Holly, check out these paper crafts

Shenandoah Valley, VA

These are all made from paper. There's everything from toys to tigers to dragons. You just print - the instructions for assembly are printed too - and then cut and paste together.


Look at these cute calendars. I'll bet the kids would enjoy the monkey one.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

A cat

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

A tiger

Thumbnail by hart
Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Hart, These are fantastic. It's hard to believe they are made from paper. They have such realism and texture. The monkey calendar is great and I like the cow one alot too. Have you made any of these or worked with paper this way? Pam

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I haven't done any yet but I plan to. I haven't done this type of thing but I used to do scherenschnitte. Like this.

There used to be a little shop in Pennsylvania years ago called Gerlachs of Lecha that sold the real patterns, not the cutesy junk, as well as a lot of other German and Pa. Dutch items such as beeswax ornaments, cookie molds. They had a lot of really neat things. They're apparently closed now and have been for a long while.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Hart, I'll be checking those out. I asked my Mom for an Origami Book a couple of years ago and never did try it, was thinking about that just the other day. JR and I have been doing a few crafts together. I picked up a couple of cheap craft bird houses for us to paint and stencil. We had a great time and he is so proud of his. He is going to give it to his Mom for Valentines Day. That's the back of his, the side has a snail and the front has a bee and a whole lot of little black dots that he said are aphids. LOL

This message was edited Jan 26, 2009 4:58 PM

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Those are so cute! LOLOL on the aphids. I hope the birds don't go nuts trying to eat them. LOL

Joyce has a little, bitty windchime on her back patio that has the eensiest little birdhouse on top as decoration. She's had wrens nesting in it the past two years. I don't know how they get in the hole - it looks like it's about half inch across.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Hart, Wrens are such cute little birds and so unpredictable in their nesting spots. We had a little wicker table on our patio with an old punched tin lantern with a night light. The wrens built a nest behind the lantern. Neither the light nor us sitting less than a foot away on the patio deterred these little birds from going into the nest in the evening. When their eggs hatched, they were in and out all day with not the slightest look in our direction.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I have a dickens of a time here with them trying to nest in my dryer vent. I bought them a little birdhouse and hung it in the tree near there but they still think the dryer vent is a Park Avenue penthouse.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wow that is funny. They are nesting in my potting shed, behind the wall and would scold me every time I would get near it. LOL
Here is a couple more pictures. This one of the front, that's the moon it's yellow with brown spots because the moon has holes in it. Apparently the Bee and the aphids don't care if it's night. He had a real idea of what he wanted. I didn't argue I just held the stencil in place.
He wanted the butterfly to have legs and a face, he did the face I did the legs.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is the side with the snail and there are stars on the roof. I guess they go with the moon on the front. LOL
I was looking at a few of those paper figures, love the aquarium and that polar bear. JR's dad loves polar bears wonder if we could make that.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Central, VA(Zone 7b)

How cute. I love the pictures of all the projects you do. You must have boundless energy. You certainly have unlimited creativity.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Actually, those dots look pretty nice, don't they? I think he has a real flair for design. Really, not joking. And Holly, haven't you ever heard of moonbees? Where you been, girl?

My grandkids love to do crafts but since they're so far away, I never get to do any with them. I envy you.

I haven't seen the aquarium. I'll have to look for it. They have some things you can make whole scenarios of, like the circus.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi! It's Ric, Things get so confused around here. Holly and JR do crafts, and JR and I cook or bake cookies.
My Grandma had a rose bush outside her kitchen window, with a Jenny wren nest. Since the window didn't open, she must have felt safe about 9" away.
Last summer we had a wren in one of our window boxes out front, if you were watering and not thinking about it, she'd scare the Be-Jesus out of ya'. She was like a quail, you almost had to touch her, for her to flush. LOL Ric

This message was edited Jan 26, 2009 8:45 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Now what's so confused about that? Wolfgang Puck makes cookies with his grandchildren. Actually, I forgot, he got divorced and remarried and has his own toddler. LOL You get my point.

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