Cats and Chickens

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Do cats mess with Chickens? Would I need to not only keep them penned to keep the dogs away, but also cats? FOr a few eggs a day, how many chickens would I need? 2? I was thinking of making one of my stalls a coop, but am worried about the cats next door and some of my ferals. Maybe a chicken-wire fenced area with doors to go in and out of the stall? I'd have to fence the top of the stall too I guess. Just day I'll be able to get some chickens....

I just saw some goats walking down the road. Everyone is denying ownership! I almost took em home, but then I thought I'd never get my I know zip about goats. Anyone want to come pick em up before ACC comes?

Ferndale, WA

Hi there Jenks: Welcome to the forum. I would suggest three-four chicks. Some lay regularly but not all. If you buy mature hens, find someone you trust. A friend bought four from an auction for seven bucks each. He's had them for five months now and it's obvious someone dumped them when they were to old to lay. Yes indeed you would need to protect the birds from the cats, especially the feral ones, and yes again they would need some kind of protection from above when it comes to cats. Get your chickens and they will keep you smiling : ) Haystack.

(Zone 7b)

Hello Jenks where bouts in social circle we talkin about?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Welcome Jenks. I am new as well. So i am not as much help as some of these great people. You are asking the right group! I do have my pen enclosed on top. I figure better safe than sorry! Ya know? What kind of hens do you want to get? I have mixed breeds but I do love them. Hope to see you around.

Lodi, United States

There is a thread somewhere on the Forum where we all discuss our experiences with chickens and cats. Almost all--except the ones dealing with large feral cats--had positive experiences with the chickens pretty quickly putting the cats in their place. That is with large breed, adult chickens. Chicks, and maybe small bantams, are more vulnerable. My cat stalked the chicks when I put them out to play on the grass--but once they were half grown and started charging her, she took to running the other way whenever she saw them. The chickens have also cleared out all the feral cats that where using my backyard as a giant kitty litter.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

A feral cat ate 2 of my Cochin chicks about 2 weeks ago.. Be careful with the chicks!!

(Zone 7b)

Helloooooo..........Rutledge calling

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey Harmony! If you want the goats, DMail me, they are still standing in the road. We are are about to just bring them home, but do not want them. My DH just got home from out of town and I THINK I just convinced him we should at least prevent a car accident.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Haystack, Thanks for the info - I think I have a good idea. I'll make a small coop just inside the stall (easier to close in than the whole stall) and make the little run?

Thanks sewin! I was thinking Americaunas (sp?)?

Catscan - Thanks! My feed store often has full grown- or close to it- so I am pretty sure I'll buy already grown ones, but I will first make sure I have a fully enclosed and safe place.

ZZ- will do if I ever get any small ones!!!

Thanks! It will be a lot of work before I can do this, but I keep saying that by the time I retire, I want 'em!!

(Zone 6b)

Hi Jenks, I'm new to chickens too. I bought 25 baby silkie chicks last April. They are SO CUTE and great fun. I ended up with 12 hens, and they lay about 6 eggs each day. I think they lay every other day, so if you want 2 a day, you would need 4 chickens.

I have a fenced in yard that they run around in all day, and at night they put themselves in their coop, exactly when the sun goes down. Isn't that neat? They still fascinate me ! !

I had to move my roosters outside of town, but the coop I made for my hens here is 8' X 4' and is enclosed in plywoodon on one end, with the rest fenced in with hardware cloth.. With the help of the nice people on here, I learned about 1/2 inch hardware cloth. It works great. It is 3 feet high, because that's the size of hardware cloth I found, and I read that silkies like to be close to the ground anyway. I think other chickens like to be up higher when they roost, so if you get a different breed, I'd say they need a taller coop. I put the hardware cloth on the top and bottom and sides, of the small run.

The hard part for me was figuring out what to do. Also, the hardware and wood cost more than I thought. My suggestion would be, plan it all out, as much as possible. This was my first time building anything. I knew absolutely nothing.

I chose the silkies because I read they don't fly, so they would't be flying over the fence. Like ZZ I lost 2 chicks to cats, my own fault, I should have watched after them a bit better. A neighbor cat comes in my yard sometimes now, but so far no adult chickens have been harmed. So I don't think cats are a big danger to adult chickens, but you have to lock them up at night because of predators, like fox, skunk, opposum and anything else roaming around. The bottom of the pen must be enclosed in something too, either wood or concrete or wire. At least that's what I've learned from reading the posts on DG.

Hope that helps. Mine run around all day in a fenced in yard, and if I have to go somewhere for the weekend or something I can lock them up. They have a small house and run where they will stay safe.

