Too much of a good thang?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I have planted Sweet Almond Verbena in a bed and will plant fragrant sage in the same bed. SAV blooms summer/fall; sage blooms spring/summer. It appears both plants will be blooming at the same time in summer. Both are delicious but they are quite strong. They wouldn't be planted side by side, but close enough. Do you think this is too much, kinda like splashing on half a bottle of your favorite perfume (yuk!)???

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

In my experience, I don't usually notice the smell of sage unless I rub up against the leaves. Maybe the flowers smell too but the leaves are certainly more noticeable. I have a ton of different types of salvias and have never noticed much of a smell just walking by the bed they're in. I've never grown the verbena but if it's more the "waft on the air" type of scent then I wouldn't worry too much, I think you'll notice it when you're near the bed rather than the sage, and then if you walk in the bed and rub up against the sage you'll probably notice it more than the verbena.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhhh sounds yummy...not that I have either...but it sounds great...course I planted tuberose/stock/Datura in the same pot....thank goodness they all bloomed at separate times

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I have my SAV planted next to one of my Brugs and pretty close to my Night blooming jasmine and Day Cestrum. All the scents blend quite well! The heavy day time scent of the Verbena goes well with the Day Cestrum durning the day hours and is much less intense in the evening so the NBJ and Brugs can shine. When it comes to Sweet Almond Verbena there is no such thing as too much (IMHO)!!!
Last year at this time my SAV plant was dead to the ground but this year with all the crazy weather the silly thing is still blooming! If it doesn't die back its going to be a monster this summer!
The only thing I don't like it with and thank goodness they are not close together is my banana shrub.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhh ya' I've got to seriously check out this Sweet Almond Verbena. You all should know my next question w/o me even typing it....soooooo, how would you describe its scent? 10A?!?!?!?!? You're killing me!!!

This message was edited Jan 11, 2009 9:28 PM

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Honestly Chantell, Ive seen people say they come back from the roots in zone 7b, so you may be able to squeak it by. To me it smell just like high quality almond extract.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just read that Caren - now I'm doing the happy dance....I swear I'm blessed with a micro-climate in my front yard...between the brick front and the south facing always feels warmer out front then when we drive and get out 5 min's up the road. Going to see who carries it now...ahhhh, yummy is that?!?

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I'd get you a cutting but Ive had no luck starting them. Maybe Voss has a trick??

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You are so sweet, Caren - but my reputation for killing cuttings precedes me...LOL...although you might be amazed to know that I have my OWN brug cuttings rooting right now... ^_^
However if any of you have local places that sell them cheaper then the $12 - $25 that I'm finding it (no rush, by the way...Jan. in zone 7 is a "bit" cold) you know I'm good for the money (or trade if you see something that floats your boat)...just pop me off a dmail...please and thank you...
DG's worse begger...aka El Cheapo

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Unfortunately no tricks up my sleeve. I've had no success propagating and I consider myself decent at it. And it is so weird because the plant itself grows at lightning speed, which would suggest to me easy to prop. My buddy grows hers as trees and I'm training one as a tree and three as shrubs. They are blooming right now and 2 days ago I was weeding the area and the whaft of frag. kept hitting me. Made weeding a delight, lol. Heaven, you do have strong combos. I will plant my salvia with abandon. Thanks all for your comments on strong combos.

C, that's what I pd for mine which I think is high for shrub but it must be the prop. thing. I was told once that you have to constantly mist it, blah, blah, blah.

I didn't realized day cestrum was frag. I've always turned my nose up to it. I will have to apologize and plant one in my garden.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Aha...I found it cheaper...LOL...I'm so bad but well, you know how it is...have it book marked for tax return fundage.
Nery - the day cestrum is the one that has the chocolate's not nearly as strong as the NBJ but has a nice "different from the rest" scent. This one is not forgiving should it miss a watering though, matter-a-fact I water mine just about every other day - thirsty booger it is.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Yes, very thirsty! I have a few in pots but I added a good bit of water crystals to them to help out. Like you said its not a heavy choc scent but it is a nice change of pace.
No worries about being an El cheapo lol! Ive been hunting for a fiddlewood plant I've been seeing at Logee's but don't want to pay the 13.00 plus shipping to get it. I keep up the hope that I will find a trade.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Ok Chantell fess up where you found it. I have tried and killed it twice and I am now ready for my third and triumphet try!!

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Its 7.99 at almost eden I haven't bought there but thats pretty cheap. They grow so fast that the 3inch pot isn't so bad.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Grrrr! I've got one dead cutting of this under my belt. Last night, I talked myself OUT of getting a plant and here y'all are again ~ what temptresses!

