ORVG COFFEE HOUSE #137 Sleigh Bells Ring....

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

That floor is gorgeous! We weren't so lucky when we pulled up the carpets in our house. Someday we might re-do them, but with all the furniture having to be moved and all that jazz, it won't be any time soon!

Our trip to Easton with our friends was nice. Mongolian Barbecue is *yummy* and a good value at lunchtime especially. What also stood out was the friendliness of the employees. It was a good day out with friends.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh Darius those pegs were the first thing that grabbed me, they're awesome! I like the idea of the black satin finish on the china cupboard. Oriental pieces will look beautiful on it. I've been planning to paint a couple of chests of drawers, that we got cheap from a second hand place here in town, satin black, with some free hand accents. And I've been trying to figure out a design for some built in shelves for the woodstove room. I have a collection of Oriental reproduction blue and white porcelain I display in there, and I'm thinking a blackish slaty blue would work really well. I saw a pic in a magazine of a built in that color with white pieces displayed on it, and it was stunning. The walls in there are going to be a terra cota color.

Darius, also wanted to add, your words above were beautiful.

Dusty, I can't wait to see pics of the tank all teaming with life! Dave used to be in to salt tanks, and has expressed some interest in getting back into it. I'll talk about yours as a gentle nudge, LOL.

Marcy, your floor sounds really pretty! If ya happen to think about it sometime, I'd love to see a pic of it. The big nails showing and the lack of finish sound really cool! I think it was Cottage Living, or something like that, where I saw the painted built in, and your floor sounds like something out of that magazine (they had a lot of nice ideas).

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

The floors in the 2 rooms that comprise the original log cabin here are pine. We've peeled up the carpet in the woodstove room, and it will be pretty, but will definitely have to be a primitive look. Its soft wood and whoever laid the carpet filled it full of staples when putting the padding down. Along with age it has had abuse, but it is sound, and kind of pretty even in its present state. Just getting the staples out and cleaning made an amazing difference.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

ROFLLLLL Neal... Here is where I am at the moment...Better than 50% of the rock is back in the tank...Stirred it up again...so the Fluvall is hard at work....LOL

Thumbnail by DustyDS

I see the kittys are in full investigation of the fish tank . LOL and are hoping a fish might be dropped ? naughty kittys

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Neal, the paint I'm using is a Benjamin Moore 'Regal' premium 100% interior acrylic, Pearl Finish. Just has 'black' written in magic marker on the lid, no number, and of course I don't have the chip anymore. I think you'd like it, it's really a nice soft black, not a black black. I'll post a photo when it's finished...

GW, the rest of the floors here are just chipboard, which were under the old pet-stained carpet I removed the day I moved in. I painted the floors just so they would repel dirt a bit better. Eventually, we'd like to install wood floors throughout, but these sub-floors are all buckled or swelled in spots (pet urine) so it will be a really big, nasty job.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

LOL Sue... Yeah .. Peaches is checking out my work..I didn't move any fish so she is flat outta luck... LOL

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Neal...I will have to look through my pictures and see if I have a pic..if not..I'll take one soon. It was just sickening...but under this floor was UGLY brown and gold linoleum. We started to take it up...and found out the floor under it was heart pine! HOWEVER......that linoleum was glued down with this nasty black goop. Dave said ok...I'll get it off. He spent several days....on ONE small spot. Finally he said...NOPE...I'M DONE!!!!! Soooooo...a young friend of ours had made a floor like this in their antique shop...and he told Dave, if he would come help him, he would get the wood at his cost...and he and Dave could shiplap it there in his shop. (He is a fine woodworker).
So that's what we did. The whole floor didn't cost us that much...can't remember offhand the price....but I know it was cheap! Our friend and Dave just went to the lumber mill that is not too far from us...and got the wood.
Ok...back to the cookie making!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Marcy, too bad you couldn't find a suitable product to take the black goop off the heart pine, even if it meant sanding it off. Heart pine floors are so wonderful!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Look at the Mourning Doves nesting at the base of the tree...They are all hunkered down...There are at least 30 of them all up here against the house...