Every situation is a bit different, you have to consider your area, what dangers are around, and fencing, etc.

This chicken stuff is really contagious, so my plan in the future is, NO chickens or ducks until I have the pens ready. Hope I can be diligent in that.

I think you'll enjoy it. I don't regret it one bit. I can't wait to have some babies.

(Zone 7b)

Talked to Jenks on the Phone and we may have found a place for the goats. Nice to know a Neighbor she lives maybe 6 miles from me i could holler out my front door and she could probably hear me.

See yall later.

Hey Jenks if you ever decide you want some chickens give me a call you got my cell now. I can fix you right up with about anything you might want. ^_^

(Zone 6b)

Wonder who lost their goats...

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Well, the neighbor told me that she was tired of returning these goats to the property of people who don't live on the property next to hers. They come out once every few weeks to pick one up for slaughter and that's about it. She said she'd been leaving them messages all day and they would not return her calls. So she called AC and by the time I went back by there after dinner last night, she said AC had come by and picked them up.

I've reported the same people for starving their horses and killing one.

Newton, AL

don't you just hate it when people have animals that they don't care for? If you take on the responsibility of an animal, then to me, morally you have to care for it's needs. Glad you folks are watching out for the critters.

(Zone 7b)

Jenks so sorry to hear the goats went to the AC i hope someone adopts them. About the owners of the starving horses and goats did you turn them in to AC or the Agriculture dept.
You can turn them into the AG Dept. and they will come out and inspect and if they find them in bad condition they will have them confiscated. You ask about chickens and cats well cats will catch chicks but i don't think they would a big hen. The barn stall would be fine with a wire run you could put probably 4 in there according to how big the stall is. If you need more info on chickens give me a call and if you want chickens in the future i know someone in social circle who raises laying hens for about $10 each.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

That's miserable - I feel so bad for those goats. I'd take them in a heartbeat if I was there. Our local shelter never gets goats.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Dept of Ag. I used to volunteer at the Mansfield location.

(Zone 7b)

So they found the horses wouldn't in bad enough shape to confiscate? I know sandra who works for the ag dept she said it was a complicated process they went thru to investigate animal abuse.

You voluntered at Mansfield are you talking about the pony express horse sale?

Oxford Mills, Canada

I have never had problems with my cats or dog with my chickens or my ducks. As others have said full size chickens will chase the cats and my cats are terrified of the girls, lol. My dog, golden retriever is wonderful with the chickens and the ducks and he think the ducks want to play with him when they come up to them (hissing - I have 3 muscovy girls) and pecking at him. Fuller thinks it's a game and lets them do it when I know they aren't happy about him being around basically. Of course young chicks need to be protected until they are large enough.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

What happened now? I thought once Sallye was gone, it'd shape up? I'm really out of the loop now I'm afraid. I remember it being shut down all the time for strangles. Strangles stays in the soil for years, so, I always thought that they'd just best up and move and require the vaccine from then on with documented evidence..

My dogs are good with the cats once I've established that they are not allowed to touch them. But I can't say I'd trust any of the cats - even my inside cats (one deaf seeming or something wrong and his buddy that's still kittenish) - but the ferals and inside-outside ones? The coop will be inside the paddock that the dogs cannot get into and that I've converted part of into a wanna be veggie garden. It's too big to make an entire garden of, and the space could be put to good use.....

I will not be doing young chicks unless I retire or win the lottery soon! I think I still have twenty or so years to go.

(Zone 7b)

Hadn't heard about strangles i don't have horses i have alot of chickens, pigeons and doves tho. LOL

I heard they been haveing a chicken sale first of the month at the pony express. I go to the gray auction they had some of the cutest pygmy goats it was all i could do not to buy them.

I can hook you up with chicks but if your ordering go with Ideal or Murray McMurray.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

No I wasn't going to order, I was going to buy the full grown versions that occasionally pop up at the feed store.

What kind of chicks?

The only problem with that is that they always have a rooster in there that....I assume should go with the hens with him. I don't have to have a rooster, right?

(Zone 7b)

No you don't have to have a rooster and you will still get eggs. If you just want hens and your getting them at the feed store you may get alot of roosters. You should buy least 10 that way you will be assured of getting a few hens. You can take the roo to the chicken auction or just give them away.
But theres a lady who has hens right over there in social circle she has them in the spring.
When you get ready give me a call and i will give you her number.
She may even have chicks don't know i bought hens from her and shes in the bulletin when she sells.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I'll call you! I don't mind getting some breeding rejects as they will mostly be for the joy of keeping them and a fresh egg or two.

