Mission Andalusia Blasts Off

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Moxon at the helm here. We have blue andalusian life form containment modules. These very rare modules were obtained with great expense and difficulty. We here at Midwest Launch Site are incredibly excited, but wary, of course, of the potential life forms to emerge.

Please note, 11 modules prepared and ready. All ground crews continue to monitor chaotic situation in North Pacific Ground Control region, but divert some attention here also. We will endeavor not to have the chaotic sort of mass hysteria that NPGC is currently experiencing.

Please enjoy your cupcakes while we await emergence.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And for those of you who are highly observant, you may have noticed initial pippage in the top row of modules. Here is a close up. We are monitoring closely with containment field in place.

Do not be alarmed. Maintain your post. The Andalusian life form is known to be one of great beauty and charm. Be prepared for their siren-like behavior. Do not allow yourself to be sucked in...

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Mother Bird reporting for duty with great pleasure Ma'am.

Pippage noted and recorded.

Anticipating extreme whistling possibly to pierce sound barrier. Commencing Coffee Ups.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

CWBO Wren reporting for duty. Morning chore out of the way, so except for routine ball playing with furry second in command will be around. (7 times yesterday!!!!!!)

Clarkson, KY

{{{I'll go get the jelly doughnuts...}}}

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Would somebody please pass the jelly?

Clarkson, KY

Sure thing...Go long!!!

Lodi, United States

NPGC reporting and experiencing great excitement and anxiety in regard to Andalusian emergence.

Do not let your guard down, Commander Moxon. Alien life forms are highly trained in adorableness and entrancing cuteness. Remember to always wear standard issue Practicality Eye Protection Filter while observing.

Ferndale, WA

Hi Mox: I have two blue andalusian hens, they are beautiful, graceful, and boy can they fly. I always thought mine were more like a slate gray rather than blue. Where did you get all those eggs. Your going to love your birds. Ya know they remind me of pidgeons, not much larger, but I was always impressed with how large their eggs are. Hey Mox How long have you been raising chicks? I was asking because yesterday when I went out gather the eggs I found an egg so small, I could not believe it? It was the same size as a robins egg. It would take at least five of them be match the size of a cochin egg which I always thought was extremely small. I was wondering if you had ever experienced anything like that. Not me, and I have had chickens now about ten years. I'm saving it so when I learn how to do pic's I can show it to ya'll. Haystack.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ok everybody, enough with throwing the donuts and jelly!

Moxon dutifully wore her Practicality Eye Protection Filter after arriving home (the story of where we have been involves Ramses and Lotus, but they will have to be in another thread). Upon arrival, it was immediately noted that the security pod had not been breached, however, emergency of a life form has occurred.

Life form appears mysteriously white, as opposed to grey/blue. Suspect sabotage.

Haystack - excellent to hear you also have Andalusians. I got my eggs from eggbid.com and am really excited about having them. I have been raising chicks since July! Not very long!!! But, I have read a great deal about them, and it sounds like yours gave you what is commonly referred to as a "hiccup egg" which is a little tiny egg that often doesn't even have a yolk in it. I believe they are most commonly due to some foreign object like a small stone, etc getting into the chicken and they form a shell around it to get rid of it. Sometimes it's just an "oops" in the chicken's oviducts. Other people can probably tell you more about them, but I know they do exist!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

So eggcited I forgot photo evidence.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

questionable coloring. Will inspect by hand when security reinforcements arrive.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Citra, FL

oooooh, looks like a splash baby. Congrats!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Do Blue Andalusians come in Splash?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Note the glinty eye....I fear they are plotting something.

The second has emerged but is still in containment. It appears to be black.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, United States

NPGC had same experience with Blue/Black/Splash Marans. One is Black and one appears White. Fla_Chick's observation that an apparently white chick in a Blue line may be splash gives the base staff hope. Also occurred in "Giant" Blue Cochin hatch.

There is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in our philosophies, Commander Moxon. Remain open to the force.

