A small change to this forum

This morning I discovered that a member we had banned several months ago had created at least two new usernames and was using them to post in this forum. I have deleted the extra usernames and emailed the person telling them they are not welcome to return.

The actions of this person were made easier because this forum is open to all members, whether subscribed or not. So anyone can come, sign up for a free account, and post away. I have changed that, so as of this morning, one must be a subscribed member in order to access this forum. I know this may inconvenience some of the people who frequent this forum, and we may change it back later, but for now we need to keep it this way.


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you Dave! I don't know who it was, and don't want to.. but I am glad you are keeping watch over our forum and keeping it "safe" for our enjoyment.
As for the registered members, it's not asking too much to sign up to participate...

Merry Christmas!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Amen to that ZZ... and Thank you Dave !! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks Dave, it is not that much to ask to subscribe. This is a wonderful forum and alot of very good advise.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you Dave! Merry Christmas!

(Zone 7b)

Oh Thank you so much! Merry Christmas

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thank you Dave.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Thank you Dave! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Thank you Dave, you should pay to play. It's worth it!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Just for the record I just wanted to say that I don't think all the non-subscribers were unkind. I'm very glad that Dave made this change. I hope it encourages all the non-subscribers to join now ^_^ Those that aren't of our spirit won't bother. I'm good with that. On the up side look at all the the new friends we will make ^_^ I wonder how many sing... ♪♪ mi mi mi ♪♪.... ^_^

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

thank you! i'm tired of seeing ghostnicks u never know if ur talking to a real person or a troll or what. it is so annoying and i think it makes it a safer community for all. dave's has always been money well spent!!

Kenosha, WI

Merry Christmas to all! and thank you Dave.

I enjoy reading the postings ... and have learned a lot. Hope you guys have a chance to read my comments posted on the potato crop.

I've just finished my yearly report for the Kenosha Potato Project

Happy New Year to all!

ciao, Curzio :O)

Clarkson, KY

I cannot tell you how much I've enjoyed what DG provides, nor say enough good about the people who keep it what it is and continues to be. I am a little bit saddened that this change may result in keeping people with sick animals or in need of help from quick access to advice though. It took me, I think, 3-4 months of enjoying myself here before I actually did what little bit it took to actually subscribe...

...if wishes was hosses I'd wish for a way to accomplish both things... Kelly

I am a little bit saddened that this change may result in keeping people with sick animals or in need of help from quick access to advice though.

I completely agree with you. In time, I'd love to change the forum back.

Actually, what we could do is allow the forum to be viewable to non-subscribers, but they would have to subscribe to post. What do ya'll think about that?

(Zone 7b)

I like that then maybe it would encourage them to subsribe.

I too was sad to know we might lose the opportunity to really help those with chickens who need it.

I know from experience that emergencys with animals come up quickly and need help immediatly.

This way they could see the forum and get answers like from Grownuts Bird Link we could keep it up to date.

I say Yes ^_^

Kenosha, WI

Me too! I agree with your suggestion Dave!

I'm a "natural" beekeeper (no chemicals in my hives) and have responded to requests for help in that forum. I hope you would change the posting rules for the beekeeper forum as well.

folks will subscribe if they are seriously interested in the matter. more people will subscribe if they find more interesting information and perhaps a little less chatter. obviously chatter (socializing) is part of blogging ... and thanks God we still have ways to communicate with strangers .... but too much nonsense drives people away. ;O)

the more pertinent participation we can get, the more credibility the group will gain ... we all will profit from attracting more experienced folks. even the greatest expert always has something to learn.

Perhaps you could intertain the idea of selecting "volunteer forum supervisors" who could have the authority of removing posts ... or whole threads.
For instance: it's great to look at Xmas cards ... but in 3 weeks those postings are going to be irrelevant. they could be removed.

also, often folks go on tangents ... the thread starts with "sharing eggs" and then moves to a completely different subject (which could be more interesting than the initial posting). It would be great if a supervisor could cut off the thread and move the new subject to a new thread. It is kind of silly to have 80 pages with different threads to explore for interesting stories to follow.

Again, thank you for what you have built, and keep up the good work.

Happy New Year! Curzio :O)

Canyon Lake, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm new to Dave's Garden, but I feel that whatever it takes to maintain a clean and well run website should be done. The best websites I have been fortunate to be a part of were all clean and well run.

It only takes one rotten potato to stink up the whole bag. So, yeah, if folks don't want to be nice then they should move along.



Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I think read-only for those that are not subscribers sounds like a great solution.

Clarkson, KY

Dave, Thank you so very much!! That sounds like a perfect marriage to me. Could not for the life of me figure what might accomplish both ends, but this would allow access. Even an urgent questions forum where non subscribers might post and get an idea where to go...that's how I got hooked -SQUASH BUGS -who knew?!

