Aloha Decor items 50% off

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hobby Lobby has their "Aloha" brand decor items 50% off until Jan. 24th. I got some cute things this evening. They can be used indoor or outdoor.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Hi Jeanne - well, don't leave us in suspense - what did you buy? I rather imagine it's decor for your tiki hut? No Hobby Lobby here on Maui, just as well - I would be into something else instead of finishing something up! No control here at all when it comes to new projects!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I'll have to take pictures and show you. One is a colorful sign that has a beach scene with Palm trees,and flip flops on it and says "Kickt back and relax", two oval plaques that have plumerias, hibiscus, and a big red macaw for each side of the hut, some small tiki torches and another large red macaw for the table on the patio. They also have a sign that says "Aloha Welcome to paradise stake" that I am thinking of going back and getting. I will put it in front of the hut also.

They have hula dancers, pictures frames, alot of cute things.

I also bought dollhouse wall paper and super sculpey to make accessories for my dollhouse. They had the cutest little wooded bowls to put the fruit in that I want to make. I also bought a new power strip for the dollhouse and then managed to blow out the fuse. Now I have to go to Radio Shack and get some fuses. I think it was the little ceiling fan in the living room, so I pulled it out of the dollhouse. DS says he thinks we need a bigger fuse.

I am really happy with the things for the hut.


This message was edited Jan 22, 2009 11:11 AM

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

These are some of the things I bought:

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I bought these plaques for the front of the hut in the Spring.

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I bought these for the patio table.

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

And another.......cute huh? I think so! It will look so cute in front of the hut when the hut is not a makeshift greenhouse any longer, and the peach and red hibiscus are in bloom! Aloha!!!!!


Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Love it, Jeannegirl. Today moved one of the bananas and the baby sago from yours truly.
I shared one of each with Mitch as I knew you wouldn't mind. Getting anxious for Spring.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Christi, no, I don't mind. You are welcome to as many more banana trees that you want. Right now they look pretty rough, but they will come back in the Spring.

Except for watering I am focusing on my miniatures and the Dollhouse. Once I get to feeling a little better, then I have to start reorganizing this disaster. How anyone can accumulate so much "stuff" I don't know........

DS says "It is because everything comes in, and nothing ever goes OUT!" I think he's we have to start donating, and throwing things out. It's just "too much"!!!!!!

Hope your back is healing well.


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I want to see your doll house......

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

It is on the Woodworking Forum, Dollhouse thread by Bernie (Country Gardens). I was so excited to see someone else doing dollhouses that I posted the one I had just finnished for my Granddaughter (from a kit) and mine of 14 years. I apologized to Bernie for hyjacking her thread. I should have been more considerate. I have since started a thread on dollhouses over on Crafts and Decorating.....come over and I'll give you a tour!

I'll post it here also........Thanks for asking! I just love miniatures! I bought some super sculpey to learn to sculpt things for our dollhouses. I want to make some little furniture also. I could talk about them forever! I love them so much!

This message was edited Jan 27, 2009 2:02 AM

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I DO NOT PRACTICE THIS, but have been told that the rule is one thing in one out. ha!

edited for a very crucial word. "in"

This message was edited Jan 23, 2009 10:08 PM

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Cross posted. Now a doll house would be one way to avoid that rule. So tedius. You are just great, Jeanne.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

HAHA........No......I do not practice that either Christi. I have at least 10 years worth in.....very little out! haha! Some 46 years plus.......definately time to clean house!!!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh thanks! Miniatures are much easier to lift than other things I tend to do....I think I need to stick with that for awhile!

DS and I made this one for his daughter for Christmas. She really loves it.

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

As if February 10th, we have lived in this very same house for 42 years. Have given things away, had garage sales, thrown things out and you still wouldn't believe the "stuff".

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Inside of granddaughters

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Darling little cottage home. Time for me to hit the sack. Been a long day for this little ole lady.

Nighty, night.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes I would. I have one closet crammed full of "craft stuff", esp. boxes of dollhouse wood, wall paper, adhesive paper, name it.

I still have a kit that I bought off Ebay to put together. My aunt gave this one to us for my granddaughter, and my daughter and oldest granddaughter built one but never painted it or decorated it. We picked out the wall paper, and lights, but it has to be painted first, so it is still in her attic and that was over 3 years ago! Talk about procrastination! Hahaha.

