Need information on Russian Sage - perovskia

Kannapolis, NC

Black and Blue Salvia is a bee magnet! The bumblebees especially love it. So do I.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I just planted two Black & Blues in a pot with sweet potato vines. I had heard the Hummingbirds love it, too!

Portland, OR

How long does Russian Sage stay in bloom, and when does it start? I am in Portland OR zone 8 with dry summers and wet the rest of the year.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Mine blooms for a long time--it's starting to bloom now and I think it bloomed through the fall last year (although I don't remember for sure when it stopped)

Kannapolis, NC

Mine usually starts late July/early August and blooms until frost.

Tabasco: you'll love the B&B sage. The hummers and the bumblebees love mine. So do I!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

So far the only flowers I have blooming and that I've seen hummers nectar at is a red penstemon that has finally bloomed their 3rd year grown froms seed and the Scarlet Sage and Pineapple Sage that I grow as annuals. Oh and the wild type of Aquilegia canadensis, I also have Little Lanterns which are ignored. Coral Honeysuckle, which I have seen them at in the past, but not this year. I think they are too busy eating all the aphids off it instead of nectaring at it.

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