Chicken antibiotic dosages and timing

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yikes! Sounds a bit scary to me, especially if you were just a kid at the time...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Lucky mine was not picky about manners. She was a great gardener and when My DD was young she raised chickens.

Lodi, United States

I escaped by going to college in Virginia....not something I would recommend for everyone, but it worked for me.

Now I love Texas. But then I am in California......

Grownut--is there perhaps a whiff of your dear GGM in your obsessive grammatical accuracy?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Geesh Catscan, is there anywhere you HAVEN'T lived? Oh yeah... Canada!!!

Lodi, United States

I would move to Canada--but then I would be an American in Canada--almost as bad as being a Californian in Oregon or Washington.

Clarkson, KY

Yup, Cats. Most definitely. I was flogged with it.

Actually I worked in Japan for 5 years at an interpreting/ translating company and they were worse than all my relatives combined. It warped me. DB has lived in Germany for about 7 years now and emphatically refuses to even dangle the slightest preposition. It's an ugly, ugly obsession. Sigh....

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Maybe I will send you to stay with my country cousins. Then y'all use all that countrified talk. Like "a mess of peas" He anit going to do it no how" 'Pieano" " I's fixing to do it" or my favority "I fixing to ate a mess of greens." Or feed you hog jowls, clabber, pickled pig feet, crackling or------------

Clarkson, KY

Thing is, that's how I sound when that's who I'm talking to. Totally unconscious mimic. I was born that way. My parents and sibs are constantly laughing at me for it when they aren't chewing me out.
When I was in Japan all the English speakers thought I was from a different country, or a different part of England (I never spoke Aussie or Kiwi so each merely thought I was from the other country)

I only really notice anymore when the corrections start flying (Yes, Moxy, I'm a recovering addict!) Then it becomes very hard to control my baser instincts. Or abused background.

Lodi, United States

I understand, grownut. The CIA almost refused to hire my husband as an analyst because they didn't think I was an American citizen. I had lived in England for four years and they thought I was British....but the British thought I was Canadian. Which as everyone knows is the next best thing to being they were being kind.

Clarkson, KY

Hallelujah!! Another one! That's it exactly. Except for one poor Brit who couldn't figure out what PART of Britain I was from...I thought I was conflicted, lol!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

One of my favourite books "Eats, Shoots & Leaves." Have you read/seen it? Love it. I'm such a grammar and spelling nut. I have a load of grammar and spelling and general word reference books, but then I do write for a living, so maybe it is excusable. Of course, when I write on DG or my blog, I allow myself some leeway. Sometimes, I even get really adventurous and begin a sentence with "And." I always feel secretly naughty when I do that. I learned how to do that when I worked at the advertising agency and had to review copy.

I have a very strong British accent with my parents (and only my parents) because they taught me how to speak. By about grade 5, I was getting teased so mercilessly that my mother said I lost my accent in about a week. I suddenly began talking like all the other kids (but only with the other kids, not my parents). The problem is, that has become a habit. When I moved from Nova Scotia to Ontario, my accent changed. Then when I moved to Iowa, it changed again. My mother says she can tell which friends I'm talking to on the phone based on whether I am using an Iowan, Nova Scotian, Ontario, or other accent. Sometimes I find it hard when conversing with British attorneys by telephone not to slip into the UK accent.

Oh dear, I talk too much.

Clarkson, KY

Same here. Glad I'm not the only one. And DD does the same thing -Kentucky at home, generic North American at home. My mom and all that side of the family have Virginia accents and get teased mercilessly any time they go west or north. Mom lost hers in CA and we kids all pretty much stayed generic. Teasing about that stuff gets brutal. As any Southerner can tell you. Or Other-er for that matter.

Any hoot. It's nice not being the only crazy obsessed person. Or were we talking about chickens?!

Lodi, United States

I wonder if chickens have regional accents--crows and some songbirds do. But then they travel more freely. Maybe chickens have human accents. And the wild animals laugh at them.

Where is my rock?--I need to think.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Maybe the chickens laugh at our accents. Ummm....

Clarkson, KY

That reminds me...I spent 6 weeks in Germany with an aunt(awnt) and uncle. The cats there obviously understood my English, which was fine, but they understood far more German than I did. Never been so jealous of a cat!!

Speaking of rocks....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

German strikes me as a particularly difficult language. I have never taken any lessons. It seems a little daunting. I worked for BASF for a while, which had its HQ in Germany at the time, and sometimes we would get snippets of videos or voice mails in German. They always sounded very fierce.

I say "awnt" too. :-)

Lodi, United States

I love German! My younger son speaks it fluently...although it is Swiss German. The vocabulary is very easy to learn--but the grammar is a bear. I love the way you can just stick a bunch of words together and make a new word.

It has been suggested that the only language that Shakespeare can be translated into and keep much of its original power, is German.

And Germans put real whipped cream on everything.

Love German! Love it! Love it!

Now Swedish--there is a difficult language. That and the Lutefisk.

Clarkson, KY

Shakespeare into German, huh? Shoot, you could probably have a lot of one word iambic pentameter in German...frightening thought.

Lodi, United States

Ute Lemper sings Shakespeare. I would buy it!

Clarkson, KY

Hmmm. I might. On a dare.

Lodi, United States

You thrill seeker, you.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Catscan, I'm live in Texas but I'm from CA. Being an American in Canada cannot be any worse. I've lived here for 15 years but I love to listen to conversations going on around me about how the Californians have ruined Texas and nobody knows I'm from CA. I just sit there and shake my head but inside I'm laughing up a storm.

Clarkson, KY

{{{{they haaave...}}}}

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Whew, I'm glad to finally have that cleared up because when I first moved here they blamed everything on the Yankees.

Dallas, TX

A guy at my feed and seed store who can usually give me good chicken advice suggested putting apple cider vinegar in their water for about 1 month. He said it helps clean out their system. I had just purchased my 3 pullets from a local farmer out East and I noticed that they had an odd odor and one had some nose drainage. After I week the drainage and the odor cleared up. Its not like a miracle cure or anything but I was pleased with the results. Then I did a powdered antibiotic to their water for about a week. But I was really happy with the apple cidar vinegar and thought I would pass the tid bit on. Kind of a good system flush!
I put about 1/2 - 1 tsp to 1 quart of water.

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