Best Worm Poop Sample Offer

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know this was offered at some time in the past, and it has arrived today--but I can't find the original thread.

It just arrived today and I personally want to say, WOW! and thank you so much to the vender:

This wasn't just a SAMPLE size--this was a 6 qt (6.6L) sized bag! These generous folks have definitely got my business for organic soil products this year (and I use a lot)! The shipping alone for these folks was $ is what they actually sent:

Thank You!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks for finding the link. I had ordered some so I should be getting mine here soon since you have gotten yours. I bookmarked it for future use


west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I thought the offer was originally on the Dave's Garden forum, but I could be wrong

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

YEA!!! I also ordered some - and had forgotten that I had! I'll be watching closely! Thanks! Samantha

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

How do you get this sample offer? I looked at the website & I don't see it.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I think it was on the Dave's Garden forum --if my memory serves me correctly. maybe around Christmas time?

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