New trader seeks advice

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks critter! FYI, F/U, I found out, means "follow up". :)

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

AArdvark - THANKS for pepping up the thread! I'm so glad I asked this question. I was a little shy about it but I'm glad I went for it!

I will try the strainer search AND the static thing. I have good tweezers from a former electronics mfg job.

And I sent your Asclepias seeds with the "fluff" on them because I think it's cool! My cat enjoys it, too :D

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Hey don't let Kitty eat those seeds while she's playing - I think some parts of that plant are poisonous (I don't know which parts and for whom they are poisonous). I have a dog that eats EVERYTHING and I'm always worried that she will end up poisoning herself. I have seen her eat things that any sensible creature would not even think of eating. Lets hope Kitty is a more intelligent creature than my dog! :)

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Stacy is it? Don't feel bad, I would have thought the same thing if I had gotten an F/U. Very much verbally assaulted. I think your supervisor could have looked at that and, if nothing else, written out "follow up".


Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Yes my eyes popped wide open and my jaw dropped to the floor :0 - really Mary Poppins-like which is why it was so amusing to everyone else. But I found out later that he was in a conference and during someone's talk (I guess it must not have been very interesting to him) he was trying to get some business done via his cell phone, hence the brevity of the text. Normally he would write things out and he's a really PC guy and in retrospect I can't imagine him doing something like that intentionally so it was just one of those little misunderstandings that occasionally happen.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

Aardvark - Kitty doesn't eat them, she just watches them with fascination.... It's really cute. And dogs are like that.

Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's my tip for working with tiny seeds and chaff; I don't need reading glasses, but I bought myself a pair of +1.50 reading glasses at the dollar store just for this purpose. The extra magnification makes the job of seperating tiny seeds from chaff super easy. -If you have reading correction glasses already, just add +1.50 to your current prescription when shopping for your dollar store glasses.

Edited to say: I also use these glasses to check containers for the first signs of germination.

This message was edited Dec 11, 2008 9:55 AM

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Good tip. Alot cheaper than a microscope and probably a lot easier to handle than a magnifying glass.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Very good tip. Especially the one about looking for germinated seeds. I like that.


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