Tomato seedling advice, please!

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Okay. I planted seeds (beefsteak and roma) in those little disks of (peat?) that swell up when you get them wet. 7 of 12 BS came up and 9 of 12 romas. This morning I tore off the little cloth things that DO NOT degrade and DO confine roots, I don't care what they say, and potted them in peat pots with potting soil. I've put them out in my little mini-greenhouse (four shelves with a plastic tent over them) and need to know what temperatures to be careful of. It should be in the 50s tonight and I'll assume that's okay. Tomorrow it may get to the 40s overnight and later in the week, 30s are possible. At what temperature threat should I bring them in to the kitchen? I sure don't want the roots to die because I left them outside.

I also planted brandywine seeds directly into the peat pots. How OK will those be in the greenhouse? Should I bring them in until they sprout?


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I hearing the ideal growing temps for tomato seedlings is very close to 60 degrees....

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

But will they survive with an overnight of 40? I have room in the house, I'd just rather leave them out there.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Could you cover them over with some klotches or milk jugs, perhaps? If it's only overnight, they might make it with a little additional heat or protection.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I'll see what I can find; that's a good idea.

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

Mine have been outdoors and totally unprotected for the past 3 or 4 days. I germinated and grow them awhile in a sunny south facing window. I was running out of space in the house to start more so I took them out to separate from the community pots into their own 4" pot. Most had at least started putting on their second set of real leaves.

I don't have my shelves built for my greenhouse yet and the weather has stayed above 45 so I just left them out. Mostly the days and nights have been chilly and cloudy but they're standing tall and looking fine. I watered them in very well after repotting and they didn't even appear to know it had happened. I think frost can occur around 37-38 so if it looks like it might get down to 40 I'll move them inside.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

And that's what it's supposed to do tomorrow night here. I'll just bring the trays in.

Tonto Basin, AZ

If you'll hang an incandescent shop light - the cheap one with an aluminum reflector and a spring loaded clamp - from the top of the little GH, you'll be safe. A regular bulb is prbably enough, but an infrared heat bulb will for sure do the trick. I've used this setup for several winters.


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

That might be better. Thanks!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

That's a great McGyver for some PDQ heat! Awesome! See, we DO need a tips & tricks forum!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

mine do well out in the garage under lights--its usually well above 60F out there

Tonto Basin, AZ


Golrang it, I'll have you know that's a ginyouine TRBEPCTM (transportable resistance based electron powered calorie transference module).

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I just went ahead and brought them in. They'd been out there a couple of days and had greened up quite a bit! If this is our last cold spell I should really get rolling. But I won't plant anything out until March!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the garage tip. How've you been? Don't worry, I've been lurking and paying attention so I don't have to bother you with so many questions about what to plant, and when. And, thanks again for all your wonderful help to date.


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

It froze last night, but the seedlings were safely indoors on the counter. One of the cats aimed a hairball at them but missed, thankfully. It's SO sunny today I have them back out in the mini-greenhouse (flap down but unzipped) and they're looking nice and green. Beginning to see real leaves!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

froze here too--so funny, I decided to use the windshield wiper fluid to clean the windsheild at 7 am--it froze solid...had to pull into a parking lot until the car warmed up

I'm fine gymgirl--just working constantly

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

I'm going to get it tonight and the longterm forecast is even worse for next Tuesday. I just brought my 4 trays of tomatoes in and they're sitting on kitchen chairs while I ponder where they can spend the night.

I don't trust the unheated greenhouse with my precious little babies. They have only been in the GH for 3 days and are apparently very happy there. I can hardly believe my eyes how much they've grown in such a short time.

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