Think Spring! Have/Want lists for Feb. 21 seed party

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK! Time to get organized. The "SWAP discussion" thread is getting close to 200 posts, so it's time for a continuation thread.

We came from here:

I thought it might also be helpful to list (or re-list) your "haves" and "wants" on this thread, editing your post as needed to keep track of requests, etc.

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

me first! :-)

I'll be adding and editing as we go along, so check again before the end of the week... Some are just a couple of packs, others are newly collected seeds I'm bagging up this week.

Flowers – let me know what you’re looking for, generally or specifically, and I’ll look in my stash for you.
Agastache, Honey Bee Blue and Honey Bee White
Alpine Catchfly (Lychnis alpinus)
Amaranthus, burgundy
Cardinal Climber, red (Ipomoea slateri)
Chocolate Daisy (Berlandiera lyrata)
Cypress vine, red (Ipomoea quamoclit)
Columbine Mix
Columbine double pink
Datura, white/lilac
Datura, double purple
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra (Ox-Eye, aka “Not Chocolate Daisy”)
Lion’s Ear, annual (Leonotis nepetifolia)
Rose Campion (Lychnis coronaria)
Penstemon smallii
Scarlet Sage
Salvia ‘Purple Knock Out’
Sea Holly (Eryngium planum)
Torenia founerii (Wishbone flower), mixed colors, may have some single blue or purple colors if you ask
Verbena longifolia

Black Pearl (2008)
Bolivian Rainbow (2005)
Medusa (2008)
Pretty Purple Pepper (2007/8)
Fluorescent Purple (2007, 1 pack)
Hot Portugal (2008)
Tabasco (2009 commercial)
Fish Pepper (2008)
Numex Big Jim (2008)
Numex Orange Suave (2008)
Aji Dulce #2 (2008)
Pizza Pepper (2009 commercial)
Many more… ask if you’re looking for anything.

Black Russian (few)
Jaune Flamme (2005)
Potato Top
Tumbling Tom
Wisconsin 55
Wild Cherry
Yellow Brandywine (few)
Many more… ask if you’re looking for anything.

Basils & herbs
‘Blue Spice’ basil (commercial 2009)
‘Serata basil (commercial 2009)
Italian Genovese basil from Italy (2007)
Hot & Spicy Sumatran basil (2008)
Sicilian basil(2008)
Thai ‘Siam Queen’ basil (commercial 2009)
Purple Ruffles basil (commercial 2009)
Many more… ask if you’re looking for anything.

Garlic Chives
Medium Leaf Chives (commercial 2009)
Fern Leaf Dill (commercial 2009)

Holly: Fish Pepper, Aji Dulce, N. Orange Suave, Black Pearl, Pretty Purple Pepper, Medusa, Hot & Spicy Basil, Italian basil, Sicilian basil

Becky: lots of climbers

Aspenthomas: Datura, peppers, basils (let's get together & WS some columbines! love to try your Tower Pink)

Froggy: WI 55, Wild Cherry, Black Russian tomatoes, set of 7 deep 606 sheet pots for $5

Happy: Co-op peppers, sheet pots?

Miata: Pretty Purple Pepper,

Kubileya: Columbines

This message was edited Feb 17, 2009 8:49 AM

This message was edited Feb 17, 2009 10:55 PM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I have commercial seeds to share. They are either from Select Seeds or Park Seeds if you want to look them up on the internet. Some are supposed to be really fragrant. I haven't divided them up into individual packets yet, so I don't know the quantities of each that I'll have available. This is my very first attempt at seed starting, and I don't know what I'm doing :-) I have the articles from critter and I went to a two hour seminar on Saturday that covers the basics, so I'm getting excited about giving it a try. I'll be sowing the first batches of seeds tomorrow. Looking forward to next week's get together... terri

Cleome 'White Queen'
Columbine ' Clementine Dark Purple'
Columbine 'Tower Pink'
Nicotiana 'Cranberry Isle'
Cathedral Bells Vine
Foxglove 'Camelot White'
Fragrant Corkscrew Vine
Moon Vine
Hollyhock 'Queeny Purple'

datura, morning glory, basils, peppers. I'm not particular about any specific kinds - looks like there will be a lot of variety available, and since I've never had any of these (either as seeds or as established plants), I'm just looking for a few to try out.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Okee Dokee-----

I c/p'ed my seed list and any comments that are relavent......

