Help! Baby geese or ducks?!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Awe, I want birds! That is so sweet! It sounds like YOU have all the fun! I am moving to MI. Hold on...I am coming! Aggh! DH said no. Apparently its too much work to play with birds! I love your experience though. I can see the crow going back to his stash and going, huh?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Jyl, what a great story from you too! I would love to learn more about rehabbing. I have no time whatsoever right now, but perhaps in my later years, maybe in retirement, it would be something I could do. How does one go about learning?

Foley, MO

I so adore crows and ravens. I always thought that they were pretty darn smart as far as wild birds go. Kinda always wanted one as a kid.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

No cardinals here :( but I have baby crows every year. The robins don't let the crows come into the garden so I admire them in the lane and at the neighbours only. Bert will be 2 next spring. I had hoped last winter that he would find a mate but he is much smaller than the other blue jays which I think is the real reason that his parents abandoned him. I guess also there must be something wrong with his motor skills too as he's such a bad lander although a good flyer. I do write storys jylgaskin and I have written about Bert. Mostly I write garden humour but coinkidinkily I am trying my first children's story about a beautful bunny named Sophie from the NE Forum. If I like it I will try a children's story about Bert. Thanks so much for the suggestion ^_^

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

It sounds like Bert may have been in a nest with a couple of cowbirds. They lay their eggs in other birds nests and the babies hatch a day or so before the host birds eggs. They then grow much faster and push out the natural baby. Bert probably did not get as much food as he needed as he developed and then the cowbirds pushed him out or fledged before he did and the parent birds were forced to choose who to take care of. I end up with a lot of fledgling blue jays that way. they are not nearly as agressive and loud as the cowbird babies and kind of get lost on the ground.

Nature only alows the fitest and fastest to breed, so he may never get to mate. It's a good thing he has the feeder!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Cmoxon, how about showing us a new picture of your ducklings.


Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Yes, please more pics! They change so rapidly at this age. Here lil duck duck....

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

My Grandma had a crow when she was growing up. She had a birdcage w/out a door that she kept on the front porch which he stayed in. She said he used to follow her all around the yard.

When we lived in our other house, we would throw the leftovers from dinner out into a far corner in the backyard. The crows would be waiting every night for their treat. As soon as you walked out of the house they would start calling out.

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