Tall Bearded Iris Dizzy Love

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

pollyk: that is interesting/helpful to know that Superstition and Winterberry would help in an iris search. That is a great business practice. It would certainly encourage me to do further business with them.
Have heard that Mr. Riverview Iris is very ill.

Santa Ynez, CA

I feel bad that Tony may be ill, however they ran a real stinker, and more and more I hear it from a lot of people, I too would not order again, but thought if that were the only place to find it, it might be worth trying to buy only that, and see what happens, just a thought.....there are a lot of other wonderful gardens out there to support

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I have had great experiences with both Winterberry and Superstition. I am sure they will help you if they can.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

I have been on the HIPS site and what I am hearing is that Tony IS very ill and I hope it IS getting better and that they had lost alot of their cultivars from the move. I do not like to diss people, but if you are going to run a business you need to run a business otherwise you lose customers. If I was too ill to work I would not work or I would hire trust worthly people, such as family to help me out. I could not do what they have done to people, basically taking their money and not getting what they had asked for or not getting half of their orders, at least fullfil orders and if you cannot be honest and let people know that some cultivars are not ready or they have died and refund their money. That would at least keep your clients happy. I do feel bad that they are not doing well, but I will not order from them again until I hear things are better.
I appreciate all of your help in locating this cultivar, I know someone out there does have it, maybe I will find it at our local AIS sale in August. It cannot possibly be extinct.

Santa Ynez, CA

there is always that one iris you can't find and just have to have:) in time it will show.
Riverview I think they got over their heads and one thing lead to another, I hope he recovers as well, I wish them no ill feelings, just run a good garden. If they had told me look we lost iris the ones you wanted were some of them, can we send something else???? or would you like your money back, that is all they would have had to say... not saying well send another box... and no they never did, did not respond to me after that.... enough said, we will find that iris, Cat, with every one keeping their eyes open, someone is bound to find it...

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Yes you are right. I do wish them well.

Yes, you can add a Looking for Love to my want list too, I am going to order one from Dee too

Thank You CIndy

Hebron, KY


Have you received the 2009 catalogs of Winterberry and Superstition already?! I'm still waiting for mine. (including other catalogs too)


This message was edited Feb 2, 2009 7:29 AM

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

No, I haven't. I just pulled out my last years to check on the Dizzy Love. I think around the end of February, usually for Superstition. Winteberry's is often late.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

I haven't received any catalogs yet other than the mini from Schreiners.

I had emailed Ginny and Rick about this iris and neither have it.
If you want to see what Superstition has available this year go to:

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Just wanted to keep this in the open in case someone does have this one.

Santa Ynez, CA

still keeping an eye out for you cat....

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)


Rocky Top has 'Dizzy Love' for $8.50...

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Susan that was a 2007 link, the 2009 catalog "Dizzy Love" is Not listed. Link to the 2009 catalog: http://www.rockytopgardens.com/Rockytop_Gardens_2009_Catalog.pdf
The 2009 site link: http://www.rockytopgardens.com/
They may still have it but I didn't see it listed.
Rockytop Gardens
P.O. Box 41
Eagleville, TN 37060
Phone~ (615) 274-6426, E-mail~ rtgphil@bellsouth.net

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Thank You guys, but I have already tried them too. I still cannot believe that an iris so gorgeous is so limited.

Raleigh, NC

y'all, I met with Kathy White out at Sandhills iris nursery during bloomseason after her dad, Chadwick, had passed. They know the folks at Riverview. she told me that Riverview sold most of their stock, too cheaply, to Blue J. That's when Blue J really took off, with their stock and an internet site.

They tried to restart after their move, but weather, ruined and "lost" cultivars, and very ill health have plagued their business restart. Kathy mentioned the irises they packed up to move all withered and molded before they could get them in the ground. they are heart broken at the mess, and they are elderly. doing the best they can, but I got the feeling its going to be a bit of problems until they can get things sorted out and get the help they need. best of intentions, but maybe no way to get the orders right?

it doesn't help when it's you losing $$, but I for one gotta be patient with them, because some day, that's gonna be me.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Yes, I understand, it is a shame, but maybe for the best. All of the iris I got from them last year died.

Hebron, KY


If you ever find Dizzy Love, would you let me know please? I'm interested in it also.

Thanks! :-)


Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Absolutely !!!!!

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