January 2009

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

Sat is out of my budget. I will stay with my medicre dial up 33.4 connection.
28 degrees and freezing rain predicted tonight. It must be January in Missouri.

Humansville, MO

our is dail up too
we do ok
well done with shipping
this is our lazy day

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Are the 26.4 & 33.4 your internet speed or your monthly bill? I pay $29.99 for my satalitte hook up as opposed to $28 for dialup. You may not do as well n your areas.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Satalite here would run us $50 a month. That's the cheapest we can get it here. Dial-up is $20.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Well, Here's CC blooming open few days ago:

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

As today, CC red

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

More CC white with pink and gold (yellow) with pink...

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

I was living in Calif that I made this cross stitch:

First National Bank CowCats!

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Another one is God Bless Us - Everyone:

Thumbnail by JuJu55

Love the Christmas cactus blooms, a welcome sight on this cloudy morning. Thanks for sharing the crossstitch samplers, especially the "Cowcats!"

Humansville, MO

hi all
that the dail up
we are making head way here
i still getting egg

Fredericktown, MO

Hi All! My name is Lisa. I am in Fredericktown Missouri.........We have 11 flower beds, that includes the vege garden..........I just starting my wintersowing today,,,,,,,,Aconitum - Blue Bishop; Blue Flax; Northern Sea Oats, Blackberry Lilies; Baptisia, Butterfly Weed - Pink; Great Blue Lobelia and Verbascum "Alba".

Nice to meet you all!


Humansville, MO

hi lisa
we are glad to meet new people
we got a 40 a fram
in humansville mo
we got rabbit.goat.and chickern
we are trying to make a living on the fram

BOUQUETS and a big welcome Lisa! A nice start to your wintersowing, the gardens will be happy with your flowers. This will be my 3rd year wintersowing and I enjoy the rewards immensely!!

Elle~ Fresh eggs on a regular basis sounds delicious! My daughter's friend gives us fresh eggs on occassion and I tell you..those eggs make the best biscuits!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Lisa and welcome!!

I'm just now getting back on here. I have been down with the stomach flu since Weds night. At first we thought it was food poisoning since it came out of nowhere but then my dad caught it on Friday so we finally realized it was the flu. It hit me hard and today I almost feel normal. Yesterday I had a horrible migrane and my neck hurt really bad also. Could move around the house without my head exploding and making me really dizzy. Today my head hurts a little but it's more than bearable thankfully.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Welcome, Lisa. Please stick around and post often.

Pepper, sorry to hear you were so sick but I'm glad you are better now. How is youir dad? I sure hope your mother & grandmother don't get it. So far I haven't had anything like that.

Elle, I am enjoying those fragrant bears from the RU so much. Especially the baby powder one.

Temps here today are wonderful so the cats and dogs are all outside. I walked outside and checked the garlic I planted in the early & very late fall. I should have over a hundred bulbs next summer. What a thrill it will be to be able to cook a whole bulb and eat it as a primary vegetable instead of just a seasoning agent.

I'm out of blk.sunflower seeds & the birds are unhappy about having to eat the other birdseeds. I'll get another bag in the morning before work or have Kyle get it for me.

I hope this cast is exchanged for a brace tomorrow afternoon. Holly thinks I have one more cast to go tho. It has been 6 wks. since I broke my wrist & I've heard the 3 months is evenly divided between casts & braces. I'll find out late tomorrow afternoon.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My dad caught it from me and mom was sick before us though we think she had something else. No one has been by and we haven't left the house to go anywhere so we didn't have to worry about getting others sick.

I still have our fragrant teddy bear also. We love walking up to it and smelling it.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Welcome Lisa, I was raised near your town. I lived in Patton while I was growing up. You will liek this site I think everyone is really helpful.

Humansville, MO

hi all
i glady that every one like there bear
i still got some here
my chickern are doing fine 3 or 4 egg a day
we even got 5 one day
we are eating more egg now
it suppoes to be 50 here today
can not wait for spring

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I got rid of the last cast today & am wearing a brace on my arm/wrist/hand. It looks absolutely gastly & the carpel tunnel incision is sickening to see. I have only seen it quickly twice & don't ever want to see it again. It is NOT suppose to be there.

We got a skiff of snow this evening. Nothing to amount to anything but it looks pretty in the little bit of light there is out there in the sky. I put the van in the garage since it is suppose to get very cold during the night & there may be ice. The light/sign on the dash said I was low on windsheild washer fluid so I filled it as soon as I got home so I wouldn't forget it.

I can't believe it is so late already. God bless & keep each of you.