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

They know a good yard when they see one :-) Nora spotted a cardinal at our bird feeder - thank goodness they finally found it. It's dropped to 7 degrees here with some nifty wind. Makes me REAL glad we don't still live on the lake in Chicago, that would be absolutely brutal. I remember my senior year in college (Purdue) walking to a morning class and ducking my head against the wind and closing my eyes - they froze shut. That helped me decide I was starting my career south of the Mason Dixon - LOL!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

It is soooo windy and cold. The windchimes have been clanging non-stop since the wee hours last night. We have a set of the long pipe kind. I feel bad for anyone or any critter who has to be out in this biting cold. I know Minnesotans and other zone dipping people think our prospective 0 degrees is a heat wave, though! LOL

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Yep! Twice :-)

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I wanted to go there!!!! They dint have my Nursing Master I needed so I got stuck with WHYOLLA!!!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah - I remember somethin' about you goin' there - Nora went there - same campus! She was all tickled about that when I told her. Funny thing is, I originally wanted to go to USC, but it was too many bucks so I went "in state". Don't regret it at all - other than those nasty winters! Majored in theater design for a while - was drinking buddies with the woman who wrote "Thelma and Louise" while she was there. Great gal from Padukah. (That whole Six Degrees of Separation thing is wild sometimes...) Big irony there is she was originally going to be a landscape architect - go figure!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Robin, Robyn wants to know if you were Thelma or Louise?

COLD here but BRUTAL it appears up at Marcy and Dave's.
And I know there is about no wind cover there so doubly Brutal.
I agree w/ Marcy the floors there are quite lovely.

Darius you did a spectacular job!


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

It is eggggzactly 3.9* with a wind chill of MINUS 17* and a 20 mph wind out of the west...I still have to go swap vehicles tonight, and have to be in Springfield at 6:45 am.....

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

brrr, it is cold here, but since we don't have a thermometer, I don't know exactly how cold it is. The weather in Louisville at 6:00 was 15, with a wind chill of 3.

Went to church this morning, then had to go to pick up DGD this afternoon. So was very glad to get back inside to the warmth.

Darius, that floor is beautiful. It is a shame that some people don't appreciate the wood floors and cover them up with something that takes real work to get up, and then cleaned up.

Marcy, your floor sounds beautiful too. My DTS lives in an old house, and has poplar floors, and she refinished her kitchen floor about 2 years ago. She had someone come in and sand it, but she put down a polyurethane finish, and it is such a pretty shade, and it authentic about 100 years old. She had carpet on it, and had really forgetten how pretty the original floor was.

Also, her house has the wide old woodwork, and of course many years ago, spring cleaning meant that you put another coat of varnish on everything. She over a course of several years refinished all the wood work in the house.The wood work is oak, and is a pretty honey shade that just glows.

Everybody try to stay warm, and if you don't have to go out, don't. If you do have to go out, be careful.

HA . I beat you all Urbana is - 23 with wind chill :P No idea on the wind speed. maybe 30 it is howling !!!!
Dusty be careful out there , ya here's me woman !! For us non educated people "what is WHYOLLA " ? LOL i went to culinary school !!! yeah that degree got me far in life LOLLLLL actually i fell in love and that is my story LOL HA.
Ric to funny , Yes Rob i agree are you A. Thelma or B. Louis ? i think i would be Julia Roberts character ( trampy trashy girl ) LOLLLL
WHere is Badseed ? i hope she is doing ok .
off to watch tv . :(

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I am bundling up Sue.. I'll holler when I get back... Gottsa fuel the car and then go swap and get my paperwork....Should be about an hour round trip....Roads are clear, just freezing cold...