Several times during the summer the little feed store will get pairs or groups of hens with a single rooster in a cage - full grown ones - is that unusual? I don't want the chicks they have- though cute- just the full grown versions, and there are many opportunities I've noticed to buy them already grown.

(Zone 7b)

I must ask are you talking about that little farm store on the way to monroe think it's called family farm. Well they charge too much for their chickens they had a polish rooster for $50 i ask the woman $50 are you serious!
The Lady in social circle ask about $10 per hen Thats a deal.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

YEP! Family Farm and Garden. I'd buy extra food to keep them in business these days....they are very helpful. The lady with the Chihuahuas (my DH bought one out of sorrow for it) that was in trouble down the street from me? She brought me two over-grown pups offering to trade so she could pay a vet for a hole in her geldings' chest, so when I told that lady about it? She packed me up some wormer for that lady (I bought a bag of cheap feed for the horse) and refused payment when I told her the story. She's really a good person. The lady with the Chi's turned out to be stupid and a drug addict, but we tried to help her.

I have never asked a price - and would not until I'm ready to bring some home - but....I'd not have known what would be outrageous! There were some black (?small ones) one day up there I'd have given my eye-teeth for had I been ready....

This message was edited Nov 28, 2008 10:16 PM

(Zone 7b)

I ask the price of a pair of white black tail japs and she said $50 i said i sell mine for $20 to $25 and she got a little UH HUH.
I haven't been there in ages use to buy feed there switched to catcha maverick. They changed owners and i get my feed now at green south.
I raise Bantams and i want to order some wyandottes this spring and some cochins. OOPS sorry you don't know chickens but with time you will learn.

Well i got to get off of here talk to you later and Good Night ^_^

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I know what a Bantam is! The big colorful ones! I think....? I will look up Cochins and Wyandottes!

Night! Thanks for the education!

(Zone 7b)

Your Welcome and Bantams are the little chickens everybody is crazy about. They are not good on giveing you eggs but they make up for that with their cuteness. I got about 50 Old English Game Bantam breeders and will have 150 to 200 in the spring months could be more this year with me ordering.

Well I said i was getting off me and chickens it's just crazy i tell ya it's just crazzzzy......night night

(Zone 6b)

So far, I really like my bantam silkies eggs. They are so cute, and really larger than I thought. Like someone told me online, you just use two instead of one. Gorgeous bright orange yokes, very nice. Much better than store bought.

(Zone 7b)

Jenks I'm sending you a Dmail!

Foley, MO

I have had not only feral cats kill my chickens, but a neighbor's cat as well. The cat came over at night for several days and took out adult chickens each time. It had tore a hole in the screen on the window and only ate the head and neck from each chicken. Cats not only kill an entire bird for a small snack, but also kill for sport. Outside cats are highly destructive in my opinion.

(Zone 7b)

Patchchouli Thank You for this info i had no idea cats would kill an adult chicken.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

wow! that is scary! I am sorry for your loss!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

So sorry to hear about your chickens.Patch. Poor little chickens. {{{hugs}}}

I've lost chicks to barn cats also. This was years ago before I knew the difference between 2" poultry netting and 1". They would scoot in and out of the netting and the cat was more than patient waiting for them.

Foley, MO

Thanks : )

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Are you sure it was a cat? I had skunks do the same thing, bite the head. I lost a dozen half-grown new hampshire reds to a skunk in one night. It ate on 2 or 3, then just bit the others in the head and killed them.

Trapped the skunk the next night and killed it.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Could it possible be a racoon? I would have to actually catch the "cat" and see it in the trap. That is not the usual way for a cat to hunt. But it is very definately the way other predators hunt. I have had chickens killed on my place and a racoon has always ended up in the trap. I never catch the same one twice. Sorry, it doesn't sound like a cat. I hope a cat isn't being unjustly accused.

(Zone 6b)

Strange because I never thought of skunks as being predators, yet I keep reading they like to kill chickens. I would like to see a video of a skunk in action. They really seem so sweet and harmless.

You say opossums too are killers. It's hard for me to imagine them doing it either. They seem so slow. Not saying anyone is mistaken, it just seems strange.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

It really depends where you live what your predators are. We have racoons and fox mostly a long with owls. I can tell what gets my chickens by the way they are killed racoons make a mess and many times don't eat a thing. Sometimes they' re teaching their young to hunt and aren't really hungry. Skunks are true carnivores and usually I don't have to see them I can smell them. Some parts of the country have badgers, minks, etc...but they all carry diseases like rabies. Cats usually attack because they see movement. It COULD be a cat but there are so many other predators that it is likely to be. We did trap the neighbor's dog one time but it was a shitzu!

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