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

pepper, that was dial up speed the cost is only $15 a month.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That's actually what ours cost too. But for some reason I always think it's $20. LOL.

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

It is a big enough bite from a $20 bill to call it 20. LOL

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)


Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Taxes can add another $2 or more depending on where you live.

Cold here today & getting worse. I put the dogs out for potty breaks & in less tha 30 seconds they forget why they went out. lol I probably would too.

GOD bless & keep each of you.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Well, it getting so cold blast coming soon this week Cold Blast! So, I have to stay inside warm...

Daffodil pop up little bit and it been over 1-1/2 or 2 weeks in wood pot.

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

I miss daffodils. I wish spring would come.

Humansville, MO

hi all
we are trying to get everything ready for the cold weather
i got to work the next two day
the two coldest day of the year
why not lol

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

I will spend the next 2 days shoving wood into the stove as fast as I can!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It's18 deg here and I went to the Cheese Store in Odessa, did a couple other things in town, waved at my brother and high tailed it home. LOL. I'm staying in til I take trash down to the road which I'm trying to hold off on right now. lol

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Oh, my! I just hate put all the trash cans out tonight...

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Here's what I found in my pack box and I made this cross stitch and hang on kitchen wall...

Left: Majesty Rooster
Right: Imperial Rooster

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

If I put trash cans out tonight they will blow away.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Mine is heavy enough that I can put them out, not blow over and not have to worry about the dogs getting in to it. It helps that there is trash in there. lol

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

Must be lots of trash to be heavy enough lol

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It's a trash cart that the trash company provides for rural people. Big heavy duty rubber cart on 2 wheels. Even when empty it doesn't get blown around much but when you put trash in it it really helps weigh it down. There's not alot in there this week since we haven't done any major cooking but there are times it's pretty full. We have to pull the rubber clip down to keep the lid closed when the dogs get a whiff of food.

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

I love those trash carts. They are great!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

A little bleach in the bag or on the outside of it will keep dog s & even some wild animals out or your trash. Thankfully I have a large compost pile for food we discard & can burn the rest of our garbage. I do have 2 13 gal. size bags to get burned. I have to keep a piece of concrete in one trash can in the kitchen to keep the dogs from tipping it over. Guess I should try the bleach trick but I don't like the odor of it.

Really cold here to. The wind chill will take us to almost record lows for the season. My heart goes out to those without heat of any kind. We wouldn't have to go far from any of us to find them. Just imagine being outside tonight with no heat or shelter & on an empty stomach to boot. Each of us has so much to be thankful for. I have one cat, Megan, who is outside by choice but I don't like it.

I found a large piece of ice in the ally going into the store this morning. All it takes is one foot on the edge and down one goes. My upper left arm feels like a cow just kicked me. Thank GOD for topical rubs & SalonPas patches. And hand held showers so I can just hold it over the tub and give it a good hot water bath.

I have daffs from the raised bed Holly removed trying to sprout in the dirt on them in the den. It's unheated & with little light but they are sprouting so I have a feeling I need to get them into some trays & on the front porch or outside so they can do their own thing in a few weeks.

The banties are still laying eggs even tho it is so cold. Only 3 - 6 a day, but that's better than nothing. Hopefully next winter we'll have some Kakhi(?) Campbell duck hens to take us thru the winter. Only a few, maybe 4 - 6. I hope we can go to the big swap at Bridal Cave the first weekend of June(I think)and get some of the KCs, a couple of Indian Runners, and one baby female goose. Only one so she will bond well with us instead of another goose. If 2 of them would bond with us as babies I would get 2. I'm concerned we won't be able to bond well enough with 2 for them to be the pet(s)we want them to be. I wish we could get a baby tom turkey but I don't think Moses would stand for that. He was so mean to poor Thomas.

I'ts late & I need to turn in. GOD bless & keep each of you.

Humansville, MO

we get 4 egg a day
but yesterday we only got 2
it 5 here this moring
i do not look for any egg today

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Elle, try counting back 3 weeks and see if there were some warm days. I've heard & read that it takes 21 days(3 weeks)for an egg to develop to the stage of being laid. Interesting isn't it, it takes 21 days to develop to laying stage & it takes 21 days to go from laid egg to hatched chick.

Holly just called & said there was a coyote right at the edge of my yarden this morning. Darcy(beage mix) & Nita(MinPin/Peak cross)went after it and it just ambled off out of their reach a bit. I haven't turned the poultry lose yet & I'm thinking of closing the bird yard gates in an effort to keep at least some of them safer. I know the pigeons will always
be hawk bait and any chicken who gets out of the pen could be a coyote snack. I really appreciate her calling me about that.

Must get to town. GOD bless & keep each of you.

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