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Darius...I cried when we couldn't get those floors finished! But Dave tried a lot of things....and he finally said he just couldn't do it! And we couldn't find anyone to do it for us either...soooooo! But the heart pine is still there....lol!!
Thanks Ric! I originally was going to poly the kitchen floor ...but never seemed to get around to doing it. There was sooooo much work to do here, when we moved in. We didn't even have a heating system. Well..it had space heaters....but I wanted a furnace and central air. So we did find a company to do that for us right away. They had to run ductwork under our floors and upstairs too. There is only crawl space under here...so let me tell you that was a job! They had a little skinny guy that went under to do the pipes...lol!! And he said it was nasty under there! I can imagine...since this place was built in 1900.
Bonnie, we have the old wide woodwork too...but ours is painted....and I like it that way. This house is a story and a half....and very cottagey. So the painted look fits.
Our weather radio just went off a few minutes ago...telling us there was a wind advisory...and not to go outside with any exposed skin! We went out for supper, and I tell you...we like to froze! The wind was horrible...and it was already down to 5 above...temperature wise.
I was sorry I didn't have something prepared for supper here!!
Well..I have made carmel corn, Amish sugar cookies...carmels in the microwave, and have dough ready for Christmas cut out cookies tomorrow. I am pooped!!
Joyce...I remember we both made carmel last year...on the stove. I found this microwave recipe...and it works!! Soooo much easier!!
We give our kids money for Christmas....and I wanted something for them to put under the tree...so I got these BIG glass jars at wally....and filled them with carmel corn w/peanuts. Then I will also give them a tin full of cookies and candies. I think they will like that as much as anything. But I am not making a lot of different things this year. We don't need it.
Promised Dave I would make his favorite....peanut butter cookies...and I will make some choc chip. These are the things every one likes here.
Well...I hope you all keep warm tonight...and don't go out if you don't have to!! Sending warm thoughts to everyone...and waving~~~~~!!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Forgot to say...Neal...this floor is about ten yrs old now. When we bought the wood, it cost around 300.00 Dave said. It's a big kitchen....and that was cheap then! Dave went over and helped our friend plane and shiplap the random width boards....and then my brother helped Dave lay the floor. It was worth it. We have enjoyed it. I'll try to get a pic of it tomorrow for you.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

HA! You know, I never even stopped to think of who she might have modeled those two after, and never thought until you brought it up that I might have been on her mind. I do vividly recall the auditions for one production that really hissed her off, and to which she referred in the Time mag. interview of her when the movie hit the screens. It was "Madwoman of Chaillot" and the director (student director, actually) would only cast blondes, and then only as the hookers. REALLY ticked her off. Me too, as I'm brunette and he wouldn't even consider letting me read...cretin. If I had to guess, I would say I was the rowdier of the two, as my best friend and I were both brunettes (Carolyn is a blonde), and I was NOT the reserved one of the gang :-> Pretty outspoken, now that I think of it.....

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

It is 1.4 with a minus 19 here now...I can tell you one thing....That Wheelie will be started the minute my feet fall out of bed in the AM...
It takes forevvvvvver to warm up....I made it all the way home and it still was barely starting to warm...I stayed in the dern car while I fueled it... That wind is bitter, straight out of the west at about 20+ mph and it was spitting snow in Moraine....

The reef tank is really clearing now.. just looks milky, not green anymore, and I can see quite a bit into the back now...Doesn't look like it is gonna be alot of tweaking on the rocks...All of the varmints seem to be doing just fine, but I haven't seen Dori yet...It took her a week to show up after I got here so may be another week now that I have terrorized her... LOL

I am off to a scalding hot shower and my rack... gotta be up by 4:30 to go get Crotchety Earl in Springfield...then off to Indiana...

Have a great day tomorrow everyone!!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Too funny about you and T&L... The whole 6º thing fascinates me.

I have just awakened; I didn't intend to fall asleep watching the tube... don't even know what I was watching, certainly nothing very good! But, I needed to bring enough firewood inside for the night. There's a pile on the porch just by the door, BIG thanks to Joseph, DH of a DG friend. It's C.. C... COLD out there!

