Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Here's a website with a list of all the seeds sent/will be sent for this fun swap.
Here is the info for this years seed swap:
Anything goes! Hardy, tender, veggies from The Netherlands, herbs from Canada, (hehe), etc.
Minimum seeds per packet is 5. Feel free to include as many seeds as you want. I use about an 1/8 of a teaspoon for mine. No seeds older than one year please.
Mark your seed pack with your name, the name of the seeds, and growing info.
There is no minimum or maximum. You can send 1 packet or 100! Please, no more than 20 of one type.
Send return postage in the same amount as it costs you to send to me, plus an additional dollar for a fun surprise. If it costs you $2.50 to send, then enclose $3.50 for return postage. PLEASE no stamps, send cash, check or money order or paypal it using [] as the sending address. This is necessary so I can print postage and have a record for both of us.
Make sure you enclose a list that says what you have sent and how many of each. Optionally enclose a wish list, the kind of seeds you would love to receive. As I receive seeds I will list them at the freeweb site listed above, and you will be able to choose from them on Jan 1st .
So I have included Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years!

Theresa Wecker
241 S Second St
Marine City, MI

So lets get started...
Send to me between now and Dec. 31st. I think this will give us plenty of time to get our seeds together. I'm drying some unusual ones right now!
I will send out seeds no later than Jan. 5th.

I'm hoping to get some gourd seeds. Especially snake gourds, long dipper gourds, mini bottle gourds and loofah gourds.
I do want others too, ornamental, birdhouse, apple, and some I don't yet know about LOL.

This message was edited Nov 29, 2008 5:56 PM

Thumbnail by Theresa
Nieuwegein, Netherlands(Zone 8a)

Oh I would love to re- participate .


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have tons of seeds.. I collect seeds.. this sounds fun! :D Debra

Thumbnail by joeswife
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I would love to play!! I have gourds!! Not my own, But I have them.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Contributionus giganthumongous . . . (me too!)

Ho, ho!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Oooo, count me in! I just missed the wintersowing seed swap, and Anita pointed me over here! My seed box is brimful!


San Antonio, TX

Oh me too! I love this swap! I can identify with Debra (joeswife)... I think I collect seeds. Thank you for hosting this swap!

Parkersburg, WV

I am in already packed seeds and am getting ready to mail them. This will be fun, thanks for hosting this.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

oh, I'm in!


Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL Joeswife, your table looks like my enclosed porch did last month! I finally spent a couple of evenings sorting and packaging, and I do again have clear surfaces here and there. Plenty of separating the chaff and packing up to do still, though! At least the tomato seed fermenting is over. That was my first attempt at it, and next year, it is definitely staying outside!

Have you ever read the article on "Seed Snatching?" I must say I recognized myself. . .

Now, to decide what to send. . .


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

hehe Angie, I just spent all yesterday and half of the night sorting all the pans and plates and lids of seeds that I kept finding everywhere.. on top the microwave cart, wadded up stuck in cups, in the garage everywhere, in my pink bedroom I found four plates.. I am crazy, I found two seed pods in my purse from someones yard, and some seeds wadded up in one of my jacket pockets and a small wad of seeds in my jeans .. I can't go anywhere without getting a dead head or seed pod, today I grabbed four crabapples from a tree at the Quick Trip.. always wanted a crabapple tree.. will be getting packages to send out on tuesday..

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

I'd love to be counted in.
I Love surprises & love seeds so sounds like a win win situation.

Gilmer, TX

My seeds are just about ready to go, just a few more instruction labels to print out. I'm sending over twice as many as I want back, so you can add a few extras to those that didn't send many. Theresa, I've put in some gourd seeds for you too. I'm going to put a 'start looking' note on my calendar for Jan. 8th.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

welcome aboard rainy_jame and catlady! I'll be watching for your envelopes to arrive.
I'll make a note and thanks for the extras! They are always welcome!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Theresa, what is that pretty green flower above?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

its a hulk aster, an annual, but very cool and has lots of seeds. I have lots of seeds in the swap. You can see more details at the site. It has a pic with info.
Just click on for a list of the seeds Im offering. As seeds come in I will list them along with the participants name, state they live in, and how many packs they sent alongside each pack.
This is gonna be fun. I host unusual seed swaps at least once a year and this holiday swap seems like a good idea to start off the winter months....especially for those of us covered in snow.
Here's a pic of blackberry lily, I have lots of those too :)

Thumbnail by Theresa
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I'm I have mucho seeds to send.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I had tons of blacberry lily seeds. I gave most of them away already. I probably don't have any seeds left that are enough for 5 trades.

DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Theresa, I started growing gourds this past summer and have plenty of loofah and a few apple gourd seed left I can share with you & others. I'm also looking for any other gourd seed and would love to trade for any extras you get in.
Here's a photo of my loofa gourd vine. They make a wonderful shade to cover plants from heat & the bees love those bright yellow blooms.

