What are some fast growing clematis?

Harleysville, PA

I am looking for a clematis that grows fairly quick up a 6 foot fence any suggestions??

(Zone 4a)

I know others will have some great answers for you for sure....here is just my opinion of course....I am still somewhat a newbie at clematis. I think a lot of the group3 clematis grow pretty quickly. This summer I purchased Polish Spirit and Etoile Violette and I was amazed at how quickly they grew! And they even bloomed like crazy most of the summer.

Delaware, OH

consider a tangutica type for a fine foliage and fast growth too. looks good with the etiole violette and polish spirit. also a rubromarginata. the 4 would make a nice combo.

northwest, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm not familiar with the ones Dawn suggested but I can tell you tangutica has been the fastest grower for me, second fastest is 'Sweet Autumn'. 'Sweet Autumn' has fragrance and tangutica doesn't. Both bloom in the fall.

Clematis are rather slow compared to an annual vine- like hyacinth bean vine (lablab)- which grows fine for me, I'm sure it would for you too in PA.

northwest, IL(Zone 5a)

Neat Dawn!

YOu know I forgot a downside about tangutica- it's hard to keep in bounds with its rampant growth and it self seeds all over the place. Too much weeding.

Delaware, OH

all good feedback. consider planting annual vines in first couple of years to augment coverage and then later stopping that as the clems come on. you can plant vines like wisteria too , the structure can give the clems something to grow on, but you have to be an agressive pruner monthly to have this work and not over shadow the clems. if you prune the wisteria enough to keep it in check you won't get many blooms but can have a nice structure and green stuff for the over all coverage and vibe you want.

thunbergia usually does not self seed that rampantly and can be a good early year foil for clems. and some of the tropical thunbergias (grow as an annual if you are in a zone like mine) can be fantastic planted with.... if your spot gets water and fertilizer....check out thunbergia grandiflora and related blue and purple tropical thunbergias from logees .com. small investment, great beautiful annual coverage..well worth the price while your clems settle in in the first few years.
they never disappoint and wil not self seed or winter over so no long term conflict.

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