I love this warm weather! But ....

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

I have to confess, I added a container of Rudbeckia Goldstrum yesterday. :)
I'd say about 70% of the containers have germinated - some are growing waaaay too fast. Oh no!

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

I have a feeling that when I get ggoing that I will be BEGGING people to take my seedlings- at least I hope so!

Say, does anyone have the new Rudbeckia hirta Cherry Brandy?
Also on eBay for $2.50 for 25 seeds

and at http://www.hpsseed.com/dp.asp?c=7&P={7CBC5873-A2EB-489A-8E73-70814B392CEC} 200 seeds for $10.

Anyone interested in splitting a pack?

Thumbnail by pyromomma
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Today convinced me that I better do late winter sowing .. I'll get stuff started around the end of February.


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