***One change----------

Until I can verify that there actually IS any seed in the chafe of the Anise Hyssop "Black Adder"--I am removing it from the list. I will pour all the chafe I have in a fine sieve and rub it all and see if any seed at all drops out. Seems a slim chance......
Now--I DO have one request...

I have prepared between 10-20 packets of most of the seeds I plan to share. They will all be in well-marked, legal-sized envelopes in a box with the seed packets inside the envelopes. I also plan to have a description of the plant inside and will paste a photo on the outside of the envelopes so you can see what the plant looks like in bloom.
I will, simply, put this box on the Swap table and everyone can help themselves.

I would prefer that people do not ask me to put this or that aside for them as there will be plenty of everything..... Please!

I do not, really have anything all that new. Most of you already know what I have...same thing I have always had, but there are some unusual plants that some of the new attendees might want and a couple new additions to my list..

Here is what I will be bringing to share:

1--Double Yellow Datura--20 packets
2--Tripple Purple/White Datura "Metel"--20 packets
3-- 4 O' Clocks-"Broken Colors"--20 packets
4--Tall, Red perennial Hibiscus--blooms in 3-4 years from seed--18 packets
5--Grandpa Otts M.G.--12 packets
6--Grandpa Otts M.G. (accidentally) mixed with Cardinal Climber vine--12 packets
7--Cardinal Climber (red)--11 packets
8--M.G. Blue Picotee (I. Nil type "kikyo") w/pink ones mixed it--15 packets
9--M.G. Crimson Rambler--3 packets
10--Tall, Blue Ageratum (seriously biennial!)--10 packets
11--Blue Forget-Me-Nots (biennial/perennial)--10 packets
12--Giant, Purple Amaranth--10 packets
13--Orange Oriental Poppy--15 packets
14--Northern Sea Oats--6 packets
15--Hollyhocks (assorted, common--not mine!)--10 packets

17--Wintersweet Shrub (Chimonanthus praecox)-blooms in 5-7 yrs. from seed--10 packets.
18--Light Pink Cleome--(annual) 15 packets
19--Tiger Lily bulbils (stored for a year??)--3 packets

Besides the above--there will be a "MISCELLANEOUS" section in the front with this and that--some older seeds--some past trades I am not interested in, some seed packets, etc...

Thank you, Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Terri, and anyone else I have MG seeds. I posted pics on the other thread and if you D-Mail me I will send you pics. and descriptions as I don't have names for most of them and they most likely will be mixed.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)


Rose of Sharon (purple)
Aster (also purple)
Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans)
Marigolds (mix of orange & yellow)
Clove Basil (Ocimum gratissimum) Critterologist, miatablu
Okra Hill Country Red
Orchid pepper
Watermelon White Wonder
Eggplant Turkish Orange
Eggplant Thai Green
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
Sweet Briar Rose (Rosa eglanteria)
Raisin Tree (Hovenia dulcis) small amt
Jujube (Zizyphus jujuba)
Passiflora maliformis HollyAnnS
Passiflora rubra (Buttoneer)


critterologist: Columbines, fish pepper
Buttoneer: Cassia marlandica, variegated yucca
Gita: Tiger lily, Chimonanthes praecox

This message was edited Feb 15, 2009 4:26 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have had this site bookmarked for a long time.

With all the seeds we all will be growing in just a couple of weeks--I thought you all could use this information, specially seeds that will be germinating outside in your beds.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Anyone have any of that ornamental purple millet? I know (I should) have tons of volunteers in the back yard this summer but I was thinking they'd be nice color behind the Peruvian Daffodils....

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Does anyone have yellow columbines? I'll have lots of pink Cleome seeds for everyone and rudbeckia goldsturm seed pods. Some odds and ends of commercial seeds left over from WSing, too.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

There's yellow in my mix harvested last year, but I think I've also got some separate yellow columbine seeds in the fridge (older seeds stored in fridge seem to germinate fine). I'll make a note to put some in your goodie bag.

Chantell, I think Miata is bringing Purple Majesty millet... and if she runs out, looks like there are a couple of 2007 packs in my stash.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chantell, got ya covered for purple millet. I've got more than I know what to do with.