Personal Communication: What's with the Lotus and 19th Century BCE Pharaoh? Highly suspicious.

Citra, FL

Do I need to enlist and get a uniform before further communications?

Lodi, United States

Uniforms are optional as long as you don't go out in public:0). Commander Moxon issues ranks and titles. She is very, very picky about spelling--so you can be sure whatever she gives you will be spelled correctly.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Fla_Chick. You are welcome to enlist with the hatching corps. We are always excited about new members. Here is a thread that tells you some of our members and their titles. We like to choose titles that reflect the skills of our members. A chicken hat would be a good uniform, but otherwise, just something comfortable that will enable you to do hatching dances when necessary.

You may suggest a title for yourself, but I reserve the right to alter it. ;-)

By the way, you should also know that punishment for unruly behavior may result in you having to do coffee-ups (lifting coffee cup repeatedly to mouth) or tea-ups if you prefer, and occasional lashings with a wet noodle have had to be doled out to our especially rascally members. And there is to be no throwing of cupcakes.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

The new emergent life form, doing an extremely convincing job of looking pathetic and harmless. Oh right, as if I would fall for such nonsense. I know it will dominate my house given the chance.

Please note, I have an R-Com 20 bator that gets back to temp and humidity in less than a minute after opening the top. Do NOT take the top off your styrofoam bator to take pictures like this! You do not want to endanger the lives of your emergent life forms.

Commander Moxon over.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, United States

We have to be very strict about cupcake throwing. The NPGC (Northern Pacific Ground Control based at the North Lodi Hatching facility) had a near mutiny involving the unregulated throwing of cupcakes following a particularly stressful hatching mission.

Lodi, United States

Ahhhhhhh! It is indeed deceptively vulnerable.

Citra, FL

Oh my, a title reflecting my skills. That narrows things down.....I feel that my title should reflect upon my duties here on the farm, the most important being, of course Manure Management....Massive Mobile Manure Management. Ill defer to CMoxon on this. And I will volunteer for the most dangerous mission of monitoring the cupcake throwing. I will put my life on the line for you all, and stand in the line of fire to protect everyone else from those missiles. And yes, I am still hatching. Just had a hatch of blue/black rocks, and have a few more eggs in the bator. Tho fertility is dropping, I may actually have to turn the bator off ( what???!!!) for a little while. And congrats on the new arrivals.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Excellent. It is abundantly clear to me that you naturally fall into the role of:

Chief Manure Disturbance Monitor

This is not only to reflect your skills at moving manure, but also to reflect your skills and bravery at volunteering to prevent the more rowdy members of the crew, who could, in polite company, be called "manure disturbers" although most people use a shorter euphemism instead of the word manure. We need someone to carefully monitor their behavior.

I considered briefly "Cupcake and Manure Disturbance Monitor" but I prefer to keep cupcakes separate from manure, so as to avoid any unfortunate accidents.

Fla_Chick, you are now CMDM Fla-Chick. Welcome to the Hatching Corps! Please feel free to start your own photographically enhanced hatching mission threads!

This message was edited Nov 29, 2008 5:50 AM

This message was edited Nov 29, 2008 5:51 AM

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I did detect blue spots on the first one when it was wet right?

Darling babiez..

Sooooo fun.

No more donuts..

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I am unsure if they were blue spots or a clever optical illusion arranged by the sneaky life form. It will need further investigation.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

What a fantastic title! Welcome CMDM Fla_Chick! Not to worry.. I NEVER throw cupcakes.. he he he OR biscuits of any kind.. LOL

I'm Mother Bird... Glad to have you aboard!


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Another dark colored life form has now emerged, and we have 3 pipped modules. In addition, since I am such a quick candler, I did quick candling and determined movement in several remaining modules. Expecting hatches overnight.

Tomorrow I am (insert gleeful giggles here) attending (sharp squeals of excitement) the Eastern Iowa Poultry Show (clapping and doing happy dance). It is gonna be HUGE! I am taking some empty crates in my car. Just in case. Of anything. Like....a chicken. For example.