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Night.....have a good restfull sleep.....catch up with you tomorrow Christi!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Bubbles, do you do dollhouses? I'd love to see yours as well!

Mine got packed up when we evacuated for Rita and stayed packed up for 3 years. My youngest granddaughter wanted to put "the little people" back in their house, so Thanksgiving weekend she was here so she did. She didn't get everything back just like I had it.....most of the lights have been rearranged and quite a few of the knick knacks, but the furniture is mostly the same as the above picture. I have enough furniture left for at least another dollhouse....haha.

When Dollar tree had some of the peices for $1 each in 1995 I couldn't resist, and then later I upgraded some of mine to Hobby Lobby Furniture (Master bedroom, bath).

I have since added three rooms. It's kind of a rough draft right now, lots more work to do so I will wait to post pictures of the new "addition" until they are a little more fine tuned. It looks a little rough at the moment. I have to find new wall paper for the "reading room". Three of my lights quit, so I have to repair them, or replace them. I will be watching for the Hobby Lobby Half Price Sale on Doll House items as well. I think it usually in March.

Anyone else do Doll Houses? We could start a new thread under Crafts!

edited for typos


This message was edited Jan 23, 2009 11:06 PM

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Loved the doll house! I made one for my future granddaughter...who just happened to turn out to be a BOY...all boy! Now he removes the lighted trees and lamp light the way for his Matchbox cars.....aghhhhhh..boys! We've now made the doll house into a ""mouse house," occupied by assorted mice doing kitchen chores, playing pool, and reading in bed!
BTW...we lived in Honolulu for 3 yrs. Have waaaaay too much Aloha stuff! Miss Hawaii terribly...
Would like to see your Sculptey stuff when you get it made.......!
If i ever get everything back into the "house" that that small ankle biter removed....I'll post pic of my "doll house." (but on woodworking forum).
just noticed we might have cross posted.....will try to later rearrage the mess that 3 yr old made.....and post on woodworking....even tho all the stuff is Hobby Lobby or bought from creepy doll house lady store in

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Bubbles, I know.........I miss Hawaii TOO! We were there in in 1963-1966. My first date was to Waikiki Beach! OOOOOOOOH for those times!

When were you in Hawaii??????

I have tried to create a mini Hawaii in the backyard. My son even made me a hut. Presently it has a rain coat on and is disguised as a "green house" haha. I also made a makeshift GH out of my swingset. They are both full of tropicals.

A "mouse house" is such a great idea! I bet he had alot of fun with it!!!!!
What is this "creepy lady" doll house shop??????? Cool! When my grandson was younger he wanted a house too, and his Mom said, "NO, not unless it is a log cabin." So it never got made.....of course now he is a teenager, so I'm sure that is the farthest thing from his mind. haha!!!!


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Great stuff you got Jeanne, will really make your garden look tropical! Love the parrots! I have one hanging on the lanai, but it has the most evil look in it's eyes, almost as if it's going to attack at any moment!

I just love the pictures of the doll houses, what patience you must have to work on such small things, I can see that it's a real labor of love - it's beautiful!

Aloha Christ, where have you been keeping yourself? I have missed you around here...^_^

Welcome Bubbles - please post pics of your mouse house here too, not just the woodworking forum, I would love to see it.

Off to the beach this morning, lots of whales close in now and the calves are being born - wish you were all here with me.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Jeanne....we were in Hawaii '81 to '84.
I decided to look at the mouse house tonight......oh, what a mess DGS made! I had already taken all the "choking hazard" pieces out, but he took everything out and moved it to other rooms. I've spent two hours trying to re-do, but along the way, I realized I was enjoying putting it back together. Will be another day till I can show it! And mine is in a cabinet...not a dollhouse....more like a library cabinet..... I buy beds and things at Hobby Lobby and make the coverlets, pillows and assesories with my fabric scraps....repaint some of the furniture.....back to the mess....took the lights down...looking for some missing pieces....

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Jen, thanks! I thought they were really cute! It will really add some color to the hut and patio. It's been so much fun to get back to work on the dollhouses! It's like being in "another world". I've really enjoyed it.

