Should we ask to sticky the "Party Time!" thread?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've been adding dates to the first post of this thread as events are planned or discussed. I think it might be useful to make this thread easy to find at the top of the forum, and I also think it might be a "friendly" sort of thing for newcomers to this forum to find there.

Although we do manage to bump it up every so often, I think it might also be good to "sticky" the Roll Call thread, both as a resource for our community and for newcomers.

I know both of these threads get some discussion/chatty posts and might eventually become too long for dial-uppers... when that happens, we can start a continuation thread (with a link to the first one, like we did with the Roll Call thread) and ask admin to sticky the new thread and release the old one.

Please post what you think about stickying one or the other or both threads.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think stickies become invisible. Everyone's eyes just jump past them right to the first unstuck thread. Does make it easier to find, though, if no one has posted for a while.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That may be true for people who frequent this forum -- I know my eyes jump past the "yay, we got a forum" sticky (maybe it's time to unstick that one). But if I'm new to a forum, I like finding useful stickies at the top. And as you said, for those of us who know the threads exist, stickying them makes them easier to find.

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