Thumbnail by cannagirl
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I thought I was the only individual that went around collecting seeds. I am not bashful. I just go into the garden, collect my seeds and take them home. But that is easy because I am on the Board of Directors for the HOA and in charge of landscape in any landscape controlled and maintained by the Association. The greenbelt and all the islands and the entrance in front of the guard gate. I am always walking the association with the landscape or tree service companies. And then I walk by myself while I am walking the dogs just to see what is going on with the HOA landscape and to see if there is a problem. I actually got involved with several homeowners because they requested my help to show their landscapers what to do to rehab their landscape. With the tear out I have hundreds of Agapanthus and day lilies. They are not seeds but I saved them from the garbage. They are now in my holding garden to make it to spring. I actually have 4 roses, Tropicana Cannas, Day Lillies and two different bulbs that I do not know what they are but will know by spring. Also a bunch if pups from Sago Palms. Got them because I told neighbors their Sago Palms needed their pups removed and I would do it. NO PROBLEM. Hope I followed the instructions on DG right. I have a lot of seed but will not get it together before swap. I will mark this on next years schedule and be sure I join in for your pleasure. I do not need any seed. I have two side gardens, one for tomatoes and one herbs. I told my DH I needed a new one just for seeds. He looked at me like I'm crazy. The herb garden is now full with bulbs. Anyone want to come to Las Vegas and pick up a lot of plants. I tried to start a group in Las Vegas, but no luck. I will probably plant them in the greenbelt. I also have a bunch of variegated Agave's that we are just getting ready to harvest in the greenbelt. They have to go somewhere. It is a short drive from Arizona to Las Vegas, I also have two large guest rooms so the expense would be gas. Let me know. But I will be ready for next year. Have a wonderful Christmas/Holiday Season. Please support and pray for our new
President. Whether you voted him or not, he needs our prayers. If he fails, we all fail.
We are in deep economy trouble and need all the prayers we can get. God Bless. This photo is what happens in your garden after two days of rain. Look at the tood stools (sp).

Thumbnail by WormsLovSharon
Greenacres, WA

skwinter What kind of mushroom is it and are they safe to eat?

Millsap, TX

Looks like I better start recording my stash...LOL Sounds fun and I have seed that could use a good home...

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Is too late for me to sign up?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I need a question answered please? I have seed that I would send but I have no idea on the growing time on them as this is my first year of starting to get seed and save them to plant in the spring. I know the names of them but as far as actual growing I don't know, but I would like to be in on this too if possible.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

When I am uncertain, I check the directions available at Stokes Seeds. I look up the annual or perennial, or whatever. Try to find a cultivar that is similar. There are detailed directions available for all the seeds Stokes offers, both for commercial growers and rookies like me ^_^

Here is the link

Millsap, TX

Daves offers Many resources on seeds~plants~ etc. germinating~growing info.. What type of seed are you talking about.. Different Zones have difference experiences..Some I can't grow just to Dang Hot but others .. Really Love the Heat!!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I only have a couple that I didn't know about but have since found info on them. I didn't know about them as a friend gave me some and never told me what I needed to do to get them to germinate, as I said this is my first time doing anything at all with flower seed except maybe marigolds LOL. Thanks I have found what I needed to know. The seed I have will most likely grow in all zones Not real sure about the westeria though.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Seander and flowerfantasy, yes theres still time, you can send up to the end of Dec.
Flowerfantasy, go ahead and send them. I'll try to check on my end.
Yesterday I received a box of very well organized seeds from taj12.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Threasa, I will try to send as much info with them as I have so that may help you to identify some or the germination time but I think I have found the most of them. I'll send them this weekend or the first of the week.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I am getting the envy ready to send. Will get into the mail today or tomorrow. Just wanted to clarify I am not sending a return envy with postage correct? Sending cc-mo or pay pal in the same amount as sending to you plus 1.00. Right?
I know you wrote it and I should be able to understand it !!! But...

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

My packet of flowers went out in todays mail. Hope you get them ok.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Theresa - - hope your mailman doesn't get a hernia, dearheart. seeds are in the wind! ~ Łaz

btw, you got a PayPal notice, too!

This message was edited Dec 5, 2008 3:23 PM

Thumbnail by LazLo
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Holiday package is done paypal has been made. Hope it's all right.
Happy Holidays,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Didn't get the seeds sent out Tuesday as I posted earlier.. will get it out THIS Tuesday ..
sending paypal now.. Debra

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

If there is still room here I would love to join in.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Still working on mine.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Caren, theres plenty of time and room left for ya to join in the fun. :)

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

My envie is going out today. Things are getting really busy and I thought I better get it off now.


Nashua, NH

Hello Theresa,

I'm happy to participate and am sending my package to you today.

Thank you!

Diane Raymond

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Theresa, did you get the paypal notice? Thanks, Debra

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