How close can I plant flowers to my fruit trees?

Fort Lauderdale, FL

I have some new baby trees in the ground - sambo lemon, orange and barbados cherry - here in South Florida. And I'd like to plant some attractive flower beds around the trees. My boyfriend had fruit trees when he was a kid and tells me that if I plant anything within the diameter of the mature tree that the nutrients will be diminished and the eventual harvest may suffer. Is this correct? Can we really not plant anything near our fruit trees? Thanks for the input!

Colton, CA(Zone 8b)

FloridaFlowerGirl, If it is only nutrients you are worrying about you can always fertilize enough for both trees and flowers. I think I would give a little thought to the water requirements of the trees and flowers. You want them to be compatible.

North, TX

There are plenty of flowers you can plant below or near fruit trees, and yes you do want them to be compatible. As a "good companion to fruit trees", I can suggest lavender which attracts pollinators and are considered especially good to grow under and/or near fruit trees to deter codling moths. Lavender is going around my peach trees this spring. Nasturtium is another good one. Both of these flowers/plants are edible also.

North, TX

Hi again, I ran across this website tonight and thought it might be helpful for you. It has some flower companions for fruit trees.

Bellevue, NE(Zone 4b)

Thanks for the link allwild - I am thinking of planting some apple trees and have been trying to find a lot of info on companion planting. That is a great source!

North, TX

I'm so glad someone else can use it. I liked the link too!!

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