Weight Loss Challange Nov. 29th - Dec. 6th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

NO, NO, NO, to all this procrastinating about getting back to healthy eating!!! Anna, you are setting a terrible example talking about all this fast food. The time to start eating healthy is NOW!! The longer you wait to start the more you will have too lose since we are now offically in the big dinners and brunch time of the year. You have to make up your mind to start TODAY. With breakfast TODAY! By the end of Dec. you may have gained another 5# or more. You notice there are no lols here, girls. This is serious. I've been there for so many years and done that putting it off until -------- too many times to count. This is one of the worst times of the year to be not watching what you put in your mouth and on your hips. Remember, a lovely tasting moment on the lips(and in the mouth)and a lot of time on your hips. Keep your fresh or dried fruits with you at all times. Keep protein bars or shakes with you when you go shopping so you don't have to eat out in fast food places. Learn to say no to big plates of desserts and fattening food or at least carry Phase 2 and Fiber Laxative capsules with you at all times to help you get rid of it before it can do much damage if you do give in to the temptations. The Bible says that TODAY is the day of salvation. That can also be taken as the day to stop doing whatever you are doing to damage this temple of GOD's that you live in. TODAY is the day to stop filling it with junk and start putting good healthy foods into it and fill it with beauty.

It is promising to be a nice day today. Maybe some precipitation of some kind but nothing is likely to accumulate since the soil is still pretty warm. It might turn out to be a lovely day to spend outside. Or at least part of the day.

I don't think I'll go to the cafe' this evening. Tho I did hear Dale say that tonight they may be very busy. Last night I think we did 25. That didn't even pay one person's wages much less the 5 they had to pay. Dale sent me home with 2 nice big frozen catfish filets. I'll bake or pan fry them after marinating this week. I ate a salad bar while there. That was a first. I nearly always just bring my supper home. It was nice to sit with my 'sister' Yovonne and the rest of the family and eat a meal. For you new folks, Yovonne and Dale own the small cafe' with the laundrymat, very small convenience store and fairly good size campground. They have a few permenant mobile homes on the place(one of which they live in)and even have some long term campers with good size trailers there. Right now a few hunters are camping there too. I worked for them for seven years but had to go find more pay than they could give me last spring. It was a hard decision. But now I feel GOD has told me to go back and just help them get done the things no one else seems to have the time or energy to get done. Like washing the bus tubs really clean, cleaning the dispensers of the washing machine in the laundrymat, cleaning shelves that get dusty and greasy, putting away the dishes for the dishwasher, etc. Everyone in the family as well as the dishwasher who lives on the campground in one of the mobile homes has some kind of serious health problem so they are all struggling just to keep going. The place is still for sale as far as I know but there haven't been any serious offers in a long, long time. The location is good is some ways and bad in other ways. My pay is their gratitude, a free supper, knowing I am doing something worthwhile and spending time with people I love dearly one or 2 evenings a week. In the 7 years I was there we went thru the deaths of at least 5 family members including my husband, multiple surgeries & hospitalizations for various members of the family including me, the births of 3 of the oldest daughter's sons, and the 3 or 4 foreign exchange students of the youngest daughter and her husband who don't seem to be able to have children of their own. We are firmly welded together by now. I've seen 3 family member accept JESUS as their personal saviour, 2 of them baptized, and all of them growing their relationship to GOD.

I'm still kind of tired so I think I'll go back to bed. I do need to work on the house today but I also need to rest. This headache says it is time to clean air cleaner filters again. Not a big job. Just one I keep putting off.

Ally, did you and your DH go to the aunt's sevices yesterday? That was on my mind most of yesterday.

Vic, keep walking that mountain. The exercise is good for you, the scenery you have sent pictures of in the past is wonderful, & the dogs enjoy it too. I walk with you in my mind and spirit.

Sue, I think it would be great if you and Susan could manage to drive to a central meeting place and get together for even a couple hours. I realize that probably isn't likely to happen, but we can pray for miracles can't we? I'll believe for it while I'm praying. If you don't believe there isn't much point in praying. I have sticker on my van that says I don't believe in miracles, I depend on them.

Susan, if you get to read this, maybe you can talk your DH into making the extra effort to make the prayer come true. How long had you planned on being gone? And what is determining how long you can stay gone? You have no pets for someone else to look after at this time do you? A laundrymat can get you all clean clothes if you didn't bring enough. A trip to the grocery store in some town will provide good food for several meals. Only the price of an extra night in some motel would be a huge problem. Tell him it is the price of getting you to go in the first place.

Debbie, how is your family?

Tricia, Tina, we need to hear from you.

Pebble, keep up the diligent healthy eating patterns you have in place. Don't let the holidays derail you.

Joann, stick to a healthy eating plan and you will enjoy the holidays so much more than you realize. Because you will be getting your nutrients from good foods you will have extra energy and a healthy glow to your skin. They have discovered that Vit. D is so much more important to your whole system than they thought. It helps with the immune system, mental & emotional health, etc.

GOD bless and keep each of you. If I missed someone I'm sorry. I didn't intend to.

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