One of the reasons I did the reference stuff is because it was hard to remember where the links were (and besides Harmony begged me!). And which threads were informative. I don't know what it would take to cull some of our blather (which I am frequently guilty of and dearly love...) but if there were a relatively easy way to do it -and this sounds very much like I'm volunteering for 'blather police' [misleading] -it would be nice to be able to link and then cull extraneous comments.

Ummm, errr....Apologies for the less than pleasant Christmas present...

(Zone 6b)

This message was edited Dec 29, 2008 3:30 PM

Clarksburg, MO

I think that the main problem that Dave is trying to curtail is the fact that any person can come on here and pose as anyone that they want to. We all know in these times to be very leary of people on the internet as they may not be what they seem. I hate this as I am a very trusting person.

I think that a person should be honest and represent who they are. Since the internet has posed this problem, it may be that we will need to be a little restricted to be protected and I support anything the admin does to keep us safer.


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Dave is only trying to prevent people, who have been removed from the forum for troubling behavior, from creating a new persona to return and continue said trouble. There was a history of trouble in the past and it does not need to be replayed out because they came up with a new name. I truly love this forum and have come to rely on it heavily. I am new here and to chickens as well. This place is valuable in many ways.
I am thankful to you Dave for making our environment a safe.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

LFJ, I do not think that is the issue really, In my thinking it is just as Shelia said, it is about constant making of new names from people that have been banned previously. Dave obviously had good reason for this.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8b)


The above posters were exactly right. As admins, we are well aware that there are two sides to every story. Also as admins, we try our best not to become involved in personal disputes, and certainly not take sides in the disputes.

We don't know what happened between the two parties any more than anyone else does.

This is absolutely NOT about taking sides with anyone.

The issue here is that it is against the AUP to register more than one user name. That policy was violated on a couple of different occasions, and the party has been removed. Since this happens to be the forum most interesting to the offending party, the forum was put to subscriber only to further prevent abuse of new user names.

Any dragging up of personal issues on the forum with present or past members will also be dealt with, as that is also against the AUP.

We just want a clean and happy forum :)

(well, as clean as chickens can be *grin*)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

(well, as clean as chickens can be *grin*)
What ever do you mean she says sheepishly.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8b)


We raise chickens ourselves. You know, that hen house is never as clean as the day you built it :)
No innuendos, just thinking about my hen house!

Clarkson, KY

I try to stay at least nominally cleaner than my hens....does that count?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh yes, a lot. Rocks are tough to keep clean though Grow.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Trish. I second what you have said whole heartedly! And about the clean chicken comment... HA!

I have altered this forum so now anyone can read the entire forum, but you have to be a subscriber to post.

Clarkson, KY

Thank you very much for everything...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Dave, thank you very much.
Sincerely, jeanmarie

(Zone 7b)

Thank You Dave and have a Happy New Year!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks so much again Dave for looking out for everyone.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you Dave... You always come up with perfect solutions. I would hate to see things change here.. I've been here a few years.. This is my sanctuary... I know there are some who wish to trash it.. even some who don't wish to but do by ignorance! I don't want to know the details of the drama.. believe me, there is enough drama in my life, I try to steer clear.

It's very comforting that Dave looks out for us here.

I found DG researching a plant I bought.. kept coming up with DG pages.. so I joined.. That plant?
Brazillian Plume... which soon led me to brugs.. which led me to Colues, and vegetable gardening, and canning.. now chickens..
That's my DG life story.. LOL

Edited to add...
Whatever happened to whoever is not appropriate subject matter if you ask me. There is private message or email for gossip.

I have learned soooo much here, I could never repay all I've been given..(not material goods) So my message to anyone lurking? You will praise the day you signed up... trust me!

This message was edited Dec 27, 2008 6:40 PM

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I've really enjoyed the short time I've been here, and already I've learned tons, especially about chickens. =0) I also really appreciate both the chatter, and the acceptance/tolerance of a wide range of opinion and humor. As a person of strong opinion, and outrageous humor who has been thrown off 'polite' boards, I think the diversity here is fantastic. I appreciate what the admins have done to keep frauds out, and what they haven't done in allowing folks to just be who they are.


(Zone 7b)

I have a question for anyone that wants to answer.
Some have mentioned blabber and chatting as well as off topic subjects.

What do all here think is too much and what do all sudjest as to appropriate and not?

I personally enjoy chatting and getting to know others and jokeing but not a big fan of the silly humor.^_^

This message was edited Dec 28, 2008 11:56 AM

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I guess the problem might be the definition of off color? I seriously love that no one here is offended easily and take everything tongue-in-cheek. Perhaps I was wrong? Just general talking can lead to other topics that are not always related to chickens and I like it when the girls get a little crazy! ;)

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I have what I believe is an admin question. If a nonsubscriber has been banned can they subscribe under a different name and be let back on? This seems like a way to "slip" back in. Or is that individual banned altogether? My gut feeling tells me that if they have been banned once and have "snuck" back they have already shown that the rules don't apply to them.

(Zone 6b)

This message was edited Dec 29, 2008 3:30 PM

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