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have bought from Eden's plants so I will order there. It is on my list from PD but I would rather put something else in its place since shipping is so expensive from there.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Caren found it..yes at Almost Eden...they showed it sold out yesterday so I emailed them asking status and if I could be put on a wait list...he responded this AM that they've updated the site - they do have it in stock now. PLEASE do not buy them out...I cant' order just yet...LOL
Oh need to thank us...really...LOL

This message was edited Jan 12, 2009 12:12 PM

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I promise I will leave one for you :o)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Whew, thank you!! Do you like that nursery, by the way? I've never ordered from them. I think my friend has and was happy though.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have ordered from them several times and they always send nice size healthy plants. I could not get my order to go through ( probably a good thing since I ended up adding a few more plants) so I am waiting to hear back from them.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Good to hear - that you've been happy with them...yes, I see a few items there that I'd love to have as well....heaven help me

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Well God is probably ready to put me in a time out chair!! But I figured since I was going to buy one I might as well by a couple more and make shipping more reasonable :o)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG - someone else relates to my twisted logic of "saving" money on shipping by purchasing MORE plants....I love it!!! I strictly adhere to the policy of MORE plants...saving $$ on s/h most certainly justifies buying more air purifiers.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

My thoughts exactly!! And now since I order the sweet almond verbena for less I can find something else exotic that I have to have at PD to fulfill the 5 plants for one shipping price.

This message was edited Feb 2, 2009 7:12 AM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm plugging my ears...covering my eyes and running before I spend more of my sacred tax return that I've not even begun as yet...ROTFLOL

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Aloysia virgata (sweet almond) is not easy to root. I've had a little more success when I've soaked the cuttings in a solution with Superthrive in water for a couple hours prior to sticking the cuttings. I just drop the cuttings into a large bucket with the Superthrive solution, in lukewarm water. We then make a fresh cut, dip cuttings in rootone and stick them in perlite and place them on our mistbench. It is a plant that looks like it would be soooo easy to root, but for some reason it is not!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yepper...just another reason to simply buy it (talking to myself here, since I'm notorious for killing cuttings of almost everything)

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Chantell, I am the same. I have an automatic mental block about cuttings. I was given a "rooted" cutting of Aloysia virgata. I managed to kill and revive it twice before it finally succumbed. So far, the only success I've had are the very easy plants like the jews and amazingly I have recently rooted a selection of Hoyas. Trying not to be overconfident here....

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I agree with you both. I never manage to keep a cutting alive while my friend is contantly growing new plants from cuttings.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Ladies, ladies, don't be so hard on yourselves. The secret is not a green thumb, but rather a firm & healthy thumb, strong enough to type on your PC "how to propagate the so % so plant".

I was totally discouraged by the fact I couldn't prop. osmanthus to save my life. This weekend I was ready to go--potting medium, rooting powder, etc. when I suddenly followed my own advice. Went to the PC, google and learned that the best time to prop. is in late summer, there are specific instructions re: which type cutting is best, use heat mat and constant mist. wow, I was doomed for failure before I started. So I made me a sandwich instead.

same w/ roses, some will root in our sleep, some others really need a professional hand and equipment.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhh a sandwich...I'm hungry!!! Could you dmail me one please?
Actually truth be known...I've rooted a few things w/success...sadly killed more then not but at least I'm moving forward....

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have some cuttings rooting in willow water right now it will be my first success if it does not die first.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Funny you'd mention DD (works at a florist) brought me home some curly willow that had sprouted roots...I shoved it and some other cuttings into a vase...we shall see.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

My friend finally clued me on it. So I am trying and we will see.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I tried to root the sweet almond in willow water with no luck but I hope it works for you! I have found it works great with the more difficult Brug cuttings.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I am only trying to root climbing aster. I bought myself a whole plant of the sweet almond.
I have an issue with needing instant gratification when it comes to plants.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

re: "instant gratification" - amen, sister...amen!! I don't care how teeny the plant is - long as it'll bloom...SOON!!!

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Im cheap lol! If I can root it Ill trade for the next must have item... I will buy out of desperation or plain old impulse.
I really try not to buy thou because I find myself making all kinds of justifications for adding a few more plants and before I know it Im in trouble! Im sure you all can relate right???

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yes I can. I will be having to explain to my husband how I was able to buy so many plants with my single gift card!!

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

LOL! I haven't used that one yet!

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