Party Time! Let's have more parties, more often!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We got into this discussion on another thread, and I thought it deserved a thread of its own.

With the growing DG membership and activity in this forum, it seems like having more than one time and location for spring and fall plant swaps would let a lot more people participate. No matter what time and location we pick, there are people who can't travel that far or who have other plans for that day. So let's have more parties, more often!

I'll bet we could even manage monthly get-togethers, with this sociable group. It would be like having a monthly garden club get-together, DG style, with different people hosting so some locations would be closer than others for everybody.

I wrote an article about hosting a plant party,, and another about hosting a seed swap at a local restaurant,

This month, we've got a seed party planned for Feb 21... and Holly is thinking about a May or June date... Who wants to host a March Gathering? Or a July BBQ? Think about it... and share your ideas here!

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Events to Anticipate:
(and don't forget to check the RU forum!)

FEBRUARY 21: Think Spring! Lunch & Seed Swap in Frederick MD

MARCH 1 - 8: Philadelphia Flower Show, see

late MARCH: Williamsburg Weekend or day trip, Pottery & more! see

MAY 2: Southern Appalachian Roundup in Ashville NC

MAY 8 & 9: (Friday & Saturday) 9:00 am -5:00 p.m Landis Valley Museum Herb & Garden Faire in Lancaster, VA, see

May 9 & 10 Blandy Aboretum Garden Fair

MAY16 (Saturday): Plant Swap at Holly & Ric's near Dover, PA

MAY16 (Saturday): Plant Swap at Jody's in Del/Mar/Va Tidewater area

JUNE 18 or 25: Road Trip (overnight?) to Winchester VA for half price sale at Weber Nursery, plus side trip to Harper's for concrete stuff

please let me know if you're organizing any sort of MidAltantic get-together, and I'll add it to this post!

This message was edited Apr 4, 2009 10:32 AM

This message was edited May 1, 2009 9:47 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't forget that "road trip" (does that count as a road party?) up toward hart's that we'd discussed...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I can't host at this point in my chaotic life -- but I'll happily attend any and all . . . .

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh yes, that counts! Did we figure out the date for that sale? Mid-June, was it?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

If it's the same as other years, it will start either June 18 or 25. It will definitely be in later June.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm in for Winchester- July bbq sounds like fun, too. I'll think about maybe doing it at my place- I'll need to figure out the logistics, first.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I did one last year, and would be happy to do one again - I'm also open to arranging a get together for us "to the south"...^_^

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter, you all have a pretty wide margin for the trip here. The Weber's sale works like this - they start on a Thursday at the farm, which is where they grow most of their plants before bringing them to the store. That sale will run for a week and then the sale will start at the store and run for a week. The earlier in each sale you attend, the better the pick of stuff but the farm sale is only plants, the store sale is plants and all the supplies. So I'd suggest timing for the second half of the sale.

If the sale starts on the 18th, it would start at the store on the 25th. If it starts on the 25th, it would start at the store on July 2.

I called them, they haven't set the date yet this year. Hopefully they'll move it up so the second week won't run over the July 4 weekend.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for checking that for us, Hart!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

...itchin' to play w/plants.....

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jill, I started a thread to set a swap date. Thought it best to start a separate thread. You know how big they can get. Here is a link
I'm looking forward to a lot of plant swaps. Such a nice way to get around and see everyone and their gardens.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Holly! Yes, this was intended as a spin-off thread, a place to generate ideas and post event dates and links. :-)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Herb & Garden Faire

The Herb & Garden Faire of Landis Valley Museum is entering its third decade of offering one of the best garden and flower shows on the entire East Coast. More than 90 vendors will be on hand offering everything from garden tools to rare seeds as you experience a number of activities and vendors relating to gardening. Whether you're preparing your first garden or need to make a few adjustments to the one you've had for twenty years, the Herb & Garden Faire is here to help.

May 2, 2009 - May 3, 2009

Points of Interest
Landis Valley Museum in Lancaster, PA
phone: 717-569-0401
2451 Kissel Hill Road Lancaster, PA 17601

I plan to attend this event & after lunch, drive to Black Creek Nurseries and Mrs Martins both Mennonite nurseries in Ephrata. If there is any interest, let me know & we can meet at Landis Valley, and make a pilgrimage to the other two nurseries after lunch.
Thanks. Buttoneer.

This message was edited Feb 13, 2009 2:36 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for posting that, Buttoneer! I've added the date and description to the top... will add a link to your post. :-)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Critter. The easiest way was to edit & remove the other post & paste it here.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hmm, I was thinking of doing some sort of party/swap this year. Problem is, when? Looks like folks are already booking up, and since I am still undecided, I will go with the flow.

The Herb and Garden Faire sounds worth the trip.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Definitely worth your time to go to the Herb & Garden Faire. Last year, I got a tiny miniature Hosta (not more than an inch or two tall), a miniature Polygonum, Hosta Praying Hands, and some other plants. Let me know if anybody is interested in meeting there on Friday morning at 9:00 am when it opens. T hanks.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is a new Road trip. I am planning on going to Spring Haven Native Nurseries in April. (haven't decided a date yet, probably late April). These people sell strictly wholesale but if you make an appt and bring a group, you can purchase there. The prices would be retail but their prices go from $ 7.00 up to maybe $ 20.00. They have all kinds of unusual shade plants and some sun plants including: Jackinthepulpit, Hosta, Coral Bells, Wild hardy orchids, (in short, anything that grows in the woods). I would like to get a count on who would be interested. I was thinking the last Sunday (yes, he prefers people to come Sundays or weekdays). Let me know if anybody is interested. We could also go during a weekday but depends on the count.
Here is the link:

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Idea for March (with the exception of the weekend of the 8th/9th) - road trip to Williamsburg Pottery!! Nursery has ALL kinds of goodies...of course the Pottery has all kinds of pots and there's all sorts of neat bird feeder/house etc.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Bummer... I'm not available until the last weekend in March... if you go earlier, I'll have to bribe you to go shopping for me! :-)

I think that's a great idea, though! Chantell, do you think you could start an interest/planning thread about it? I'll link it up at the top post.

If anybody else has something in the works, please let me know... I can add it to the top post even if you don't have an exact date. :-)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Anybody interested in the Spring Haven Nursery tour the last week in April? There are also several Mennonite nurseries within driving distance, also an Amish-run bent & dent store that sells really cheap dry grocery, produce, frozen, etc.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

*bumping* this thread up because I just added Jody's swap to the top and wondered if there are other events I should be adding to this list. LMK!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter, I just noticed your list has Lancaster VA instead of PA. I know Landis Valley isn't in Virginia. LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

oops, typo! Good catch; thanks.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Jill :)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, I need to make a correction. The landis Valley Herb & Garden Faire is Mother's Day weekend May 8 & 9 (Friday & Saturday) 9:00 am -5:00 p.m. Thanks.

This message was edited Apr 4, 2009 9:58 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Got it, thanks!

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Jill, can you add this please? Anyone who goes has to visit Debbie and Phoebe at Rick's Custom Nursery!

May 9 & 10
Blandy Aboretum Garden Fair

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Done! Thanks. :-)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Just saw this! Aw geez, you can visit Rick and I but Phoebe's not going to Blandy this year :( We went back and forth about whether to bring her - this is the one show she's been to every time since she joined our family! But...she's been having so much fun with the petsittter here at the house that we decided to let her stay at home this year. Of course everyone's welcome to come to Lexington on Memorial Day weekend to see her! Our Open House is Saturday and Sunday and as long as Phoebe behaves herself she'll be around to greet everyone :)


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