By the way, found my seeds over the weekend! Won't have much time other than throw a few together in some envelopes and label with common names. I'm just going to toss them in a box a let everyone have their pick unless I see something that is on someones want list that I have. I'm not going to divide them up into too many separate envelopes, but I'll bring some empty envelopes if anyone wants to split up what I've brought.

Bringing for:
Holly and Chantell - purple millet
Kubileya - Columbine, McKana Giant mix
Becky - Black Eyed Susan Vine
Sally - Shredded Umbrella plant (for experimenting, I have no idea how to propagate these)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I will be bringing Black Pussy Willow cuttings for anyone that wants them.
Kubileya, I have a newly rooted Passi would you like it as trade for your seeds?
If not it will be up for grabs.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd love a Black Pussy Willow Cutting. Also looking for red or white asclepsia (milkweed) seeds. I found some pink/white cosmos bipinnatus seeds from last year that I'll bring. Anyone want some variegated philodendrun cuttings? Sorry about my spelling of plant names-not my forte.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly, I'd like a Black Pussy Willow cutting too if you have enough.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

HAVE--harvested last fall
4--Penstemon digitalis- native, perennial, Foxglove Penstemon, rosette with spikes to 3-4 feet tall

6-- columbine - Blue plus ? crossed
6- columbine blue from 2007 not crossed.
4-- datura double yellow
Pig's ear cutting- two or three- Holly, Buttoneer,

Various gourd seeds, not all this year but you'd probably get a few sprouts.
(For Holly- parsley curled and flat, pig's ear cutting)

Rice hulls, in five pound bags

This message was edited Feb 20, 2009 9:19 AM

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Ok, here is what I will be bringing:
Seeds (20 envelopes each species)
Cassia hebecarpa (about 2' tall, pretty yellow flowers, hardy in Pa z6)
Cassia marilandica (about 5' tall, pretty yellow flowers, hardy in Pa z6)
Robinia (Black Locust) (Hardy z6)
Solanum mammosum (very spiny, unusual fruits, not hardy in z6)
Baptisia australis (bush, pretty blue flowers, seeds, hardy z6)
Variegated yucca (hardy z6)
Delaware Beach peas (hardy z7) (added this at the last minute.
I'll have 20 little seed bags of each of the above and maybe 10-12 of the ones below.
Please everybody, take only one of each you are interested in, so the rest can share, too.
If there are any left over, I'll put them in a pile and you can jump in. [;-)]

Plants: (roots wrapped in moist paper towels in plastic bags)
Walking Iris (Neomarica gracilis) blue flower, not hardy z6
Hawaiian Spider Plant (not hardy z6)
Dietes grandiflora (African iris) (not hardy z6)
Tradescantia "maiden's blush" (cuttings) (hardy z6)
Cryptocereus antonyanus (rick rack cactus cuttings, similar to epiphyllum)
If you are not sure what these plants are, please "google them. DG also has them in the plantfiles.

a couple doorprizes and my appetite.
See all you great people there. Don't flip out. I quit dyeing my hair & it is now salt & pepper but it's still me.

This message was edited Feb 19, 2009 7:08 AM

This message was edited Feb 19, 2009 10:02 AM

This message was edited Feb 19, 2009 3:06 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I am bringing a couple plant door prizes as well......Good ones!

Also-I want to trim some small branches off my Wintersweet Bush and bring them in jars of water (now in full bloom and fragrant!!!!) and put them on a couple of the tables.
Just to mask the oriental food fragrances......:o)

Have seeds for this as well-of course!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, i know you want to share those blooms, but I'd just as soon not add them to the tables... if you want to bring a sprig so we can sniff them, we can tuck it into a vase on the gift table instead. Thanks!

I appreciate the door prizes people are bringing... if you haven't posted or Dmailed me and are planning to bring something, please let me know (you don't have to give me details, just tell me you're planning to bring an item). I'm putting together a few little things here, too. :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK! I will bring a sprig.....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Gita!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Read your article on the Potato Top.

Could I please have a few seeds? Now I want to try it!

Thanks, Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll add them for you! :-)

I'll bring a few extra packs, too.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I may grow only ONE plant--as I have room for only 5 total Tomato plants.....:o(
AND--I will pass on the seeds!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hmm, I think that number is up from the "just 3" you had room for a couple years ago if I'm remembering right... gotta have tomatoes! ;-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

That was, probably, before I dug uo everything in the bed behind my shed--which was full of Lilly of the valley and Black-Eyed Susans. I believe I did that in Spring of 2007.

