Hi, all. Been gone, what's the buzz? tell me what's a happen

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

I've been sick, doing ok! How does your garden grow??

Thumbnail by LApalms
Keaau, HI

Hey LA, been sick too; can't get over it. Garden grows good; take it easy!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

ooooooww...four letter word..."sick".

Sorry to hear you or anyone has been under the weather. Being generally healthy as a horse my recent bout with surgery has given me a better understanding.

Take care, take care of yourself. Can't do without either of you.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Been dealing with sickness up here too though I managed to avoid majority of it. My mom has a severe sinus infection and conjestion in her lungs. Started out as a cold which my dad brought home. Everyone is slowly getting better. :~) It's just that time of year. :~(

"that time of year" might be a lack of the sunshine vitamin. Have some yoghurt, or drink some milk, calcium, and sit in the sun for only twenty minutes. Several days a week. Don't go get hours and a sunburn, but we need the sunshine vitamin! Vitamin D

"Cold and Flu" season starts once we've been indoors for several months, no? Google, it's true!

No joke. Be well, and have enough!

Melissa, babying a twisted knee, hahahaha!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I twisted my knees too many times to count. So keep babying that knee!! LOL

Hey, LApalms, didn't you get some places in the photo contest? Congratulations!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha LA, didn't know about the photos, well done!

My news is that it drizzled with rain all day yesterday - the FIRST time we have had anything except a sprinkle this year in South Kihei! The garden is basking in happiness, all rinsed off and sparkling clean.

I hope all of you are getting better.

Warmest Aloha.


Whuuups! Boo Boo! PalmBob, not LApalms! Sorry, I am so very goofy at times!

:) Melissa

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Glad to know I'm not the only one, Melissa. You're forgiven.


Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

WE GOT R A I N !!!! Malamola is right, as it cools we gennerally congregate indoors more, being exposed to other little virus'. One thing to correct, c VERY common fallacy, coastal So Cal is NOT temperate climate, Oregon is, South Carolina is. We are tottally sub-tropical (that is "dry-summer subtropical AKA Mediteranean). Meteorlogically speaking. Believe me 1st, it's obvious when your lowest temp in 10 years is 39.7 and that was the one night in 3,650 nights below 42. 2nd, 2 years of college meteorology. People that live here don't even know that and perpetuate the temperate deal. The most amazing thing is people (even here call L.A. basin a desert! WRONG). All they have to do is drive over the mountains and see the DRAMATIC difference of the desert, creosote bush, ocotillo, numerous cacti, totally different. Lot's of blind people in the world. We average 15" of rain a year. We got 40" in 2004 (OK, 39.9" downtown). Close but no cigar. also the humidity averages 70%. According to the annual meteorlogical conference, a prominent climatologist (from UC Berkely) stated that if coastal So Cal was a desert it would be the wettest desert in the world. A desert is a place that receives 5" to 10" maximum a year (acording to various opinions). Average humidity would be 10-30%. Trick question for all- what is the biggest desert in the world? answer later........ Molamola and Lou, I think I'm in love. Forgive me for the localized digression, but I find it fun and educational. Probably like you all, I want to know everything. I want to know about all your climates and those little micro climates. I hold my head in shame as I didn't take a picture, rather than stole it. I shall post anothe stolen pic (public pic of course, not copywrited) maybe Laguna beach? Paradise from heaven.
So gang, we get the todays question the largets desert in the world........... Antartica! suprise. Less than 5-10" of precip and 0% humidity which of course liquid moisture is unavalable in temps below freezing.The films of the snow blowing are almost all ground ice picked up by 75mph winds. Sure the ice pack is deep, that's millions of years of SMALL amounts of snow precip. I hope I didn't bore any ony, bless you all!

Thumbnail by LApalms
Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Stupid pic, heres the one.......

Thumbnail by LApalms
Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

P.S. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_angeles

Thumbnail by LApalms

madsci.org says: "Antarctica is clearly the largest desert on
Earth. The reason you do not often see it listed along with hot deserts
is mainly, I suspect, just that people think of deserts as hot."

The largest 'hot' desert is the 3.5 million square mile Sahara, that's right big.

I used to visit my friend in SoCal, LA area, and it always rained. I think Orange County is a cool, drizzly place, was every time I was there, even tho' Susan would be hopping up and down squeaking, "It NEVER rains this time of year!!!"

And it's not so much that we're indoors more in "Cold and Flu" season, there are plenty of crowded, airconditioned places in the summer, if it were only a matter of closeness. But we're indoors out of sunlight in cold, short-day weather, all bundled up when we do venture outside. Lack of the sunshine vitamin, D, has been proven to make one much more susceptable to bugs. Someone even theorized that (Ignore this if you're a Creationist) as folks moved from Africa north, skin pigment was lost, as it blocks the absorbsion of D. I know those folks who visit the Caribbean from northern Europe are so white that they're blue! Their legs are lighter than the beach sand, haha.

OK, blablabla.

Be well, and always have enough.

Melissa :)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Melissa, I love the phrase and the thought....I wish for you..Enough.

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Malomalo, It does not rain AT ALL between May thru October in So Cal. You will not see a DROP of rain. Thus the DRY SUMMER moniker. Your friend is correct, you are in the wrong season. Yesterday we had 3 " of rain, the first sice Feb. of 2008. The only exception being a hurricane off the coast, possibly measuring a tenth of an inch in July. VERY rare. http://www.abssocal.org/tropicalbamboo.html oh,oh it's picture time......... So Cal Bambooooooooo

Thumbnail by LApalms

That's why Susan would be going nuts.

