Chantell's pig's ears

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I saw a plant that looked like it today at Lowes, a group of succulents that all had labels stuck right on the pots with Latin names and detaile info- (for once)
The pigs ear was labeled Kalanchoe feldtschenkoi (sp?) like this, altho this may be a selected variety.
Not frost hardy- so if I leave it in my new little succulent place I may lose that piece, but have a big one saved inside of course. Near the bricks to the right of the Aloe, which may freeze too. But I can replace in spring.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOVE that plant...mine put on all kinds of growth over the summer...reminds's still outside...yikes!! Note to self: bring indoors TONITE!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

yup, mine grew super this summer too. I'll have it a long time. While at Lowes I had to still my clearance jitters by picking up a one dollar Echevaria something cute and ruffley with pink edges, and a tiny living stones sorta- like thing--dang, pictures in other camera. Sadly passed up a cool 50 cent Haworthia cuz the bits of green were rotted undeneath and thought beyond hope.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

GO very easy on the watering of that living stone...they're great plants but IMHO a tad temperamental. LOVE those "ruffley" things....LOL They're so pretty

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I have looked at those pigs ears a couple of times they are an attractive plant. Are they easy to propagate, maybe you or Chantell could start me some? ;}

Sally, You would love my Hobby Greenhouse meetings. People donate plants for the raffle table and the club sells tickets most everyone comes away with something. Last meeting my $5 worth of tickets gleaned me a purple stem taro, banana, orchid and a broad leaf creeping phlox. I usually only get $2-4 worth of tickets but at this meeting they had 3 huge fresh made Christmas wreaths so I spent a few extra $$

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly - I'm happy to send you up some cuttings...just plop em in some well draining soil some place warm and they'll root up just like a sedum would for you.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thank you Chantell, I'll take some anytime next spring swap would be fine.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just remind me please. It's a great and easy plant!!

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