!!!!

See you all tomorrow! Gita

Kilmarnock, VA(Zone 7a)

Okay, the car is full of gas, tires are properly inflated, and the address is in the GPS. I'm ready to go. Now if traffic through Northern Virginia will only cooperate, we'll be there on time. See you tomorrow.


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, it would be oh so nice if we could bring plants inside for the trade, but that is a very small room. I did, however, take all my plants I am bringing, out of their pots and wrapped their roots in moist paper towels and rubberbanded ziplock bags around the moist paper towels, so there will be no potting soil from me. It also takes up much less room. The reason I have to leave at 4:00 p.m. is because I have night blindness & try not to drive at night, if at all possible. My husband is having a fit because I am driving down alone, but I am going anyway. He doesn't want to go with me because he is not into plants. There have been many trips to the Lancaster County Mennonite nurseries where he stayed in the car & slept or brought along Lauel & Hardy DVD's & watched them in the car, but that was when the weather was warm. Anyway, my car won't be that far away from the restaurant because I have a handicapped tag. Oh yes, one more thought, I don't think DPF would appreciate us swapping plants in their parking lot. After all, they sell plants. Nuff said about that. Last year, I got some very nice things in the parking lot. Let's hope the wind lets down. It's killing me.

This message was edited Feb 20, 2009 6:43 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, the EASY way to do this would be for nobody to bring plants to a SEED swap. We can NOT bring a lot of potted plants into the restaurant... they are already being very accommodating in allowing us to bring a few in for the gift table. Please remember that everything we bring to the restaurant has to be carried to the dining area. "Dry goods" like cow pots and rice hulls are OK to bring inside, as are pots if they are clean... we can tuck items like that under the gift table. DPF has space but can't accommodate us for a swap because (understandably) they don't want foreign plant material inside. (They don't know our plants are pest-free.)

The parking lot swap is something I am trying to accommodate within the parameters of our luncheon and seed swap. If we don't set some times for things to happen, it will be chaotic. If you need more time, then do the parking lot swap at the end of the event. If you don't want to swap plants under these conditions, then don't! Easy!

These are not my rules (health department regs for the restaurant, nursery inspection regs for DPF), but they are not unreasonable restrictions for an event that's not held at somebody's home... most of our gatherings are not in this sort of setting, so people will just have to be adaptable this time. Having lots of different events with different ways of doing things is one of the reasons I posted the "Party Time!" thread, in order to encourage more people to host/organize.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

For anybody bringing cuttings or rooted plants that are not in soil or potting mix -- I think I've been quite clear that there should be no problem bringing those into the restaurant. They too can be tucked into a corner or under a table.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Besides, we can bring potted plants to Holly's in May. LOL But mine are already packed & ready to load up tomorrow. Really excited about this trip. Hope I can get to sleep tonight. Maybe a glass of wine???????

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Good! All my cuttings are coming inside under the table. I am bringing two potted plants for the door prize table. ;-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Buttoneer, if it would make things easier for you with the return trip, you are more than welcome to stay the night on Saturday. :-)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh I really appreciate that but Bob wants me home & I want to be home with him. I'll be just fine. I NEVER EVER get in that car without praying for a safe roundtrip.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I hear you! I guess we can't find something else in Frederick for him? bookstore? antiques? a Home Depot workshop? (

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, forgot to ask you, are there any "THRIFT" shops in the vicinity? That is my weakness.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes there are, but you need somebody who is better than I at giving directions. There's one on East Patrick, which I think is run by the hospital... ooh, found their website:

I haven't yet been to the Goodwill at 400 E. Church Street (the one that was closer to me went downhill & then closed), but I've been to the one in Thurmont, which you might ? drive past on your way to Frederick.

Another favorite is St James thrift shop in Mt. Airy, which is out of your way but en route for anybody coming in along 70.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Rice hulls will be in my van. Six bags times five pounds each. they're the size of a stuffed grocery store bag. --I'll put names on in Sharpie----If someone wants to slip out on the way back from the bathroom and grab theirs I'll give you my key fob and you can beep your way to them.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

!! Gita !! Good golly Miss Molly - I get the whole free speech thing - anyone who knows me is painfully aware of that but now come on, THAT was beyond harsh. You - me - any of the MA DGer's are more then welcome to host the Feb get together. Jill graciously has done this not once but TWICE - not to mention the times she shared her home with us. She frequents the restaurant we'll be at so she has a much better sense then you or I at what might be acceptable or not so much - agreed? I stand in awe of Jill's organizational skills - not "boot camp" - but organized. If it were left up to me to run one of these - I assure one would attend a 2nd one I did. It takes all kinds - and I have the utmost respect for the planners - cuz I ain't one! And if this sounds harsh - I certainly don't mean it to BUT - I have always said "Unless you have a better suggestion/idea - DON'T complain about it." When I catch myself doing it...I simply bite my tongue...literally. I'm saying this to you in love...we need to keep the peace amongst ourselves - "Don't bite when a growl will do" sort of thing. Being "gentle" with our tone/words is certainly not easy but - there's always less hurt feelings in the end.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Growwwwlll Lick lick lick. (LOL)

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

FoxnFirefly, I don't have any sweet briar cuttings to share just now, but I have seeds if you want them. Since it is a species rose and not a hybrid, it comes true from seed.

I'll be leaving pretty early tomorrow morning, but I'll try to check in one last time before I go. Otherwise, I have packed up everything that was requested plus a few extras. I can't wait to meet everyone!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I may be accompanied by the elusive "Mr". sallyg. What a trooper. I'm sure he'll bring his latest book and his appetite.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooh, wonderful, Sally! Does he "need" a goodie box or shall I just add his name to yours?

I've got another last minute addition.. my friend Theresa, and possibly also her sister Angela (several of you met them at my place this fall). Theresa has been working practically round the clock lately, so while she had it on her calendar I knew she wouldn't know until the day before if she could make it... and Angela is driving down from PA in the morning. I'm working on bringing that whole clan into the DG "fold." :-) Theresa is bringing her seed box... and she's always got some goodies in it!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I just finished painting the "Think Spring!" swap item for the gift table... not a mug, this time... ;-)

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Kubi--yes, I will take the sweetbriar rose seed. Never have tried species roses from seed. This would be interesting for me!! Thank you!!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Critter, I'll take 5.00 worth of the cowpots/bags.

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