My newest vegetable garden, in the beginning

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I thought I would share with everyone my newest vegetable garden from the very start. Here is where it will go. The size is 40 x 50

Thumbnail by Calalily
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

My neighbor has a tiller attachment on his tractor. Here he is plowing the garden.

Thumbnail by Calalily
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

After plowing east to west, he plows north to south then he will make the final passes across from east to west again. By plowing this way, the garden is more level and no missed spots. After he finished, it rained so we had to wait a few days to do anything else.

Thumbnail by Calalily
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Instead of waiting for the neighbor to come back and make the final passes, Bud and I went and bought a new tiller. It's a cub cadet. I meant to take a picture but I forgot. I'll take one of the new tiller tomorrow.
Here we are laying out the rows and digging the pathways. This was yesterday. It was a nice day.

Thumbnail by Calalily
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Gosh Susie, there is empty land forever in that last picture. Is that your house in the distance? I see you have the reseca ? sp? all along the property. Do you have an alligator fence?

If only it was not so hot there I would be there tomorrow to live.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Starting to put down the mulch. The seeds are in the ground. I've only planted cool weather root crops so far.

Thumbnail by Calalily
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

That is my neighbor's house. Actually that house is three doors down. Because of the angle the photo was taken it didn't get the two other houses. All lots in the SD are 1.75 acres and we have two lots. The resaca/river runs all along the north edge of the property.
Here is looking from the unfinished end of the garden toward the planted end. You can see the water in the background.

Thumbnail by Calalily
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

A dream to have 3.5 acres! Think of all the plantings you can do.

I do not see a fence. Are there still alligators in there?

Your soil looks so good and easy to plant in. Are you going to have a year round garden?

You do not have property fences? We have them here around every house.

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)


YOU have my dream


Tonto Basin, AZ

Way cool!!!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Kell, most of the houses have fenced back yards. The house in the photo lost most of their fence in the hurricane and they're slow putting it back. I will fence this garden like the other one, to keep out the neighbors dogs (they have a fence, but he lets them out to run and they walk right thru the garden and poop in my yard).
I am going to try to garden year round. About the only things that grow here in summer are melons and corn.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

The garden is almost finished. Here is Bud using our new tiller.

Thumbnail by Calalily
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

The trenches are dug for the pathways.

Thumbnail by Calalily
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

The pathways are filled with mulch. Some of the composted grass comes out of the compost pile in big sheets. Those are used to hold up the sides of the beds until we get the mulch in the pathway. Then compost is used on top of the planting areas to keep the soil moist until I'm ready to plant.
The whole bed was sprinkled with greensand and dry molasses then watered. When I'm ready to plant, I just pull the mulch, make a row or hills and plant the seeds. The whole bed also got beneficial nematodes added. These little creatures take care of everything from caterpillars to fire ants and don't harm the earthworms or other beneficials.

Thumbnail by Calalily
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Things are starting to come up. About half the bed is planted.

Thumbnail by Calalily
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

That looks great! How did you do the pathways? Is there a setting on the tiller that does that, or do you have to do it by hand?

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

WOW Susie, sounds like you 2 have it all figured out. How many people are you going to feed with it? LOL Looks so huge. I never heard of dry molasses. What does it do?

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

lookin' good Cala--looks like Bud is really enjoying his new toy there. ;)

Its been a great winter for veggie's here--enough frosty nights to keep all that lettuce tasting its best but not below 28F so nothing freezing--best winter in a long time here

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Looking good there. I like those kind of beds...raised a bit for drainage with trench paths between and no side boards!! very versitile.

A foot of snow on the ground and about 8° here.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Indy_v the trenches were dug by hand. Some of the soil was put on top of the beds and some was hauled to the dirt pile. Bud loves to have a nice pile of dirt on hand for filling holes like the ones his dog digs in the back yard (notice it is his dog that digs, my dog is an angel and doesn't dig. The dirt on his toenails got there by accident, he was framed). We also add the dirt to the compost pile from time to time.
Kell, we feed ourselves and any friends who want lettuce, turnips and stuff like that. I don't share my broccoli!
Debbie, this has been a great winter, not too hot and not too cold and damp.
Indy, I don't envy your snow. I don't think I would survive 8*, I almost froze to death last night and it was only 52*.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Hey, Susie, just sitting here smelling the dirt, and watching the snow blow by my window . . .

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Calalily, you two have created a lovely garden. It is much too cold here and at least 10" of crusted snow to contend with. I am getting ready to plant some seeds in the gh. Well at least I have ordered the seeds.


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)


Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10b)

What a beautiful garden and location. I have enjoyed looking at your pictures, thanks for posting them.


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