What weird weather we're having #7

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We came from here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/931885/

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm here....................

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

We use the golf balls. The good ones when we play and the bad ones on the driving range for practice. You'd be surprised how many bad golfer play with expensive balls. And then don't come to look for them.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Wish I still had the pattern, we used to make Snoopy dogs out of old golf balls!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)


Raccons are septic, too. So if your dog meets up with one you should go to the vet for antibiotics, even if he gets off okay without too many scratches. Most dogs really get torn up, though. My vet says that the males travel in pairs and are definitely not domesticatable, not matter how cute people think they are.

When I moved in here, the raccoons moved farther away. They're not gone, but I haven't seen one in the yard when we've been out. My brother put a cat door in their garage window and the raccoons just got so big that they can't fit through anymore. You could put a cat door in a box and then put the magnetic opening thing on itsa's collar so only she can get in. I would put it up high, too, so they can't comfortably camp out in front and make her uncomfortable - maybe somehow on an old cat tree?

You could keep itsa in for awhile and then use one of those electric scat mats - maybe put out the food just behind the mat and then let them shock themselves several times until they give up on the porch. It's a thought.

Shadow is great looking. I had a friend with two cats who married a guy with a shepherd mix that he had allowed to chase cats. They had a behaviorist come in and the solution was bascially to give the cats their own room and train the dog that he could never go in that room. He was totally trainable - they are a working/guard dog. So I think you could do it - he just has to learn that there's a difference between a squirrel (not valuable to you) and a cat (valuable to you). Try saying "kitty" and giving him a piece of cheese whenever he sees the kitty. Eventually, he'll associate the kitty with you and a piece of cheese. And then you can build on that and require that he sit/stay when he sees the kitty.

Terriers are another story. They are bred to kill and it's hard to get that instinct out of them if they start late. Even the tiniest of terriers will go after the biggest of cats. They have to be very brave to be successful.

Sally, we had the opposite problem up here with snow vs school closings. Our schools were canceled, but the snow didn't come 'til the end of the day.

Shokami, nice job on the lanscaping. Clearly really hard work.

Zhinusmom, I've been hearing about snow in Olympia all week. it sounds like you guys have gotten more than anyone else. I'm glad you and the dog are enjoying it. Most of mine like the snow, as well.

Eugene, OR

Nice pictures everyone. Love watching dogs play in the snow.

Made it into town, picked up mom's meds YEAH! I can hunker down now and wait out the rest. It started to snow right after we got home, was coming down pretty good, but only last for about 10 min. It got up to 39 deg, starting down now, but we won't have the bitter cold tonight....that's coming Friday night again.

rc....the roads were good mostly, parking lots and side streets still packed but slowly melting. From the looks of it the Gateway area must have been a zoo, still packed snow on the road, but that too was melting. Don't know what will happen tonight. Sorry you have to be out so early. Several part times has to be a pain. Hopefully you can get something better soon.

I remember a golf ball dog, long time ago. It was really cute.

Stay warm and safe everyone.

This message was edited Dec 17, 2008 7:57 PM

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, we defiantly have more snow than we normally get.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

and more to come from the sounds of it......

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

It's still coming down out there, not heavily, but consistently.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

It is really thick over here right now.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I've been eating so I haven't been out for awhile.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I have a lot of work to ketch up, have tomorrow off, will do it then.

Started snowing In Lynnwood where I work at 3:15 pm. I did not get off till 5 pm but it was a more of rain/snow mix, roads where fine. Got home safe, was a little worried with the car I'm driving now, she did just fine.Stop snowing around 8pm. 'So let it snow' I will not have to worry about til Fri.
Stay warm and lots of warm hugs to you and the pets.

Eugene, OR

This is first time since we moved here 10 yrs ago, that it has been this cold and for this long. Hope it's not a sign of things to come, winter has only just begun.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

The schools were called off here as well today, because they were worried abut the snow that was supposed to come in the afternoon. We only got a few flurries, it warmed up and the roads were good, so I got an appointment at the eye doctor to both check my prescription and get the frames better adjusted. Apparently, I was looking out of different places in the lens with each eye, which made for a somewhat seasick experience. Now that they are coordinated, I'm doing much better. This may work out yet.

Eugene, OR

Sounds like a step in the right direction mauryhillfarm....I had to do that once also.

