I got the cutest chicken hat today...

Clarkson, KY

Maybe you can sell some to pay for next term?!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

hehehe...not a bad idea!

(Zone 7b)

Free Range Eggs are really selling well people have started looking for more natural food. My neighbor can't keep up with how many folks want his eggs. At $2 a dozen if you had enough hens you could really make some money.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Can DH do an addition?

Newton, AL

Harmony, I am selling eggs for $2.50 a dozen and can't get enough eggs to pay for feed. I sell, 18 -20 dozen a week.Winter is really hard. I am shelling out about $350.00 a month in chicken feed and extra for bread from the bread store for fattening up purposes. I try to put extra fat on them to keep them warm in the winter. I sell all the eggs I get. None left for friends and family. We eat the little girls eggs. Too small to sell. I hope that I will have enough this spring to pay for the feed. This is brutal paying for all this feed. But you are right. Eggs are flying off the shelf if they are free range and as close to organic as possible.

Clarkson, KY

I think most of us could get 3. We recently upped to 2.50 for feed but it's still less than the decent-ish types at Wally World.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Farm eggs are $5 a dozen here. I'm so sick of living in places where things are overpriced!

I am in love with the chicken hats and will need one. How do I order? I'm not in a rush, it's not a xmas gift.

(Zone 7b)

$5 A Dozen!! You Dmail Claire and she will give you the information on the hat.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

You must be near Seattle? Its only 3-4 a dozen down here in the Vancouver area...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here I know some people selling them for $3 a dozen. I sell for $2 a dozen right now but will be putting the price up in spring when we start selling more. At $2/dozen, it doesn't cover feed costs. Feed has gone up a lot. If you harvest your own grain and do your own mixing, it might be enough to cover it. I'm not sure.

Yes, send me a d-mail and give me a real e-mail address and I will send you the hat order form, which is an excel spreadsheet, because she needs head measurement and then you need to say what colors you like for the feet and comb and stuff, and all those other details. I will be happy to pass along an order to Sarah!


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I think you should raise your prices. I pay more for fresh eggs because they are so yummy and I think consumers understand that you need to cover your costs. Organic eggs range are about $3.50 at the market/$4 at the store.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I think home grown eggs should be more than the "free range" eggs in the store. Here at Wallyworld I think the free range are near $4 a doz. If/when I ever get eggs to sell.. they won't be cheap! I have too many people to share with before sales.. (in return for the land, my mom, etc.) There is a guy down the street selling eggs.. I've gotta go see what he is getting..

Missouri City, TX

Sorry, I'm late to this thread, but had a picture of a chicken hat to share.

The Wurstfest in New Braunfels, TX is one of the largest German festivals in the USA. The "Chicken Dance" is a favorite and every band plays it at least once per set, so chicken hats, and chicken beaks are popular wearing apparel.

This one was unique - a cowbot hat on the chicken hat on a real cowbot hat.
Of course, the chicken has a mug of beer in its wing.

Thumbnail by Bubba_MoCity
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

whoooo hoooo that's a Stampede Hat for sure! Thanks for sharing Bubba.

(Zone 7b)

I never knew there were so many chicken hats LOL thanks Bubba!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Lazy, I'm in Langley on Whidbey Island. When I first moved here 7 years ago, they were in the $3 - $3.50 range and hard to find. Now there are a lot more people selling them and virtually everyone is charging $5.

Gas is still up in the $2.30 - $2.50 range too.

All the merchants here moan and groan to 'buy local' but they shoot themselves in the foot with their high prices and their ridiculous excuses why the prices have to be so high. Excuse me, but there are many remote locations in the world and they don't all gouge their customers.

A lot of the people selling eggs are just selling their excess eggs. At the farmer's markets, many vendors, including craft vendors, will have a sign out to sell eggs - they only have 1 or 2 cartons and they go fast. So it's not like they're in the egg business with high feed costs, etc. I do understand the need to cover costs!

I have seen a lot of big price leaps in the past 3-4 years here - not only eggs but in farm stand flowers, coffee drinks, crafts, etc.

I have a lot of respect for the merchants who are keeping their prices affordable. And guess what - they are the ones doing the best!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

That chicken is wearing lederhosen! NOW THAT IS FUNNY! Thanks Bubba

I am with ZZ. I dont get enough yet to sell. I may never really. I am only equipt to handle maz 17 chickens. :( (unless DH does put up the addition.) hehehe My DH eats the eggs as fast as I collect them. He is home ALL day now! There goes all my screwing around time. LOL ;)
But if I did sell them, I believe the average for farm fresh , homegrown eggs is 3 or 3.50ish.

Clarkson, KY

It varies a great deal around the nation. The places where people think they can just go out and buy fresh produce (out in the country, or near it) generally go for $2-3. Where people know and experience how hard it is to find 'real' food it's generally nearer $4, give or take.(closer to urban areas or urbanites -I wouldn't be surprised to see $6 in the bigbugger cities) Just my experience here. Given a generally poor view of city laws and what it takes to sell near urban areas, I think this probably approaches averaging out. Until feed prices go down significantly, $3/ doz sounds about right to me. $2.50 for the feed etc, .50 for the washing, carton, and effort.

Newton, AL

Hey guys, is everyone else being asked to send a second check to cover postage for the hats? I thought that the $20.00each, and I ordered 3 hats, covered postage too. or at least if it didn't, The postage should have been discussed before hand so a second check would not have to mailed out. Just a thought for the future and for anyone else who orders a hat.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hi InnBetween,

I'm sorry that wasn't clear. My 5th post on this thread says:

"So here is the best thing...she will custom make hats! And they are only $20, which I thought was a good deal. Plus shipping, but they are very lightweight."

I thought that the "plus shipping" was clear that it was extra. In the first d-mails that I sent, which I think were the ones that you didn't get, I said that she was going to let you know when your hats were finished, and that you should wait to send payment until then, because then she would give you the full price with postage. I think because you didn't get the original dmails, that information got lost somewhere.

If you feel that I have been at fault here, please let me know the postage and I will gladly cover it for you. I don't want you to feel that you were not fully informed.


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Sarah had emailed me and told me to wait until she'd finished it, and when she did she emailed me with the total. I'll bet she meant to let you know that, too, Inn, or probably thought she did.

Newton, AL

no problem with the postage, just wanted everyone to know that the postage needed to be worked out ahead of time so you don't have to mail two checks. These hats are a steal at almost anyprice. They are fabulous. Sarah contacted me and we worked it out. She is a very nice lady. She could have a real cottage business here.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I told her she already has a DG customer base! I sent a friend a picture and have ordered a hat for her, too.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I love the hat, it's hilarious! While at a poultry exhibit I noticed a rooster hat on the raffle table.. Couldn't resist a whack at it, so I put several tickets in the bag with the corresponding number as the hat......... And guess what!!

LOL, I won it!!

There is a button on the wing, which when pressed delivers 3 rather loud rr-r-rrr-rr-rooooo(s), while wings flap!!!

My DS Ben is modeling it here:

This message was edited Dec 18, 2008 2:05 PM

Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oooooh! How CUTE!!!! I love it! Congrats on winning it! And your son looks so cute in it too! Too bad you can't make a little recording of it's noise. That would be so funny!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Great hat! What a hoot! I mean cockadoodledoo!
Your son is too cute! Who knew there were so many cute poultry hats out there!
Thanks for sharing!!!

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