Caladiums, Cannas and Hostas Oh MY! Co-op Time

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I was just over checking out the Co-op forum and wanted to give everyone a heads up. I remember there were several people interested in Caladiums but can't remember who all was interested. There are several more going on or in the making Cannas and Hostas Think I may order some of those, too.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, Thank you! I'll look this over more tomarrow, have to get ready for work soon. I never participated in a co-op before so this will be new for me.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady, I thought that you were one of the people that was interested in caladiums. I think Doc might have been, too.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, I did show an interest, I did not have luck overwintering my cheepo Walmart ones last winter so I'm thinking maybe a better grade of tubers will do better. The Walmart ones grew for me but not really that well.
Willing to give them another try.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I bought caladiums the last 2 years from DG Co-ops both times this vendor they were very nice. He also gives plenty of growing support if you have any questions.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly Ann,

THANK YOU for the heads up - I participated in this co-op last year, and was thrilled with the prices, variety and wonderful results. (AndI am also really happy that the co-op forum still exists, since I'd just discovered it last year) ;-) For whatever reason, I thought this co-op would begin a few months later, so I could easily have missed out and would be crying big tears about that.

ladygardener, I can highly recommend this co-op if you like caladiums - you won't regret it.

Happy New Year..................Barb

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Barb, They took me by surprise, too. I was thinking next month. I'll be following the Co-op forum a little closer.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly, thanks for the heads up. I'd like to try caladiums this year. Does anyone know if caladiums are prime deer delectables or will they mostly leave them alone?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

fyi, the co-op order thread is now open

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Terri, Even though I live in a wooded area we haven't had much in the way of deer issues. Not sure if that would be a problem. There is a chat thread you could try asking there.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I went ahead and placed an order this morning. I've always liked the way caladiums look in the shady garden, but have never tried them myself yet. I just emailed the deer resistance question to Bill. Hopefully, they aren't deer candy like my hostas are, but if so, I've been reading up on deer repellant methods for trying out this summer.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just an FYI folks....I will be digging up a few of my cannas from last year...bought too many and put them in "bad" areas (didn't put enough thought into it). I just need to look up the names to tell you. I believe they both had variegated leaves and another one was a dwarf variety...have to double check on the particulars

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


I hate to tell you, but yes, deer will eat the caladium leaves. I had one (or more) come through the yard this year, and you could trace its path by checking out the missing leaves of the caladiums and hardy begonias in the yard.

Luckily, this was a one-time event this summer, and it also took place fairly late in the season. Had it been June, I really would have been much more upset.

A local friend with a horrendous DAILY deer problem found a spray that really did seem to work - if you want, I can check with her as to the exact name. She also uses one of those water-propelled motion sensors, which is also very effective.

Hope this helps.


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly Ann,

I hear you on checking out the Co-op forum! Funny thing - I was just looking through last year's check book, and I had indeed written my check to Kathy in late January...

Nice to be thinking of summer plants already!


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Barb, can you find out the spray that seemed to work for your friend? Any recommendations for something that might work would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, terri

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Barb, I really have problems with ordering both the Cannas and Caladiums. I won't know till later how my tubers / bulbs that I saved last fall over wintered. Which really makes it hard to decide how many new bulbs to buy. If they did well then I shouldn't need many more and I could use my $$ in a different area like perennials but if they didn't then I will need to replace them. This year with Josh's new house I know I have plenty of places to put my extras if I have any. So it wasn't as big of an issue as it was last year.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

terri - will definitely do so. She bought it at the Philadelphia Flower Show last year, but also found it at her local garden center (Homestead) in Davidsonville, MD and I think I've seen it here locally in Falls Church - but it had such a NON-memorable name - something like "Deer Repellent Spray"!

Seriously, I'll get in touch with her pronto and get back to you.


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly Ann,

I hear you, but what I've finally done after multiple attempts, is given up on trying to overwinter tubers (caladiums or dahlias). I gave it a shot, more than once, followed the directions to the letter, and wound up with nothing in the spring. It's easier - for me, at least! - to just treat them as moderately pricey, but long-lived annuals each year.

I hope you have better luck!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Barb, That was my feelings, too. I do try to keep the cost down but I do pay some premium prices for a few of my annuals. At the co-op price they are cheaper than some of the annuals I buy, so if they overwinter that's great and if they don't I haven't spent too much.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Deer Repellent info for Terri:

Just heard back from my friend, who says that the name of the spray is "Deer Stopper", manufactured by Messina Wildlife, and she said the first treatment lasted a good 2 months (yes, even through rain, as the salesman guaranteed). It was also deemed acceptable for use on edible plants. I think one spray bottle cost just under $20, which SEEMED expensive at the time, but if it really works AND lasts that long, IMHO, it's money well-spent!

She has also used "Deer Fence" (Not recommended for use on edible plants/vegetables) with success in her flower beds.

Hope this helps................Barb

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much for the info Barb - maybe I can keep the deer damage to a minimum this year!!! This sounds like it might really do the trick.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Terri, I hope so - as I said, this friend has major deer problems - daily (nightly?) visits by groups of 6 or so! And she's a very experienced gardener, so if she says it works, it works!

I plan on buying some even though I have very sporadic and not even annual deer visits. But all it takes is one visit to wipe out a lot of hostas, begonias, caladiums and whatever else they decide they like.

One interesting note - in the planter where the caladiums & begonias got eaten, the Persian Shield was not damaged. It had been sampled, but that was it. The begonias had NO leaves left at all.

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