Bubbles.....I'm so glad that you are enjoying putting yours back together! I can't wait to see it! I started a new thread over in Crafts and Decorating on Dollhouses. You can either post it here or over there. I enjoy miniatures so much!

I went to my Mom's this evening and we made some things out of the super sculpey. She will bake them tomorrow. She has a little toaster oven that she uses.
Please realize that I am a beginner at these things! Haha!

There are so many ways that you can display miniatures and make a dollhouse. Each one is unique, special!!!!! (Just like a real home!) Can't wait to see it.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

We made some fruit and vegetables out of super sculpey. I need lots of practice on sculpting.

Mom made the apples, and red peppper. I made the bananas, squash, oranges, and lemon.

I have posted the new pictures of my addition to my dollhouse over in Crafts and decorating.......Come on over and sit a spell. I'll show you around!


Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

My dollhouse with the new addition.....

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Wow, Jeanne, those sculptures are great! Just what size are we talking about - they must be tiny! Love the new addition, thanks for posting! Off to check out the crafts site!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

WOW! Jeanne your doll house is incredible! I hope everyone goes over to the Crafts site and looks at the rooms - you have quite blown me away! I have to go back there now to look at all the rooms again, to try to absorb all the tiny details. WOW!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Jen! It's 1/12 scale (1"=12"). It's so much fun to work with it! I've been having a blast. Now not only will I be making things for my dollhouse but for my granddaughters' also!

I want to make a canopy bed and a sofa. There's so many things you can make from things around the house. It's really fun.

I really should be cleaning the BIG House instead of playing with the dollhouse.......
but the dollhouse is so much more fun.

I don't know how to post the link to the Craft and Decorating Forum thread here or I would. I'm glad that you like the dollhouse! Thanks!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jeanne...really amazing! I had a friend many years ago who made skinny houses out of wooden rulers and then filled the different levels - 4 or 5 - with items very particular to the person she was giving them to. The one she made for me had a room of tiny balls of yarn and a miniature afghan, a room with mini dragons, an atrium filled with lots of tiny plants, and a sports room. So cute, and such great imagination. I don't have the patience for that kind of thing, but I do admire it. There was a "Christmas Dollhouse" show in one of the rooms of the museum near my house in Denver, and we would go every year. The decorations were elaborate and beautiful...I remember one that had used some sort of clear hard plastic to cover all the eaves and trees with "ice"...very pretty!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I bet those skinny houses are adorable! Do you have a picture of it? I'd love to see it! Making things in miniature is as fun as making the house itself. Can't wait to see Talia's.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh my...nope, no picture. It's in storage at the moment, and I don't know when I'll be getting it out. The neatest thing was how personalized she made them. Talia's is being well loved at the moment, and is not in any shape to be photographed. I love to watch her playing with it though. Lately, when the doll person is sad, her fairy horses land on the roof to solve what ever the problem is...makes me wish I had a fairy horse!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

For sure....we alll could use a fairy horse! Sometimes a herd!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My father was a carpenter. When my brother (just turned 60) was 4 years old the only thing he wanted from the Sear's Wish Book was a doll house. Santa brought it and he is now one of the premier commercial builders in Dallas. Boys have an interest as well as girls. He moved the walls every chance he got.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

That's fantastic! Alot of the finest professional miniaturist or furniture makers are also male. It's definately a hobby that can be enjoyed by both genders! I love mine.

Christi are you healing OK? Don't overdo. I didn't think working on the new addition would be strenuous but I guess all of the up and down was more than my body needed after getting over the crud. Today I can hardly move. My daughter asked me, "Now what's next?" I said, "Rest."

My youngest granddaughter will be here this weekend. We are going to be watching movies and playing Barbies. I can lay down. She's old enough to get own snacks and drinks fortunately. I am going to rest!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

All the males in our family went for the miniaturization of model railroads. Some got quite elaborate. JB has what has now officially been catagorized as an antique. He got a model train set for his birthday at one month old in 1948...he still has it!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

We still have some of our old train sets in the attic. We never invested in the more expensive ones, and never had much luck with our engines actually pulling all of the cars for very long. We've seen some displays in the mall and they are very elaborate! They are alot of fun when they work!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's my doll "house"...look quickly, 'cause that little cookie crumbler is coming back this afternoon to tear it up again!

Thumbnail by bigbubbles

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