I put all ne landscape ties in front (3 deep) and amended the soil with everything i could think of. Then planted one Toato between each of the "A"-Frame supports.
Last Summer I cheated--and planted TWO tomatoes in one of the spaces. It was a "jungle"--no matter what I can say!

Here! see?

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I will not be able to attend the seed swap but will be attending the plant swap at Holly's in May. I anyone has any used 3 to 4 inch plastic pots that spring plants come in and was thinking of throwing them out I will take them. If someone is going to Holly's in May, I could pick them up there.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, You need to whip those tomatoes into shape. LOL The plants that ate Gita's shed. I only plant about 4 to 5 plants myself. I can't live without and fresh sun warm ripe tomato picked right off the vine. Yummy!!!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Dang, I just got my seeds finally. I am hoping to come but am looking for a ride. Can someone near me or who will be driving by Falls Church swing by to pick me up? I would help with gas if you like.

Basil--Mrs. Burns Lemon
German Chamomile

Snapdragon "Night & Day"
Amaranthus "Towers Red"
Globe Amaranth White
Moon Vine
Cosmos "Seashells"
Geraniums (several Black Velvet series)
Sunflower "Autumn Beauty"
Columbine "Red Star"
Larkspur "Earl Grey"
Salvia Pink
Coreopsis tinctoria
Poppy Oase

Ox-eye daisy--Critter
Rose Campion--Critter
Fish pepper--Critter
Garlic chives---
Small sunflowers
Oriental lilies

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Foxnfirefly I dmailed you. I'm happy to give you a ride.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

I am interested in the sweetbriar rose...if you have a cutting to spare, can you please reserve for me?

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Buttoneer, I'd love to get a few of the tradescantia cuttings. thanks, terri

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll have about 20 or so Tradescantia cuttings and these are definitely rooted cause I stuck them all in a pot about a month ago. As all my plants, their roots will be wrapped in moist paper towels and then a plastic bag rubber banded around them in the back of my car. We will have to determine a time for people to go around to other people's cars & share plants. I don't want to stand outside for an hour in the cold. I'm on coumadin and I'm cold, anyway.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That's true--Buttoneer, maybe you can open the car and show us the stuff, then go back inside while we ransack your cuttings divvy it up and load you up with takes.
Buttoneer I would like Tradescantia too
I think I'll bring one of my reusable bags, label it Sallyg's wants. Then I'll have my Haves in a shoebox size or smaller container. I'll have rice hulls in the van.

It could be a right gefuffle* getting all the from-car swapping done!

* been watching Little Britain Lou and Andy

This message was edited Feb 20, 2009 9:14 AM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok...and NO laughing ANY of you!!! Anyone drink Diet Pepsi? I do a side job that involves - well, soda. I have quite a bit of diet pepsi (20 oz and 1 liter) that NO one drinks in my house and would be happy to unload, I mean bless someone with it. Please - please someone take it!!!
Also meant to add previously I have an African Mask that has seen better days but is still very much alive in it's 6 or 8" pot - even with a leaf - just needs some TLC. Anyone want to adopt her?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

(mmmphhh, mmmpphh) I am not laughing, honest.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Chantell, that's probably Diet Pepsi with nutrasweet, right? I'm a Pepsi One drinker (can't have the aspartame), and I seem to remember you're a Splenda person also.

OK, let's toss around ideas for doing the parking lot plant swap. I don't think we should try to do it at the end, because some people may need to leave earlier than others, etc. How about if we say 1:30-ish, and everybody has to be back inside, ready to play Bingo at 2?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Mercy Jill that I'd have YOUR memory...yes, like my splenda...want to try the one that's out from Stevia...add to "to do" list. Any who...I HATE diet Pepsi....LOVE regular though. But I figured it would be worth it if someone else likes the nasty stuff to ask. Promise I wasn't gonna haul the African Mask into the restaurant I just thought (much like the diet pepsi - if someone was interested, I'd bring her). I love it...we're STILL gonna be dealing out of our trunks in the parking lot ROTFLOL!! Hey if it brings over a single man in uniform that catches my eye...YOU'LL get the kick-back....wooo whoooo!! How's that for OT!?! I IS the reigning queen, ya know?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Men in uniform are fairly common around town... Ft. Dietrich!

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