That makes me a year older. That could be the only event less than exciting since you all hooked me into this site. I like saying that I put out the open door and many have walked in and out of what ever room I represent. I really think I have received more than I have given. Whatever 99.99% of it was positive. You do not and can not understand how important that fact was to me. I really just wanted to thank you all and guarentee no chincy Christmas Card will follow.


Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Awww, I love chincy Christmas cards!!

Here's wishing you happy and peaceful holidays Doc.

Ain't DG wonderful!!


If you are saving chincy cards I have one we recieved noting a wedding gift. Yep it was computer generated, with no personal note, unsigned and in an unsealed envelop to save a penny. I'm saving it for a 50/50 chance they don't make it. At that time I will put a personal note on it, seal it and send it back to the guy in the mix. Have not seen or heard from them since the chincy wedding.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

And much thanks to you, Doc for sharing your 2 cents with us! They have been pennies from heaven!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

It's genius!!! The 'frugal' twosome is hoping you'll do just that! That way, they can send their SINCERE THANKS for another go 'round! Now, if they can just figure a way to get YOU to send it on to the next recipient ---all will be perrrrrfect!

I got a Christmas card once that obviously had once been a two fold card.. it had the message side of the card cut off -- and the enterprising person used the front and addressed the back and recycled it as a postcard. Ingenious! I didn't mind at all. I love my mother!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

doc--your knowledge shared is worth so much to DG and our local group. 2 cents from you is worth 2 dollars/20/200 from other sources.
I almost had myself a life threatening event thinking you meant you were quitting DG after this one year.!


I think I would be a pretty sick puppy to leave DG and the many fine folks who tippy toe through these tulips.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I reflect Sally's post, I had to read it a few times and wait for others to respond.
Doc, I'm glad you have joined us and you give me a lot to consider every time you post.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Your experiences and wise words are greatly appreciated.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Doc, I have enjoyed reading your posts and sharing of knowledge. I am glad that DG holds a special spot for you because I think we all enjoy having you here. Congratulations on a year well-spent!! You are one of "us!!"

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Whew thought I was having a moment there...glad to know you're celebrating 1 year and not giving an exit speech. YOU have been such a're knowledge is priceless - we have all benefited by your joining our DG family of plant nuts!!!! Hugs!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Happy Anniversary Doc, You have brought much to our DG group. We are glad you found your way here.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Too bad we're so spread out, but then too good we can converge in DG

Central, VA(Zone 7b)


You reminded me that my subscription is about to have its first anniversary as well. You are right. Whatever it cost, it's well worth the investment. I've stopped getting many of the magazines (gardening mostly). They start piling up alarmingly after a couple of months if you are saving them for some gardening idea or article. I tried taking some to the doctor's office, but otherwise it was hard to part with them. At first I was getting the jitters at the check out aisle and admit to having purchased (at full price-ouch) a couple of Horticultures or Garden Designs, but I've got it pretty much under control now thanks to DG. I can come in here and look at the real gardens (sometimes you can even see a hose or a kid's toy left behind in the picture) of real people, and even get to ask questions. I just love this place! I will definitely re-up when the reminder comes. Happy Anniversary.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Big ole Happy Anniversary to you as well glad you've joined us!!!

Crozet, VA

I think that Doc's sentiments are felt by many of us.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Let me chime in a "me too" here!

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