I'm so excited I could just pee myself, but if I did, CMDM F-C might come after me cuz that might qualify as a form of manure disturbance.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Welcome aboard. I'm CWBO wren I am just a cheerleader, the powers that be around here do not allow sneaky life forms roosting in my area so I have to make do with the wild birds. I don't throw cupcakes either, the darn furry henchpup that lives with me eats them to fast. Note to self.....find a new hidyhole for cupcakes.

Thumbnail by wren107
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Glad to see you are still following the mission, CWBO Wren. Very appropriate that our Chief Wild Bird Officer is named "Wren" isn't it. Oh, we are a clever lot! I may require assistance with fluffing in the morning. Are the Teeny Weeny Towels washed and ready to go?

Lodi, United States

I believe Commander Moxon is being derelict in providing "chicky eye-candy" for non- and between-hatch members of the force.

NPGC is afraid to show Cuckoo Marans Delta Force units for fear of setting off Mother Bird ZZ again. We may have to go black on Sunday's mission.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

But...but...I posted pictures of my emerged life forms! How is that derelict?!

Lodi, United States

MORE PICTURES! I need more pictures! I'm still not satisfied....

Erhhumm. NPGC would really enjoy more of your photographic artistry in catching the many moods of our chicky prisoners.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)


I just can't take it anymore! I thought we were over that.. Oh no.. I'm goin to ebay and get more booboo Delawares! Then some Naked necks.. YEAH That's it!! MORE NAKED NECKS

click click click..

Lodi, United States

Mother Bird--in the future please coordinate your alien life form module negotiations with the Northern Branch of the Lodi NPGC. Those clicks may have just cost us big bucks! In the current economic crisis we are under intense scrutiny by the Federal Budget Board of Avian Appropriations and must not be seen to be acting in a rash and undisciplined manner.

Instead, let us look to the calm and rational example of our dear Commander Moxon.


Scratch that.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

CWBO Wren up and rearing to go. One batch of tiny weening fluffing towels ready to go. Will need to wash more it needed.

As I am the slave of a pair of wild wrens I figured that should be my name. That reminds must find source of meal worms before they come sit on my laptop again.

Citra, FL

You guys are the funniest goofiest group I think I have ever seen!! Im so honored to have been appointed CMDM Fla-Girl. However, I would prefer (ducking cupcakes here) to be CMDM Fla_Chick, if I may. (bok bok). I will do my best to patrol and monitor Manure Disturbance, which I duly feel will be quite the job, from what Ive been reading on this forum. I will also do my best to spell correctly. Attached is the most recent modules that emerged in the Southern Quadrant a few days ago. All appear present and accounted for this morning. They are experimental blue rock x barred rock crosses. No mutations are present. Continued success with your hatch, Commander Moxon.

Thumbnail by Fla_Chick
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh what cuties!!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

CMDM Fla-Chick: I am terribly sorry for the breach of protocol. I think my excitement over emerging life forms was too much for my little brain and I replaced Chick with Girl. Why on earth I would do such a thing is unknown, especially since a Chick is clearly a preferable notation. I have edited the previous post to correct my egregious error.

We are thrilled at the pictures of activity in the Southern Quadrant. CWBO Wren does an excellent job but she cannot provide pictures of fluffy life forms apart from her very large four legged one (who would promptly eat any two legged ones), so we are excited to have additional evidence of how far the infiltration has proceeded.

Commander Moxon would like to say that she is exceedingly envious of your grey-blue life forms (3 noted in the photographic evidence).

Please keep an eye on Mother Bird ZZ, she is overwhelmed with her hatch and is showing signs of being a manure disturber.

Moxon over.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

News flash that big furry one would only give wet kisses to little ones. He loves everything--maybe he could be official bird washer. LOL He is also trained to scare away the big bad birds and those furry tailed tree rats. Maybe make him the flock guard dog as he is a herding breed.


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