This was more than thirty years ago. She's a native of SoCal, and we met when we were 19, in Washington DC when she was there for a job. She went home, and I'd go visit, maybe four or five times over the next ten years. In the seventies. I'd visit in summer, and it was invariably cool, gray overcast, with occasional rain showers. She was always freaking out, "It NEVER rains this time of year!!!!" But it did!

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Hmmm ... I think you need to come back to SoCal so we can get some more of that much needed rain.

Sorry, can't handle the place. Actually, I wonder why anyone lives there! lol

Susan has wanted to move all her life, but it'd take a personal disaster to crowbar her away, she's too passive. At least she's no longer working at LAX, the airport, and commuting from Thousand Oaks!!

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

OUCH Perhaps it's the snow capped mountains and the sking an hour away, perhaps the one of the most exciting cities in the world, perhaps the haevenly beaches, maybe the magnificent deserts, possiblbly the most perfect weather in the world, the lights, the shows, the nightlife second to none, maybe it's Huntington Gardens, the LA county aboretum, the cusine 2nd to none, or the mountains that plunge into the ocean from 5000', gee, beats me why I dislike it here. Your friend is right, it is FULL ON SUN from April to November. Many people will testify that as a fact. Wikipedia:Los Angeles has a Mediterranean climate or Dry-Summer subtropical zone (Köppen climate classification Csb on the coast, Csa inland). Los Angeles receives plenty of sunshine throughout the year, with 263 sunshine days and only 35 wet days annually. Try to avoid those 35 days! I love my city. Be nice.

This message was edited Nov 29, 2008 10:52 PM

Thumbnail by LApalms

Teehee, don't get all in a huff.

She never does anything like that!! She's so tired from driving more than 3 hours to work and back, or used to be, that she cleans house, fixes dinner sometimes, and sits home on weekends to relax, hahaha.

Do you go do all that stuff?

Haha, I just took the long way back from the beach, twelve miles instead of ten, over Scenic drive.

But I'll shut up, I wouldn't want but maybe a few more people to move here, haha. It's not easy to be active, takes a lot of energy and drive ,,,, and money.

OK, I'll shut up. I've lived in California, Santa Rosa, I know what it's like.

Took this photo yesterday, really big waves coming in from a stalled cold front. Not usually anywhere near this rough.

Thumbnail by

This is the usual surf at a little cove I visit frequently...

WWhuups, did it again!

Thumbnail by
Keaau, HI

I'm thankful for my country home, where I don't have to think to smile!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

Wow! That's so pretty!

Is that Indian smoke signals over on the mountains?!

Keaau, HI

Thanks Molamola, that's clouds over Mauna Kea!

The photo was taken from an endangered species location, which is pictured below. The plant is laukahi (Plantago hawaiiensis).

Aloha, Dave

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

I guess I got carried away, but I would never say something like " Actually, I wonder why anyone lives there" to anybody! We are civilized here, and we talk about tropical plants, please don't be prejudice of where one lives. Keep LOVE in your heart.

Thumbnail by LApalms
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, looove that picture, I do. What a contrast, snow on the mountains and palm trees in the foreground. Is that real or a photoshop?


Hope your health is better.

Absolutely! I stand reprimanded.

I guess it's that I usually don't understand why people love crowded places. I am a hill billy. All I remember from visiting the States is seven lanes of cars.

The happiest I've ever been was on a little sailboat hunderds of miles out in the Atlantic Ocean. Nothing around but the sky and all that water.


Keaau, HI

If LApalms' palms are Washingtonia filifera they can handle southern temperate weather. What are the mountains in the background?

Everyone has different tastes in where they choose to live; no one is wrong. Beauty can be found everywhere.

I really like the looks of my own backyard!

Aloha, Dave

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That's my kind of yard!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Just gorgeous Dave! I can just imagine walking through it with all the birds singing...
Very cool picture LAPalms!

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Those are the San Gabriel Mountains, tallest is MT San Jacinto at 10,700 feet, They loom over LA. No "photo shop" please.....

Thumbnail by LApalms
(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

What's really cool is when you have a mild Santa Ana condition with a clear blue sky, and the sun shining down on the snow capped mountains - making them look like they're covered in diamonds. Thanks for reminding me. I take the beauty for granted too much of the time.

(San Diego County, California)

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LApalms, your pictures are always so good! Thanks for sharing them with us - the snow covered mountains with the palms are beautiful, and the flower corner is just lovely.

Keaau, HI

Are they Washingtonia palms?

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Yes they are washingtonia and they all still grow so nobody knows how hi they will eventually get (maybe they just fall over like sequoias). Braveheartsmom -No picture is as beautiful as you are.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Amen and amen, Don.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh gosh you guys - I don't know where to hang my head....what a very sweet thing to say.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

All this discussion of where people like to live makes me chuckle. I grew up all up and down the coast of California...and I still love it. I have lived for many years in Colorado, and I love it. I have traveled through some of the most beautiful places on our pretty blue planet, and some of the ugliest...and I still love to travel. It is our differences and individual preferences that make us all unique and interesting.

At this time of year, whether you are cold and snowy or bright and shiny...everything is beautiful and hearts are full ... to quote a wiser person from a previous post:

"May we all be granted "enough".


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