best source for black walnut trees??

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I want to plant a lot of black walnut trees ( 25+) on some acreage I have ( not near my garden , of course)
Does anyone know of the best source ( and cheapest) for these kinds of quantities of black walnut trees?? Any suggestions would be appreciated


Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

One source is Stark Bro's Nursery

They have 40 bareroot seedlings for $98.80.

Purdue has developed lines of seedlings that are bred for superior bole straightness and quicker growth. I don't know where these are sold.

If you are wanting to plant a concentrated grove for timber, they are usually planted 12 x 12 feet initially and then thinned out to about 12 x 24 feet.

If I were you, I would want to make a couple of the trees at the edge to be thinned shelled varieties...also sold at Starks.

This message was edited Dec 3, 2008 7:43 PM

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Here is a Purdue listing on black walnuts.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I could send you a box of black walnuts and you could start them from seeds?

These are just the very hardy , but wonderful black walnuts that I have here..

This message was edited Dec 12, 2008 9:07 PM

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

That would be awesome , Kathy!!! I will have to find out how to start them , but it would be the most economical way , I guess. Just take a LONG time to make fruit.

I can send you postage on this friday of you want, or we can wait till after Christmas , too either way is fine with me , Thanks so much for the offer!!


Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Sending you a D-mail.

You can get these trees started and then graft onto them later if you want walnuts earlier..or better cultivars.

Hawthorne, FL(Zone 8b)

No idea how good this company is, nor the real quality of the trees, but this might be worth a look:

The site has a hint of medicine-show hucksterism in it, which is not too promising.

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