Still waiting for the snow, it's been windy...but that's about it.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We had a couple inches by 3 am yesterday, at least 4 inches by the time school would have gotten out and we're supposed to get more. I'm just hoping the kid's dad decided to keep them, because I don't want three kids in the house all day.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

My son just called to let me know he made it home from work okay. He lives on top of one of the higher hills here. Decided to leave his car at work and a friend with 4 wheel drive gave him a ride home.....he said it was worse in town than going up the hill to his house and the roads are starting to freeze. He doesn't work again until Saturday so says he will just stay in until the bus starts running up there again....me too.....if the roads are bad in the morning may make my husband take the bus to work....it is only 2 and a half miles...but it is amazing the number of incompetent drivers you get in that distance!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Holly, so glad you did that, hope it works for you.
The storm we got, came from the north, I think it petered out by the time it got to you. All calm here no snow and its not cold. maybe the lull before the storm, I hope it done passed. LOL

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

It sounds like Olympia has been hit the hardest, wow!! You guys really have a challenge. Unfortunately, I'm supposed to help my mom with a doctor appointment in Oly on Monday, and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get there if there is yet more snow over the weekend. So I'm hoping for no more of the pretty white stuff, even though it has been fun for the kids.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Tilly, Yep, I made a total pain of myself at the eye doctor, asked all kinds of questions, checked reading, arms length sight, and everything ever time they tweaked the frame to see if we had gotten rid of the swimming double letters. The optician was really nice and took a long time with me to get it right.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

If you can't make it down let us know if there is anything we can do to help.....

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Trisha, Thank you so much for your kind offer. I will d-mail you if I need to. I just talked to her, and she may re-schedule if there is a lot of fresh snow over the weekend.

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

hey all! sounds like most of you are in for quite a snowing. stay safe guys. here was mostly cold and cloudy and we finally got some rain tonight.. but today and the next few days is suppossed to be rain/snow showers so we'll see.

OMG Dusty (my kitten) did something i could probably only have seen on animals funniest videos and i wish i had taken a pic of it. for some reason or another we had been inundated with stupid flies in the kitchen. well i hung up one of those ugly fly strip tapes (they work really well.. buts looks rather hickish) from the table chandelier the other day and caught a ton... well this am when i was making breakfast i heard this tap.. tap... tap coming from dusty... little stupid head sometime this am had gotten ahold of the fly strip and had it all stuck around her and the tube was banging on the floor from her foot when she stepped!! i had to pull and prod the tape off of her (with the flies ewww gross) that stuff is REALLY sticky. she still had some glue stuck to her. i cut some of it off today but can get her to stay still long enough for me to get the rest. dumb cat. .... lol.. shes no worse for the wear. :-P

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

The news shows that basically everything in the rainshadow, Seattle and surrounding area didn't get much snow. But north got hit hard - Arlington had 23". And Trisha and Laura, it looks like Olympia is just covered, too!!

We only have 4 or 5 inches up here and it hasn't snowed for the last few hours. It was slick coming home, though. I left downtown Seattle at 4pm and by the time I got home at 5:30 I was slip/sliding down the road.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

shokami, that's hilarious. I don't think Dusty is alone. I can see anyone of my felines doing something similar. And then the other cats being terrified of her because she didn't look "right".

Eugene, OR

I agree, that would b really funny to see and probably would have won a prize.

We still haven't gotten our snow for today, maybe it got stalled up north, but the forecast goes out for at least 5 or 6 more days.

Stay safe all.

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

boo boo lol

This message was edited Dec 18, 2008 8:55 AM

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

morning all... well rain rain and more rain! at least theres no gale force winds to back it up yet. we get some horrendous winds during the winter, can get up to gusts of 90 at times. feel like dorothy and waiting for the house to start spinning! last year it tore all our lights off the house and flung them in our neighbors yard. the only thing so far is the fatality of my xmas lawn deer. she over on her side and i dont want to go get wet and pick her up lol. stay dry and warm all. chat later!

pic is of shore acres botanical park in charleston... just 10 min from us. they do smas lights evey year... fantastic

Thumbnail by shokami2
(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We have a little sun and snow showers right now.....SeaTac...Seattle...Bellvue....the places that didn't get so much yesterday are really getting it right now....I-405 is almost at a stand still right now.

They are saying we should get another heavy round here Saturday Night/Sunday.......

My Christmas Tree is on an Antique Cedar Chest in the front window....One of my bird feeders hangs just outside the window. I find the cat curled up under the tree in back of my Victorian Santa where she can watch the birds.....and the snow. She didn't pay any attention to the feeder or anything out front until it started to snow.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Shokami can I beg a big favor?????? Could you please post that beautiful picture on the Sweet Interruptions 76 thread (General Chat and Discussion)???? Marion's favorite thing is Herons and Jaye's is frogs and everyone over there would Love that picture!!!!!

