Orchid plants, bug eating plants on clearance at Lowes CHEAP

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I got a couple of orchid plants on clearance for $2.50 yesterday, they had been $11, at the store in Winchester. They didn't look quite as perky as the ones not on sale but had blooms and looked well worth the price.

They also had a whole section of the bug eating plants - pitcher plants, etc. - in the clear plastic boxes on sale for $3.50. I think those are regularly about $9. Note the pitcher plants that are sarracenias are hardy in zone 7 and even here in 6.

They also had a large orchid plant that had been $35 marked down to $12.50. It was huge.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

aw MAN- maybe they were making room for Valentines stuff-?? Mine didn't have anything good last week. Usually the done'blooming orchids are a lot more than $2 here.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It was weird because there was a sign where they had the clearance stuff that said 50% off, but they were obviously all marked 75% off. They had quite a few of the orchids and a lot of the bug eating plants. I got another pitcher plant for my little bog garden.

I didn't see a lot of plants for Valentines. Although they had a few potted flowering bulbs, they were out on the floor and not in the houseplants section.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

"YMMV"~~~maybe they accidentally got an extra shipment and had to move it

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