Mission Andalusia Blasts Off

Citra, FL

Notation on Mother Bird ZZ ...uh....notated.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Mission Data Log:
November 29, morning observations
- 5 life forms have now emerged, 3 light and 2 dark
- all life forms are pretending to be weak and helpless but I know better
- driest life forms are most active and will evade capture
- TWT fluffing has commenced
- 2 pipped life encapsulation modules at this time
- 4 modules remain inactive

Photographic evidence provided (primarily for Commander Catscan to prevent NPGC cupcake madness). Here, they are clearly playing at the "weak and helpless" game.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Citra, FL

A splash infiltration!!

Citra, FL

Their camoflage (uh oh, spelling??) makes it difficult to discern, but are the darker forms blue or black?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I believe they are black. So from 11 "blue Andalusian" eggs, I have 2 black and 3 splash. Sigh. I just wanted some blue!!! They thwart me at every turn!

Citra, FL

Im not so sure about that one at 9:00. The wings are awfully blue-ish.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

So does that mean we get to bid? More blue? More Naked Necks? Oh goodie! How about some Seramas? Just a few? Oh thank you!
Mother bird reporting a cramp in the mouse finger... click click

Oh I mean cluck cluck.. Ahum..


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Maybe I need to send my furry guard dog up to protect that mouse from ZZ

Lodi, United States

Ahhhhhhh....they are cute! I think there are two blue forms in some breeds--a dark and a light one. At least that is what some of the breeders claim.

Disciplinary action has begun against ZZ--she may be removed from the acquisitions list. Medical leave advised.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Okay... I'm back now..

Am working hard on containment modules.. Construction soothes the soul of the clicking beast..

Tending flock.. hammer nail screw... no computer today..

Citra, FL

You might want to see my thread on my blue rocks, I just posted pictures of 2 young blues, one light and dark. I get varying shades of blues, Im sure its the same with all breeds. Dont give up on those being blue yet.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Congrats on the new "life forms" I am not a great speller...that is what spell check is for.hehehe!
I want in....I want to join your hatching army!!! Not good at names...so you can give me one.
I have a Blue Andalusian mix hen. She is beautiful. I know your "life forms will be supreme beings. They do lay white or pink eggs. I saw that in the top photo evidence. Good work!
Had fun reading this. I feel like I am expecting!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Moxon reporting upon return from today's poultry show. You should all be incredibly proud of me. I attended the Eastern Iowa Poultry Show and I bought NOTHING! Well, some new antibiotics, but NO birds!!! Aren't you amazed? Actually, most of the sale birds were in pairs or trios, and I didn't want any more roos. Plus, somewhat remarkably, there wasn't much that I didn't have already. (you know you have too many chickens when...)

In addition, I sold 2 barred frizzle cochins and a black silkie, all about 7 weeks. Yay for me. $15 in my pocket, which of course doesn't begin to cover hatching eggs plus feed plus heat lamp, etc, but whatever.

Checked incubator on return and there were two further dark life forms. They are presently drying. Opened remaining eggs after candling and seeing limited movement. All remaining eggs duds. That means 7 out of 11 hatched, which is not too bad I suppose.

I will take final pictures of the sneaky little creatures when they are all dry and fluffed.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Final creature invasion shots. Seven life forms, fluffed and accounted for! Possibly 3 black, 3 splash, and 1 grey. If I'm lucky, some of the darkest ones will have some grey to them.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

One more - just to show how they are already trying to glean technology information from my camera. So brazen!!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Better watch that one closely!!!!!

Citra, FL

Four splash and a blue!! Lucky you! Depending on what the majority of the splash are (girls or boys) and hopefully one of the black is the opposite sex, so that you can breed them and get all blues!

Did that make sense? How unusual to see that many splash in a blue hatch.

Lodi, United States

Congratulations and a fine mission!

We will have to compare notes on the genetics of blues!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

OMG. I am rotflol crying from just the first post in this thread. I'm going to TRY to make it through...

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I think I may have arrived at the right place!

I had no idea that splash went outside the equine color genetics.... Oh boy. Do the base colors work the same? with modifiers and dilutions, etc?

The whole sexlink article blew my mind and now splash in chickens!

My day is refreshed with several new topics to research!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ummm...Jenks....you haven't got a title. I think if you are going to be ROTFLOL you must join our ranks and get yourself assigned a title!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Ma'am yes Ma'am! I am attempting to get through that rather lengthy thread on another tab. It may take a little thinkin'.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

When I see Jenks name I just think of Scooby doobie doooooooooo.

They are adorable chicks.

If I remember what I have been told it is the splash that give the blue or lavender back.

It is all on who is doing what with what and so on.
I have a friend that is going with splash to blue to make lav. Orps. If I remember right she is doing it with OEG's.

I think I have 3 blue splash and 1 blue JG chicks so far.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I just love the blue and lavender color birds - if I can get a good breeding pair out of this bunch that will throw blue babies, I will be thrilled to bits! Lavender orps would be gorgeous!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh gosh yes they will, I have a Lav JG she is about 5 months old she is gorgeous. She is so delicate. I have a black Lorp want to breed with her, also a BR to make sex links. The BR is OK in his colors not show quality but the Lorp is quality. I also have a Black JG to breed with her. Dang poor thing, I will do it over the spring get her eggs and then switch out roos with her.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

LUvs2-Roobie Wroobie Roo!

Thumbnail by Jenks
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

That is a big dog and a little one he he he

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes, and you know who rules.....

Thumbnail by Jenks
Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

You coulda' been Captain Suess!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

the little one, they are adorable. When the GP's come around my poodle and Yorkie Schnauzer mix males think they run the show also. The GP's just look at them like, one bite and your history.

Citra, FL

From what I understand, lavenders and blues are two totally different genetic types. A lavender is a self blue, in that they breed true. The blues that we are know do not breed true, thus all the splash and black babies there. Luvstogarden, if you are going to be using a barred rock roo to produce sex links, Im afraid you'll be disappointed. All of a barred rocks roo's babies will be barred. Now if the barred comes from the hen only, then only her boys are barred, the girls are solid.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

right I jumped ahead of myself, it will be a br hen and a splash and or blue roo, which I have one of each, in the roo department.

Yes a Lav is a self blue. And yes they breed true. From what I have been told.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

This is because only a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire Red may be used as the roo?

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

No I dont think so. but not sure what, I get confused.

Citra, FL

Ah, luvstogarden, you're way ahead of me. I should have known you'd have all the ingredients lined up. Good luck, Ill be interested in seeing what you get.

Citra, FL

Ive never seen pictures of splash or black andalusians, which is odd because if the breed is blue andalusians, and it isnt a self blue, which obviously it isnt from Commander Moxon's results, then where are the splash and black ones? And how soon will Cmdr. Moxon know if she has boys or girls?

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

By "grey" is that the "Blue" Andalusian?

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

well mine wont be andalusians, they are JG's

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Fla_Chick - this has some pics: http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/CGA/Andal/BRKAndalusians.html

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

and NO I do not know what I am doing. I am just a beginner. Learning alot as I go.

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