Looking in on my blue birds

Stafford County, VA

It's been a while since I have showed you pictures of "my" blue birds. I guess I worry I am overdoing it.

Well, they still visit my yard every day, even this time of year. There are five of them: the two parents and the three youngsters from the last nesting. They are there in the tree behind the house each morning, and when they see me raise the window shade, they know it's nearly time for breakfast.

I love to shoot them in action and the first feedings each morning are often feeding frenzies. Unfortunately, the early morning light is bad for photography, even with good equipment, and I am frustrated that I cannot capture what I see. Well, I still try but rarely do I get a shot I am proud to show.

By 10:00 a.m. the sun is higher and the pictures are better.

I am not sure where to start this thread, so I'll just post a few from the past several days and see where it leads us.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

These first several are of Papa.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

One more

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

And another

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Here are some shots of the birds checking out some concord grapes. DW found some at the market the other day, although the season is long past. I picked out the best of them and put the rest out for the birds. Here Papa checks them out but opts for the meal worms instead.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

This is Mama doing a fly-over, and checking them out.

This message was edited Dec 30, 2008 2:51 AM

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Then she looks at them from below

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

A closer look

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Finally, she takes a stab at it. Literally.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Moving on.

(Incidentally, the grape was too heavy and she dropped it. I need to find some smaller ones)

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA


Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Here they both are watching the nest box

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

And here they both are on the box.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

This morning a male cowbird landed on their nest box

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

From nowhere, Papa intercepts the trespasser

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Flying upside down in the process

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Papa then goes inside to make sure all is clear. Here two females await his report.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

All Clear

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

2dcd, I appreciate your postings of the blue birds defending their space. The brown-headed cow birds have been a thorn in my side for years due, in part, to there being gluttonous at the feeders and run off the smaller birds. Your blue birds are pretty scrappy. Lee

Stafford County, VA

Yes Lee, they are. Especially the adult male. I have seen him go after starlings and red-bellied woodpeckers too. I notice the juveniles have followed his example and are chasing other birds, including the house sparrow, from the meal worm feeder.

Stafford County, VA

Again, moving on. This shot was taken with the 70-200mm f/2.8 with the 1.4 TC attached. I don't prefer this setup. This one of a very few acceptable shots out of about 50. I prefer the 200 f/1.8 prime lens instead. Sharper and much better brokeh.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Here are a few examples of what the 200 f/1.8 can do. As you can see, a lot of different birds like the mealies, especially this time of year.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Another shot of the red-bellied.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Back to my first love.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Incidentally, these were taken from very close range. About 6 feet.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Here's one of Mama

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Nearly time to stop. Just a few more. (I promise)

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA


Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Last one for tonight (or should I say, this morning) :-)

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

2cd, great shots all. I was hoping Santa would be good to me this year and bring me a dig. cam. but no such luck. I suppose I hadn't been too good. You might be able to help me with the dig. cam. I'm no technical wizard but am looking for a dig. cam that is adequate to get good shots of the birds. My budget won't allow me to spend more than $300-$400 dollars on one. I don't need alot of bells and whistles, just one that would be adequate to use to photograph some birds and my orchids as I'd like to post some, esp. of my orchids.
Knowing what I've said, do you have any recommendations as to the type camera that would fit in my budget? I'd so appreciate your advice. Thanks, Lee

Stafford County, VA

Lee I am sorry but I am rather ignorant when it comes to point and shoot digicams There are a great many good ones out there in that price range. I just can't keep up. I would expect many of them would be good with the orchids (and the birds too, when they sit still for you).

I would suggest you go to the thread on this page named, "what kind of camera do you use?" It is long but in that thread many of the people who post a lot of bird pictures here say what camera they use and what they like and dislike about it. If you see one you think you like, you can go to DPReview.com and they probably will have a thorough review of it.


Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Dave thanks, your advice seem like my best avenue. Appreciate your responding so quickly with the info. Lee

Marlton, NJ

Great shots all of them Dave! Their all looking very fit and healthy!

Thanks for posting them.

Lee, There's a great thread going on in the Camera forum about p&s digital's. You might want to look into Panasonic Lumix.

Dave,That's so great you can get so close to the birds! Have you ever tried putting blueberries out?

Melbourne, FL

Beautiful shots as always, Dave. Love the grape shots, I could just see them thinking "what's on the menu for today?". What about cutting the grapes in halves?

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)


Glad to see an update on your babies!

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Thank pelle, I'll check the camera forum out. Was hoping Santa would have brought me one for Christmas but I suppose I just hadn't been good enough. LOL. Lee

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Beautiful update Dave...your BB's look very healthy and happy!

Stafford County, VA

Thanks Rose. They probably have been happy these past few days since the temperatures have been very mild (mid 70's), but the weather is due to change. It may snow friday so I will be looking for some wintery shots to add to my collection. Here's one of Mama in the rain.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

A similar shot of the male.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

OK a few more "studio" shots

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave

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