Marcy, I put poplar floors in my farm house in Boone 20+ years ago. I didn't live there long after that so I don't know how they might have held up. They were green t&g I got from a local sawmill. I stickered them over winter to dry before installing, and many warped. But the price was right even with a high waste factor. A friend had cherry floors put in her sunroom that same year... man, those were gorgeous!

Well, I'm going to have some peach yogurt, and see if I can eventually get back to sleep...
Nite, all...

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I've been watching this thread to see how George's tests turned out. Maybe I missed it though. George, are you here and OK? Does anyone know?

And happy holidays, everyone!


good morning everyone
c c c c c c cold here in Urbana.
kids are sick it was a long night , dr apt today, that should be fun. NOT.
stay warm everyone and be safe on the roads

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Polly, Geo will probably be checking in soon, but it was a medication problem and he's got it straightened out and is feeling better.

Marcy, you got me inspired and I made cookies yesterday! Oatmeal and sugar cookies frosted with buttercream. I'm in the mood to bake now, thinking a cake may be next!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Dusty, meant to say earlier when you posted the tank pic, I guess it is teaming with life already, just not in a pretty way yet, LOL. Sounds like its getting there quickly :-)

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Did someone say cookies????

Check this out, it's a hoot..


morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Polly and all!
The meds have done wonders and I have had to wear this oxygen blood level and pulse thing all weekend(sleeping) Tomorrow is the day I go back and they are supposed to have all my test and such to tell me how I'm doing. I twisted my old cardiologist arm and got my records sent to me and my heart attack was in the posterior part of my heart, so I think they are seeing old damage. The blood oxygen level never fell under 96 all weekend when I was awake. Pulse was up though in the 90's. I can wear my favorite boots now and my rings(got to have my jewel's! LOL) so swelling is down. I feel great. Much more energy since the med change. Not sleeping much, but crashed and burned last night. Went to bed at 8:30 and woke at 8am.

We are off to Lexington to finish what little shopping we need to finish and to spend my Christmas gift from Jeff. I love money for Christmas!
Well we will know more tomorrow, but I think once the weight comes off and the meds stabilize I will be just fine. I even played in the yard yesterday. Got some last minute bulbs from Bleek and got them into the ground. Well off to the big city!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Cookie, that's cute. :) I just LOVE patter songs. Can't wait until I get my record player hooked up again and can play my Gilbert & Sullivan Patter Songs... it's not available on CD.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Darius, thanks for introducing me to a new term -- patter songs. I never knew what such songs were called, just knew I like them. That mom's song is hysterical, and the singer has pipes! She's really good, especially how she can go right from operatic purity to singing through clenched teeth. LOL!!

Howie and I are trying out NetFlix. Oh. My. Gosh. What an amazing site. We're doing the $8.99/mo. plan, which lets us get unlimited DVD's per month, one at a time, plus watch unlimited movies online. There are amazing documentaries and movies of every genre. We figure this is a lot cheaper than going out to movies and all that, plus in the winter we're home more. We'd rather have friends over and watch movies together, anyway.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Kimberly, I just looked at Netflix 2-3 days ago and thought the same thing, same plan... now that I have my DVD player hooked up, I think I'll sign up after I get my next SS check.

Finished my cabinet paint job... MUCH easier than the floor! I took a photo of the whole cabinet but from that far back, I don't get enough light from my flash for a decent picture.

Thumbnail by darius
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Darius, the cabinet looks great!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Neal. I figured you'd like it!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

That looks nice! The black really sets everything off nicely.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I feel so much better now, George. Thanks for letting us know.

Again, happy holidays to all my new friends on ORV forum. I was looking at the map for the Ohio Valley ecosystem, and surprisingly it comes into New York state. So I'm not so far out afterall, and it's always great to have new friends!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Polly, Link to the map?

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