Eugene, OR

I knew where that picture was taken as soon as I saw it. Shore Acres is such a beautiful place, winter and summer! Went on a tour for the Christmas lights year before last, and it was rainy, windy, cold (had my HH's of course) and absolutely beautiful. They had a place to have hot chocolate, it's really done up nice.

As soon as I turn my tree lights on in the morning, the cats make a mad dash under it. It's become the place for afternoon naps.

Starting snow/rain this morning, hasn't let up for a couple of hours. Nothing sticking yet, the rain washes it away.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

That pic is awesome.
Kitties do the darndest thing, bet she wasn't all that happy about it.

Been snowing here since 3am has not stopped. the dogs have wanted out 4 times now to go play in it, I was not ready yet to go out. will get some pics.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Well, I'm stuck here for a couple of days, I think. We must have 12 inches of snow by now. It looks like upstate New York!!

I can't dial in to work because the server is so busy, so it looks like everybody is working from home. The roads are awful and there are accidents everywhere. I'm worried about my neighbor; she got out and went to work in Renton before the second snow hit. Her husband's big diesel truck is stuck in the road now; he's working on getting it out. But I don't know what the roads up here look like - we literally need a snow plow!!

Thumbnail by katie59
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

not a prob zhin.. happy to do it!

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

got 'er done! zhin........

i knew some one would have known where it was. that is last years pic. they have added even MORE lights. will try and get out there again (we went last weekend) but didnt have my camera with me (duhhhh) so if i get a chance to ill put up more pics later!

katie... wow darn have to work from home (lol) that is gorgeous up there. stay safe and hope your neighbor i ok too.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

For once, I made a great decision: scheduled Thursday & Friday for vacation. Good thing, as the road I travel (HWY 520) was closed down westbound - too many accidents & abandoned vehicles. I would not have made it to work, and like many others, would have sat on that road for several hours.
This is just part of another humorous episode: the fuel pump in my car died Tuesday, so I had to rent a car. I was able to get an SUV, anticipating poor conditions & the likelihood of my car not being ready. However, we've had so much snow, there is no reason to leave. The roads that lead to the main road are piled with snow - very few cars have driven on them. I had plans to finish up Christmas shopping - that will wait.
The dogs want to be outside & chase snowballs (well - the Lab does!), and the Ridgeback is prancing about with her snowcoat on. This is the Prissy Girl that melts in the rain; I guess snow allows for a fashion statement & rain does not...!
Seeing a lot of birds out today, whenever the snowfall lets up. I need to make some peanut butter/seed treats and get them outside. We have about 6" so far, and supposed to get another 3" by this evening.
Stay warm!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

TY Shokami......I know they are going to love it!!!!!

We have had sun most of the day but the next round of snow they predicted for us has started in...they are saying up to another 4 inches!! Little neighbor lady in her 90's called and asked me if I didn't think she could walk up and get her own mail today....my answer was NO!! We have had one broken hip in the neighborhood this past year and that is one too many. I just collect the keys from the 4 older ladies who have no one else in the house to help out and get everyones mail when I get mine. We live in a circle at the end of our street so it is no big deal to make the rounds.....except for them.....I had enough trouble with my grocery cart in the lot this morning, I can't imagine trying to operate with a cane or a walker in these conditions.

Eugene, OR

Gotta watch those little old ladies (mom's 94) that do insist on trying to do it themselves. We still haven't gotten much but rain/snow, kinda slushy, but they say we're going to get it tonight. Of course they said we were going to get it last night......

This is a video my DIL sent from Lake Los Angeles,CA........she's so excited, they never get snow! Nice of her to include the dogs and the horses I talked about before. Only thing missing are the cats, the goat and the pig.


This message was edited Dec 18, 2008 3:47 PM

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

It has been snowing all day and we have about 8" so far. It's looking it's very best around here. Love it. My pups are loving it also. Amber runs all around and comes in with snowballs on her legs. Mindy gets covered but no snowballs. Different types of hair. The deeper it gets the better they like it. I'm feeding a lot of birds of all types. The dogs love to watch them through the windows. It is cozy and peaceful.
That was a great video, looked like a lot of fun.

This message was edited Dec 18, 2008 3:49 PM

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

shokami, you confused me, I thought you were talking to me rather than mom and I had no clue what you were talking about. Both mom and I have our real names under our screen names.

Katie, If the predictions are correct, we’ll have more snow than I can remember in the last 15 years. We have 4”? and are supposed to get another 4+”.

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